Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere
'NATO e Russia dopo Maidan: crisi e prospettive'
2016-01-01 Ratti, Luca
A not so special relationship: The U.S., the UK, and German unification
2018-01-01 Ratti, Luca
A not so special relationship: The U.S., the UK, and German unification
2018-01-01 Ratti, Luca
A Not-So-Special Relationship: The US, the UK and German Unification, 1945-1990
2017-01-01 Ratti, Luca
After Maidan: Re–Starting NATO–Russia Relations
2015-01-01 Ratti, Luca
All Aboard the Bandwagon? Structural Realism and Italy's international role
2012-01-01 Ratti, Luca
Back to the Future? International relations theory and NATO-Russia Relations since the end of the Cold War
2009-01-01 Ratti, Luca
Britain, Ost- and Deutschlandpolitik, and the CSCE (1955-1975)
2008-01-01 Ratti, Luca
Britain, the German question, and the CSCE (1955-1975)
2008-01-01 Ratti, Luca
Case Studies in International Security: From the Cold War to the crisis of the New international Order
2018-01-01 Ratti, Luca
Changing Perceptions of the Transatlantic Alliance? Italy, France, Germany and NATO since the end of the Cold War
2011-01-01 Ratti, Luca
Conclusion: NATO's retrenchment?
2013-01-01 Ratti, Luca; Hallams, E; Zyla, B.
Defence Policy
2004-01-01 Ratti, Luca
Foreign Policy
2004-01-01 Ratti, Luca
From partnership to confrontation? The Atlantic Alliance and the Russian Federation from the NATO-Russia Council to the Georgian conflict
2008-01-01 Ratti, Luca
H-Diplo Roundtable XVII, 26 on NATO and Western Perceptions of the Soviet Bloc. Alliance analysis and reporting, 1951-69
2016-01-01 Ratti, Luca
Il Dialogo NATO-Russia a 50 anni dal rapporto Harmel
2017-01-01 Ratti, Luca
Il perimetro esterno dell'Alleanza: l'art. 6 del Patto Atlantico dalla Guerra fredda al Ventunesimo secolo
2023-01-01 Ratti, Luca
International Relations Theory and NATO’s Post-Cold War Path: an Ongoing Debate
2017-01-01 Ratti, Luca
2018-01-01 Ratti, Luca