Starting with the definition of Christ as Great High Priest in Clo 1, 255-259, the whole work has been examined in order to discover the reasons for the high priestly ministry of Christ. Christ acts as high priest on two levels: as Logos, in the ontological mediation between the Father and rational beings, therefore as man, through the soul of Jesus, having received the priestly unction before the beginning of time to become the intermediary between God and man. The Gnostic Heracleon, takes a similar two-level approach, but with noticeable differences as regards the limits and purpose of the mission of the great high priest saviour. Origen underlines how the saving process comes about according to a plan and an order, corresponding to the merits of the individual, while Heracleon limits the effectiveness of the Saviour’s priesthood to only two human categories (psychic and spiritual) and envisages a predetermined order in salvation. This study reveals the importance of the figure of Christ as high priest in Clo and, more generally, the influence of the Epistle to the Hebrews on Origen’s exegesis of the fourth Gospel.
Partendo dalla definizione del titolo cristologico di gran sacerdote in CIo I,255-259, si sono ricercati motivi sacerdotali in tutta l’opera. Cristo agisce come gran sacerdote su due livelli: come Logos, nella mediazione ontologica che opera tra il Padre e gli esseri razionali, quindi come uomo, attraverso l’anima di Gesù, che ha ricevuto l’unzione sacerdotale fin dalla preesistenza per essere intermediario tra Dio e l’uomo. Un analogo schema su due piani è proposto dallo gnostico Eracleone, ma con notevoli differenze circa i limiti e le finalità della missione del salvatore gran sacerdote: Origene sottolinea, infatti, come il processo salvifico avvenga secondo un piano ed un ordine, corrispondenti ai meriti del singolo, mentre lo gnostico limita l’efficacia del sacerdozio del Salvatore a due sole categorie umane (psichici e spirituali) e prevede un ordine predeterminato nella salvezza. L’analisi condotta fa emergere l’importanza della figura di Cristo gran sacerdote nel CIo e, più in generale, l’influenza dell’Epistola agli Ebrei sull’ esegesi origeniana del Quarto vangelo.
Noce, C. (2005). Cristo gran sacerdote secondo l’ordine di Melchisedech nel Commento a Giovanni. In Prinzivalli E. (a cura di), E.Prinzivalli (a c. di), Il Commento a Giovanni di Origene: il testo e i suoi contesti: atti dell'VIII Convegno di studi del Gruppo italiano di ricerca su Origene e la tradizione alessandrina (pp. 449-461). Villa Verucchio (RN) : Pazzini.
Cristo gran sacerdote secondo l’ordine di Melchisedech nel Commento a Giovanni
Starting with the definition of Christ as Great High Priest in Clo 1, 255-259, the whole work has been examined in order to discover the reasons for the high priestly ministry of Christ. Christ acts as high priest on two levels: as Logos, in the ontological mediation between the Father and rational beings, therefore as man, through the soul of Jesus, having received the priestly unction before the beginning of time to become the intermediary between God and man. The Gnostic Heracleon, takes a similar two-level approach, but with noticeable differences as regards the limits and purpose of the mission of the great high priest saviour. Origen underlines how the saving process comes about according to a plan and an order, corresponding to the merits of the individual, while Heracleon limits the effectiveness of the Saviour’s priesthood to only two human categories (psychic and spiritual) and envisages a predetermined order in salvation. This study reveals the importance of the figure of Christ as high priest in Clo and, more generally, the influence of the Epistle to the Hebrews on Origen’s exegesis of the fourth Gospel.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.