Sfoglia per Afferenza Dipartimento di Scienze
The role of asbestos morphology on their cellular toxicity: an in vitro 3D Raman/Raley imaging study
2013-01-01 Seydou, Y; Chen, Hh; Harte, E; DELLA VENTURA, Giancarlo; Petibois, C.
The role of extensional structures on experimental calderas and resurgence
2004-01-01 Acocella, Valerio; Funiciello, R; Marotta, E; Orsi, G; DE VITA, S.
The role of extensional tectonics at different crustal levels on granite ascent and emplacement: an example from Tuscany (Italy)
2002-01-01 Acocella, Valerio; Rossetti, Federico
The role of extensional tectonics at different crustal levels on granite ascent and emplacement: an example from Tuscany (Italy)
2002-01-01 V., Acocella; Rossetti, Federico
The role of fatty acid esters chain length on the antioxidant capacity of hydroxytyrosyl esters and their analogues. Polar paradox or cut-off effect?
2010-01-01 Tofani, Daniela; Balducci, V; Bernini, R; Crisante, F; Barontini, M; Gasperi, Tecla; Gambacorta, Augusto
The role of fault surface geometry in the evolution of the fault deformation zone: comparing modeling with field example from the Vignanotica normal fault (Gargano, Southern Italy).
2013-01-01 Maggi, Matteo; Cianfarra, Paola; Salvini, Francesco
The role of magma chamber asymmetrical shape on deformation processes and magma intrusion in analogue models of resurgent calderas.
2004-01-01 Marotta, E.; Acocella, Valerio; DE VITA, S.; Funiciello, Renato; Orsi, G.
The role of NBN protein in cell homeostasis: proteomic identification of the interactors of NBN and of its fragments arising from the pathological 657del5 founder mutation
2013-01-01 Cilli, D; Mirasole, C; Pallotta, V; D’Alessandro, A; Zolla, L; Ascenzi, Paolo; DI MASI, Alessandra
The role of post-natal ontogeny in the evolution of phenotypic diversity in Podarcis lizards
2011-01-01 Piras, P; Salvi, D; Ferrara, G; Maiorino, Leonardo; Delfino, M; Pedde, L; Kotsakis, Anastassios
The role of pre-existing structures in Quaternary extensional tectonics of the Southern Apennines, Italy: the Boiano Basin case history
2000-01-01 Corrado, Sveva; DI BUCCI, D; Naso, G; Valensise, G.
The role of pre-existing structures in the origin, propagation and architecture of faults in the Main Ethiopian rift
2004-01-01 Korme, T; Acocella, Valerio; Abebe, B.
The role of slabs and oceanic plate geometry in the net rotation of the lithosphere, trench motions, and slab return flow
2012-01-01 Gerault, M; Becker, Tw; Kaus, Bjp; Faccenna, Claudio; Moresi, L; Husson, L.
The role of the lithospheric stiffness and plate ageing on trench kinematics: insights from numerical models
2008-01-01 DI GIUSEPPE, E; VAN HUNEN, J; Funiciello, Francesca; Faccenna, C; Giardini, D.
The role of the Pernicana Fault System in the spreading of Mt. Etna (Italy) during the 2002-2003 eruption
2004-01-01 Neri, M; Acocella, Valerio; Behncke, B.
The role of transfer structures on volcanic activity at Campi Flegrei (Southern Italy)
1999-01-01 Acocella, Valerio; Salvini, Francesco; Funiciello, R; Faccenna, Claudio
- The role of transfer structures on volcanic activity at Campi Flegrei (Southern Italy)
1999-01-01 Acocella, V.; Salvini, Francesco; Funiciello, R.; Faccenna, Claudio
The role of transfer structures on volcanic activity at Campi Flegrei (Southern Italy)
1999-01-01 Acocella, V; Salvini, Francesco; Funiciello, R; Faccenna, C.
The role of two interferon-induced enzymatic activities in erythroid differentiation of Friend cells.
1985-01-01 Rossi, Gb; Affabris, Elisabetta; Romeo, G; Federico, M; Coccia, E; Mechti, N; Lebleu, B.
The Rupe Tarpea: the role of the geology in one of the most important monuments of Rome
2009-01-01 DE RITA, Donatella; Fabbri, M.
The scarab beetles of Turkey: an updated checklist and chorotype analysis (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
2000-01-01 Carpaneto, Giuseppe; Piattella, E; Pittino, R.
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