Dipartimento di Economia Aziendale
Business Planning in Biobanking: How to Implement a Tool for Sustainability
2017-01-01 Ciaburri, Mirella; Napolitano, Mariarosaria; Bravo, Elena
CSR reporting and ownership structure: Evidence from Italian listed companies
2020-01-01 Fortuna, Fabio; Ciaburri, Mirella; Testarmata, Silvia; Tiscini, Riccardo
Does ESG Disclosure Influence Firm Performance?
2022-01-01 Pulino, Silvia; Ciaburri, Mirella; Magnanelli Barbara, Sveva; Nasta, Luigi
Female CEOs and firm performance during COVID-19 pandemic: An empirical analysis of Italian-listed firms
2023-01-01 Ciaburri, Mirella; Tiscini, Riccardo; Sveva Magnanelli, Barbara; Nasta, Luigi
Female CEOs facing challenges during Covid-19 pandemic: Differences in family and non-family firms
2023-01-01 Sveva Magnanelli, Barbara; Ciaburri, Mirella; Nasta, Luigi; Tiscini, Riccardo
Financial Statements Frauds: Does Their Intensity Have a Connection with Earnings Management?
2020-01-01 Ciaburri, Mirella; Fortuna, Fabio; Sveva Magnanelli, Barbara; Raoli, Elisa
From profits to purpose: ESG practices, CEO compensation and institutional ownership
2024-01-01 Nasta, Luigi; Magnanelli, Barbara Sveva; Ciaburri, Mirella
Harmonization of Non-Financial Reporting Regulation in Europe: a Study of the Transposition of the Directive 2014/95/EU
2020-01-01 Ciaburri, Mirella; Silvia, Testarmata; Fabio, Fortuna; Silvia, Sergiacomi
Harmonization or Standardization of Non-financial Reporting in European Union: The role of Regulation
2021-01-01 Ciaburri, Mirella; Testarmata, Silvia
La rappresentazione contabile delle operazioni di gestione
2020-01-01 Riccardo, Tiscini; Ciaburri, Mirella; Elisa, Raoli
La stima del reddito e approfondimenti su operazioni e rettifiche
2020-01-01 Riccardo, Tiscini; Ciaburri, Mirella
Le imprese familiari e la rischiosità dell'investimento azionario: analisi empirica del listino italiano
2020-01-01 Ciaburri, Mirella
Mandatory Disclosure of Non-financial Information: A Structured Literature Review
2020-01-01 Ciaburri, Mirella; Fortuna, Fabio; Testarmata, Silvia; Sergiacomi, Silvia
Other Relevant Smart Technologies: from Advanced Manufacturing Solutions to Smart Factory
2021-01-01 Testarmata, Silvia; Ciaburri, Mirella
The blockchain as a sustainable business model innovation
2020-01-01 Tiscini, Riccardo; Testarmata, Silvia; Ciaburri, Mirella; Ferrari, Emanuele
The Challenge of Sustainable Development Goal Reporting: The First Evidence from Italian Listed Companies
2020-01-01 Federica Izzo, Maria; Ciaburri, Mirella; Tiscini, Riccardo
The communication of corporate social responsibility practices through social media channels
2018-01-01 Testarmata, Silvia; Fortuna, Fabio; Ciaburri, Mirella
The expert report on the post-merger business plan sustainability: the case of the Italian company law
2015-01-01 Ciaburri, Mirella; Tiscini, Ricardo
The Innovative Forms of Corporate Responsibility Disclosure: The Sustainability Reporting and the Use of Social Media
2015-01-01 Ciaburri, Mirella; Testarmata, Silvia; Fortuna, Fabio
The Use of Social Media in Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure
2015-01-01 Ciaburri, Mirella; Silvia, Testarmata; Fabio, Fortuna