Sfoglia per Afferenza Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica
Universally going-down integral domains
1984-01-01 Dobbs David, E.; Fontana, Marco
Universally incomparable ring-homomorphisms
1984-01-01 Dobbs David, E.; Fontana, Marco
Unlikely intersections in families of abelian varieties and the polynomial Pell equation
2020-01-01 Barroero, F.; Capuano, L.
Unlikely intersections in products of families of elliptic curves and the multiplicative group
2017-01-01 Barroero, Fabrizio; Capuano, Laura
Unlikely intersections of curves with algebraic subgroups in semiabelian varieties
2023-01-01 Barroero, F.; Kuhne, L.; Schmidt, H.
Unraveling the mystery of digging adaptation of Mesoscalops montanensis by means of geometric morphometrics and finite element analysis
2014-01-01 Sansalone, G.; Teresi, Luciano; Moscato, M.; Cox, T.; Kotsakis, Anastassios; Loy, A.; Colangelo, P.; Kawada, S.; Profico, A.; Eng, R.; Piras, P.
Unrest episodes at Campi Flegrei: a reconstruction of vertical ground movements during 1905-2009
2010-01-01 DEL GAUDIO, C; Aquino, I; RICCIARDI G., P; Ricco, C; Scandone, Roberto
Unveiling energy pathways in AGN accretion flows with the warm corona model for the soft excess
2024-01-01 Ballantyne, D R; Sudhakar, V; Fairfax, D; Bianchi, S; Czerny, B; De Rosa, A; De Marco, B; Middei, R; Palit, B; Petrucci, P-O; Różańska, A; Ursini, F
Unveiling multiple AGN activity in galaxy mergers
2017-01-01 DE ROSA, Alessandra; Bianchi, Stefano; Bogdanović, T.; Decarli, R.; Heidt, J.; Herrero Illana, R.; Husemann, B.; Komossa, S.; Kun, E.; Loiseau, N.; Guainazzi, Matteo; Paragi, Z.; Perez Torres, M.; Piconcelli, E.; Schawinski, K.; Vignali, C.
Unveiling the broad band X-ray continuum and iron line complex in Mrk 841
2007-01-01 Petrucci, Po; Ponti, G; Matt, Giorgio; Longinotti, Al; Malzac, J; Mouchet, M; Boisson, C; Maraschi, L; Nandra, K; Ferrando, P.
Unveiling the digging adaptations in Proscalopidae humerus by means of comparative 3D finite element analysis
2013-01-01 Sansalone, G.; Teresi, Luciano; Cox, T.; Moscato, M.; Kotsakis, Anastassios
Unveiling the evolution of type I AGNs in the IR (15 mu m) - As seen by ISO in the ELAIS-S1 region
2002-01-01 Matute, I; LA FRANCA, Fabio; Gruppioni, C; Pozzi, R; Lari, C.
Unveiling the nature of the highly obscured active galactic nucleus in NGC 5643 with XMM-Newton
2004-01-01 Guainazzi, M; Rodriguez Pascual, P; Fabian, Ac; Iwasawa, K; Matt, Giorgio
Un’analisi sociologica: le musiciste nella storia e nella lotta per i diritti sociali
2019-01-01 Milena, Gammaitoni; Ercolini, MARIA PIA; Angela, Milell; Capasso, Livia; Andrea, Zennaro; Loretta, Campagna; Barbara, Belotti
Un’introduzione storica alla Teoria della Divisibilità nei Domini Integri
2003-01-01 Gabelli, Stefania
Up, down, strange and charm quark masses with N-f=2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD
2014-01-01 Carrasco, N; Deuzeman, A; Dimopoulos, P; Frezzotti, R; Gimenez, V; Herdoiza, G; Lami, P; Lubicz, Vittorio; Palao, D; Picca, E; Reker, S; Riggio, L; Rossi, Gc; Sanfilippo, F; Scorzato, L; Simula, S; Tarantino, Cecilia; Urbach, C; Wenger, U.
Update of the Unitarity Triangle Analysis
2010-01-01 Bevan A., J; Bona, M; Ciuchini, M; Derkach, D; Franco, E; Lubicz, Vittorio; Martinelli, G; Parodi, F; Pierini, M; Schiavi, C; Silvestrini, L; Sordini, V; Stocchi, A; Tarantino, Cecilia; Vagnoni, V.
Update of the Unitarity Triangle Analysis
2009-01-01 Tarantino, Cecilia
Updated results from the nu(tau) appearance search in NOMAD RID B-6634-2009 RID C-6672-2008
2000-01-01 Astier, P; Autiero, D; Baldisseri, A; Baldo Ceolin, M; Ballocchi, G; Banner, M; Bassompierre, G; Benslama, K; Besson, N; Bird, I; Blumenfeld, B; Bobisut, F; Bouchez, J; Boyd, S; Bueno, A; Bunyatov, S; Camilleri, L; Cardini, A; Cattaneo, Pw; Cavasinni, V; Cervera Villanueva, A; Collazuol, G; Conforto, G; Conta, C; Contalbrigo, M; Cousins, R; Daniels, D; Degaudenzi, H; Del Prete, T; De Santo, A; Dignan, T; Di Lella, L; Silva, Ede; Dumarchez, J; Ellis, M; Feldman, Gj; Ferrari, R; Ferrere, D; Flaminio, V; Fraternali, M; Gaillard, Jm; Gangler, E; Geiser, A; Geppert, D; Gibin, D; Gninenko, S; Godley, A; Gomez Cadenas, Jj; Gosset, J; Gossling, C; Gouanere, M; Grant, A; Graziani, G; Guglielmi, A; Hagner, C; Hernando, J; Hubbard, D; Hurst, P; Hyett, N; Iacopini, E; Joseph, C; Juget, F; Kirsanov, M; Klimov, O; Kokkonen, J; Kovzelev, A; Krasnoperov, A; Kuznetsov, Ve; Lacaprara, S; Lachaud, C; Lakic, B; Lanza, A; La Rotonda, L; Laveder, M; Letessier Selvon, A; Levy, Jm; Linssen, L; Ljubicic, A; Long, J; Lupi, A; Marchionni, A; Martelli, F; Mechain, X; Mendiburu, Jp; Meyer, Jp; Mezzetto, M; Mishra, Sr; Moorhead, Gf; Nedelec, P; Nefedov, Y; Nguyen Mau, C; Orestano, Domizia; Pastore, F; Peak, Ls; Pennacchio, E; Pessard, H; Petti, R; Placci, A; Polesello, G; Pollmann, D; Polyarush, A; Popov, B; Poulsen, C; Rebuffi, L; Rico, J; Roda, C; Rubbia, A; Salvatore, F; Schahmaneche, K; Schmidt, B; Sevior, M; Sillou, D; Soler, Fjp; Sozzi, G; Steele, D; Steininger, M; Stiegler, U; Stipcevic, M; Stolarczyk, T; Tareb Reyes, M; Taylor, Gn; Tereshchenko, V; Toropin, A; Touchard, Am; Tovey, Sn; Tran, Mt; Tsesmelis, E; Ulrichs, J; Vacavant, L; Valdata Nappi, M; Valuev, V; Vannucci, F; Varvell, Ke; Veltri, M; Vercesi, V; Vieira, Jm; Vinogradova, T; Weber, Fv; Weisse, T; Wilson, Ff; Winton, Lj; Yabsley, Bd; Zaccone, H; Zuber, K; Zuccon, P.
Upper Bound for the Ground State Energy of a Dilute Bose Gas of Hard Spheres
2024-01-01 Basti, Giulia; Cenatiempo, Serena; Giuliani, Alessandro; Olgiati, Alessandro; Pasqualetti, Giulio; Schlein, Benjamin
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autore(i) | File |
Universally going-down integral domains | 1-gen-1984 | Dobbs David, E.; Fontana, Marco | |
Universally incomparable ring-homomorphisms | 1-gen-1984 | Dobbs David, E.; Fontana, Marco | |
Unlikely intersections in families of abelian varieties and the polynomial Pell equation | 1-gen-2020 | Barroero, F.; Capuano, L. | |
Unlikely intersections in products of families of elliptic curves and the multiplicative group | 1-gen-2017 | Barroero, Fabrizio; Capuano, Laura | |
Unlikely intersections of curves with algebraic subgroups in semiabelian varieties | 1-gen-2023 | Barroero, F.; Kuhne, L.; Schmidt, H. | |
Unraveling the mystery of digging adaptation of Mesoscalops montanensis by means of geometric morphometrics and finite element analysis | 1-gen-2014 | Sansalone, G.; Teresi, Luciano; Moscato, M.; Cox, T.; Kotsakis, Anastassios; Loy, A.; Colangelo, P.; Kawada, S.; Profico, A.; Eng, R.; Piras, P. | |
Unrest episodes at Campi Flegrei: a reconstruction of vertical ground movements during 1905-2009 | 1-gen-2010 | DEL GAUDIO, C; Aquino, I; RICCIARDI G., P; Ricco, C; Scandone, Roberto | |
Unveiling energy pathways in AGN accretion flows with the warm corona model for the soft excess | 1-gen-2024 | Ballantyne, D R; Sudhakar, V; Fairfax, D; Bianchi, S; Czerny, B; De Rosa, A; De Marco, B; Middei, R; Palit, B; Petrucci, P-O; Różańska, A; Ursini, F | |
Unveiling multiple AGN activity in galaxy mergers | 1-gen-2017 | DE ROSA, Alessandra; Bianchi, Stefano; Bogdanović, T.; Decarli, R.; Heidt, J.; Herrero Illana, R.; Husemann, B.; Komossa, S.; Kun, E.; Loiseau, N.; Guainazzi, Matteo; Paragi, Z.; Perez Torres, M.; Piconcelli, E.; Schawinski, K.; Vignali, C. | |
Unveiling the broad band X-ray continuum and iron line complex in Mrk 841 | 1-gen-2007 | Petrucci, Po; Ponti, G; Matt, Giorgio; Longinotti, Al; Malzac, J; Mouchet, M; Boisson, C; Maraschi, L; Nandra, K; Ferrando, P. | |
Unveiling the digging adaptations in Proscalopidae humerus by means of comparative 3D finite element analysis | 1-gen-2013 | Sansalone, G.; Teresi, Luciano; Cox, T.; Moscato, M.; Kotsakis, Anastassios | |
Unveiling the evolution of type I AGNs in the IR (15 mu m) - As seen by ISO in the ELAIS-S1 region | 1-gen-2002 | Matute, I; LA FRANCA, Fabio; Gruppioni, C; Pozzi, R; Lari, C. | |
Unveiling the nature of the highly obscured active galactic nucleus in NGC 5643 with XMM-Newton | 1-gen-2004 | Guainazzi, M; Rodriguez Pascual, P; Fabian, Ac; Iwasawa, K; Matt, Giorgio | |
Un’analisi sociologica: le musiciste nella storia e nella lotta per i diritti sociali | 1-gen-2019 | Milena, Gammaitoni; Ercolini, MARIA PIA; Angela, Milell; Capasso, Livia; Andrea, Zennaro; Loretta, Campagna; Barbara, Belotti | |
Un’introduzione storica alla Teoria della Divisibilità nei Domini Integri | 1-gen-2003 | Gabelli, Stefania | |
Up, down, strange and charm quark masses with N-f=2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD | 1-gen-2014 | Carrasco, N; Deuzeman, A; Dimopoulos, P; Frezzotti, R; Gimenez, V; Herdoiza, G; Lami, P; Lubicz, Vittorio; Palao, D; Picca, E; Reker, S; Riggio, L; Rossi, Gc; Sanfilippo, F; Scorzato, L; Simula, S; Tarantino, Cecilia; Urbach, C; Wenger, U. | |
Update of the Unitarity Triangle Analysis | 1-gen-2010 | Bevan A., J; Bona, M; Ciuchini, M; Derkach, D; Franco, E; Lubicz, Vittorio; Martinelli, G; Parodi, F; Pierini, M; Schiavi, C; Silvestrini, L; Sordini, V; Stocchi, A; Tarantino, Cecilia; Vagnoni, V. | |
Update of the Unitarity Triangle Analysis | 1-gen-2009 | Tarantino, Cecilia | |
Updated results from the nu(tau) appearance search in NOMAD RID B-6634-2009 RID C-6672-2008 | 1-gen-2000 | Astier, P; Autiero, D; Baldisseri, A; Baldo Ceolin, M; Ballocchi, G; Banner, M; Bassompierre, G; Benslama, K; Besson, N; Bird, I; Blumenfeld, B; Bobisut, F; Bouchez, J; Boyd, S; Bueno, A; Bunyatov, S; Camilleri, L; Cardini, A; Cattaneo, Pw; Cavasinni, V; Cervera Villanueva, A; Collazuol, G; Conforto, G; Conta, C; Contalbrigo, M; Cousins, R; Daniels, D; Degaudenzi, H; Del Prete, T; De Santo, A; Dignan, T; Di Lella, L; Silva, Ede; Dumarchez, J; Ellis, M; Feldman, Gj; Ferrari, R; Ferrere, D; Flaminio, V; Fraternali, M; Gaillard, Jm; Gangler, E; Geiser, A; Geppert, D; Gibin, D; Gninenko, S; Godley, A; Gomez Cadenas, Jj; Gosset, J; Gossling, C; Gouanere, M; Grant, A; Graziani, G; Guglielmi, A; Hagner, C; Hernando, J; Hubbard, D; Hurst, P; Hyett, N; Iacopini, E; Joseph, C; Juget, F; Kirsanov, M; Klimov, O; Kokkonen, J; Kovzelev, A; Krasnoperov, A; Kuznetsov, Ve; Lacaprara, S; Lachaud, C; Lakic, B; Lanza, A; La Rotonda, L; Laveder, M; Letessier Selvon, A; Levy, Jm; Linssen, L; Ljubicic, A; Long, J; Lupi, A; Marchionni, A; Martelli, F; Mechain, X; Mendiburu, Jp; Meyer, Jp; Mezzetto, M; Mishra, Sr; Moorhead, Gf; Nedelec, P; Nefedov, Y; Nguyen Mau, C; Orestano, Domizia; Pastore, F; Peak, Ls; Pennacchio, E; Pessard, H; Petti, R; Placci, A; Polesello, G; Pollmann, D; Polyarush, A; Popov, B; Poulsen, C; Rebuffi, L; Rico, J; Roda, C; Rubbia, A; Salvatore, F; Schahmaneche, K; Schmidt, B; Sevior, M; Sillou, D; Soler, Fjp; Sozzi, G; Steele, D; Steininger, M; Stiegler, U; Stipcevic, M; Stolarczyk, T; Tareb Reyes, M; Taylor, Gn; Tereshchenko, V; Toropin, A; Touchard, Am; Tovey, Sn; Tran, Mt; Tsesmelis, E; Ulrichs, J; Vacavant, L; Valdata Nappi, M; Valuev, V; Vannucci, F; Varvell, Ke; Veltri, M; Vercesi, V; Vieira, Jm; Vinogradova, T; Weber, Fv; Weisse, T; Wilson, Ff; Winton, Lj; Yabsley, Bd; Zaccone, H; Zuber, K; Zuccon, P. | |
Upper Bound for the Ground State Energy of a Dilute Bose Gas of Hard Spheres | 1-gen-2024 | Basti, Giulia; Cenatiempo, Serena; Giuliani, Alessandro; Olgiati, Alessandro; Pasqualetti, Giulio; Schlein, Benjamin |
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