The contemporary dimension of terrorism has been analyzed emphasizing its transnational components and the involvement of both public and private actors. This article moves from the definition of the intentional element of the crime as established within a number of domestic criminal systems aimed at preventing and repressing terrorism also by international jurisdictions through the expulsion, the confinement and the extradition of suspected terrorists. The article examines the several specific international Conventions on the topic at issue, as well as the efforts at the elaboration of a global counter-terrorism convention. It also addresses a number of relevant secondary UN instruments and the related political and technical competences of the relevant UN bodies, such as the Secretary General, the Security Council, the International Law Commission and the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism. A preventive approach to terrorism is suggested that, not only should be in conformity with the fundamental principles of international human rights, international humanitarian law, international criminal law and related domestic criminal legislations, but that would be equally balanced with the national and international defence and security concerns and regulation. -
La dimensione contemporanea del terrorismo è oggetto di analisi del presente contributo, mettendo in rilievo le componenti transnazionali ed il coinvolgimento degli attori pubblici e privati. Partendo dalla definizione dell'elemento intenzionale dell'atto terroristico, incluso già in numerosi sistemi nazionali con il fine di prevenire e reprimere il fenomeno mediante strumenti giurisdizionali in funzione dell'espulsione, del confino e dell'estradizione del presunto terrorista, si esaminano i principali accordi internazionali vigenti in materia ed il diritto derivato delle Nazioni Unite (con riferimento ad alcuni organi quali il Segretario generale, il Consiglio di sicurezza, la Commissione di diritto internazionale ed il Relatore speciale competente sul tema). La dimensione preventiva emerge nella sua conformità ai principi fondamentali del diritto internazionale dei diritti umani, del diritto internazionale umanitario, del diritto penale internazionale, nonché alle legislazioni penali nazionali, affinché sia opportunamente bilanciata con l'esigenza della difesa e della sicurezza nazionale ed internazionale. -
Carletti, C. (2012). La dimensione preventiva del contrasto al terrorismo e la protezione internazionale dell'individuo. In Alessandra Lanciotti, Attila Tanzi (a cura di), Uso della forza e legittima difesa nel diritto internazionale contemporaneo (pp. 283-369). Napoli : Jovene.
La dimensione preventiva del contrasto al terrorismo e la protezione internazionale dell'individuo
The contemporary dimension of terrorism has been analyzed emphasizing its transnational components and the involvement of both public and private actors. This article moves from the definition of the intentional element of the crime as established within a number of domestic criminal systems aimed at preventing and repressing terrorism also by international jurisdictions through the expulsion, the confinement and the extradition of suspected terrorists. The article examines the several specific international Conventions on the topic at issue, as well as the efforts at the elaboration of a global counter-terrorism convention. It also addresses a number of relevant secondary UN instruments and the related political and technical competences of the relevant UN bodies, such as the Secretary General, the Security Council, the International Law Commission and the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism. A preventive approach to terrorism is suggested that, not only should be in conformity with the fundamental principles of international human rights, international humanitarian law, international criminal law and related domestic criminal legislations, but that would be equally balanced with the national and international defence and security concerns and regulation. -I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.