Sfoglia per Afferenza Dipartimento di Economia Aziendale
An integrated approach between Lean and Customer Feedback tools: an empirical study in the Public Sector
2013-01-01 Di Pietro, Laura; Guglielmetti Mugion, Roberta; Renzi, Maria Francesca
The Integrated Model on Mobile Payment Acceptance (IMMPA): An empirical application to public transport
2015-01-01 DI PIETRO, Laura; GUGLIELMETTI MUGION, Roberta; Mattia, G; Renzi, Maria Francesca; Toni, Martina
Integrated reporting: A structured literature review
2016-01-01 Dumay, John; Bernardi, Cristiana; Guthrie, James; Demartini, Paola
“Integrated Reporting: is it useful for Socially Responsible Investors?”
2014-01-01 Bernardi, Cristiana; Demartini, Paola; Paoloni, Mauro
“Integrating Intellectual Capital and sustainability reporting: a review of the current academic debate”
2014-01-01 Bernardi, Cristiana; Demartini, Paola
Integrating qualitative and quantitative tools for measuring customer satisfaction in the museum: the NetMuse CS Model
2013-01-01 DI PIETRO, Laura; GUGLIELMETTI MUGION, Roberta; Renzi, Maria Francesca; Toni, Martina
Integrating strategic planning and performance management in universities: a multiple case-study analysis
2022-01-01 Biondi, Lucia; Russo, Salvatore
Integration between ISO 9000 and ISO 1400: opportunities and limits
2000-01-01 Renzi, Maria Francesca
Integration between the territory indicator of VIVA project and the social LCA analysis for the wine sector
2018-01-01 Acampora, A.; Arcese, G.; Merli, R.; Preziosi, M.; Montauti, C.
The Integration of Circular Economy in the Tourism Industry: A Framework for the Implementation of Circular Hotels
2021-01-01 Sgambati, Martina; Acampora, Alessia; Martucci, Olimpia; Lucchetti, Maria Claudia
Integrazione dei Sistemi Qualità e Ambiente conformi alle norme ISO 9000 e ISO 14000
2000-01-01 Renzi, Maria Francesca
L'integrazione della funzione finanziaria nella strategia della piccola impresa
1988-01-01 Previati, Daniele Angelo
"Integrazione tra un impianto a ciclo combinato e un impianto solare termodinamico: il caso Archimede"
2004-01-01 Martucci, Olimpia
Integrazione tra un impianto a ciclo combinato e un impianto solare termodinamico:il progetto Archimende -XXI Congresso nazionale di merceologia - Foggia, settembre 2004
2004-01-01 Martucci, Olimpia
“Intellectual Capital and sustainability: towards an Integrated Reporting – Recent developments and emerging issues”
2013-01-01 Paoloni, Mauro; Bernardi, Cristiana; Demartini, Paola
"Intellectual Capital and Bank Performance in Europe"
2013-01-01 Gigante, Gimede
Intellectual Capital and Bank Performance, Key Issues Related to Intellectual Capital Disclosure
2010-01-01 Gigante, Gimede; Previati, D.
"Intellectual capital and bank performance: key issues related to the intellectual capital disclosure"
2012-01-01 Gigante, Gimede; Previati, D.
Intellectual capital and banking's performance in the italian banking
2010-01-01 Gigante, Gimede; Previati, Daniele Angelo
Intellectual capital and financial performance. Evidences from Italian firms
2017-01-01 Demartini, Paola; Cesaroni, Francesca Maria; DEL BALDO, Mara; Paoloni, Paola
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