Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in large firms provide major opportunities for obtaining added value by exploiting information as a business resource. Otherwise, there would be less evidence of the process by which small firms (SMEs) invest in, and gain benefit from, information and communication technologies. In order to reap the real benefits of investing in ICT, SMEs should be able to enhance their performance and competitive advantage by taking a more conscious and systematic approach to knowledge management (KM). In fact, KM-activities certainly take place in small companies, but few SME entrepreneur-managers call them “knowledge management” per se. Utilizing the definition of Knowledge Management, or KM, as “the art of creating value by leveraging intangible assets” (Sveiby 1997), which consist of three groups: human capital (employees’ competencies and commitment), external capital (image and external relationships) and organisational capital (internal processes and management of the company), this article explores two main questions: - Does the adoption of ICTs in small firms improve both human and organisational capital? - Does the adoption of ICTs improve SME firms’ image and other external relationships? Empirical evidence concerning use of ICT by a selected sample of Italian SMEs are presented here, and compared with those of other academic studies. The authors’ survey reveals the following: - the main strategic purposes of ICT adoption by SMEs; - the use of ICT in order to develop human capital (entrepreneurs’ and employees’ competencies and commitment); - the use of ICT in order to develop external capital (image, stakeholders relations and partners network). The results from this study suggest that even SMEs who have invested extensively in ICT tools do not adopt a comprehensive approach in their use of these new technologies.
L’adozione delle nuove tecnologie della comunicazione e dell’informazione (note come ICT ) nelle grandi imprese è oramai da alcuni anni un fenomeno diffuso e, nonostante le difficoltà e le resistenze organizzative che il fenomeno ha generato inizialmente, oggi è opinione condivisa dagli studiosi e dagli operatori economici che tali tecnologie consentano di aumentare la produttività aziendale ed accrescere il valore aggiunto della gestione grazie ad un miglior sfruttamento della risorsa “informazione”. Per contro, nelle imprese di minore dimensione, oltre a registrarsi un divario nel grado di diffusione delle tecnologie più complesse, paradossalmente, alcuni ricercatori hanno dimostrato che PMI con sistemi informativi più sofisticati e complessi hanno avuto performance meno soddisfacenti rispetto a PMI dotati di sistemi informativi più elementari. Partendo dalle considerazioni innanzi dette, è sorto nello scrivente la curiosità intellettuale di valutare a quali condizioni l’introduzione delle nuove tecnologie può accrescere il capitale intellettuale (umano, organizzativo e relazionale) delle piccole e medie imprese. In sintesi, dalla ricerca condotta su un campione ragionato di PMI, emerge la consapevolezza da parte degli imprenditori della potenzialità delle ICT di accrescere il bagaglio di informazioni dei singoli lavoratori, mentre ancora non è maturata la consapevolezza che il patrimonio conoscitivo aziendale ha una dimensione fortemente sociale e collettiva e si fonda sulla capacità di modificare il sapere esplicito e codificato in sapere tacito, in parte implicito nelle procedure aziendali e in parte insito nei valori e nella cultura condivisi dai lavoratori che formano l’organismo aziendale. ese.
Demartini, P. (2008). Information and communication technologies e capitale intellettuale nelle piccole e medie imprese. In D.P. CESARONI F. (a cura di), ICT e informazione economico-finanziaria. MILANO : FrancoAngeli.
Information and communication technologies e capitale intellettuale nelle piccole e medie imprese
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in large firms provide major opportunities for obtaining added value by exploiting information as a business resource. Otherwise, there would be less evidence of the process by which small firms (SMEs) invest in, and gain benefit from, information and communication technologies. In order to reap the real benefits of investing in ICT, SMEs should be able to enhance their performance and competitive advantage by taking a more conscious and systematic approach to knowledge management (KM). In fact, KM-activities certainly take place in small companies, but few SME entrepreneur-managers call them “knowledge management” per se. Utilizing the definition of Knowledge Management, or KM, as “the art of creating value by leveraging intangible assets” (Sveiby 1997), which consist of three groups: human capital (employees’ competencies and commitment), external capital (image and external relationships) and organisational capital (internal processes and management of the company), this article explores two main questions: - Does the adoption of ICTs in small firms improve both human and organisational capital? - Does the adoption of ICTs improve SME firms’ image and other external relationships? Empirical evidence concerning use of ICT by a selected sample of Italian SMEs are presented here, and compared with those of other academic studies. The authors’ survey reveals the following: - the main strategic purposes of ICT adoption by SMEs; - the use of ICT in order to develop human capital (entrepreneurs’ and employees’ competencies and commitment); - the use of ICT in order to develop external capital (image, stakeholders relations and partners network). The results from this study suggest that even SMEs who have invested extensively in ICT tools do not adopt a comprehensive approach in their use of these new technologies.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.