Over the last two decades has been evidenced, in the volcanic aquifer of Lazio, phenomena of marked reduction of spring discharge and in progressive drawdown of piezometric levels. Such phenomena are cause of loss in resources and environmental property and, in case of persistence or uncontrolled increment of the withdrawals, of crisis in the economic systems that on this depends. Through this study, the authors have characterized 17 hydrological river basins and have focused the attention on the presence of areas in which the hydrological equilibriums between the recharge and the loss have been compromised by the use of these resources. Areas referred to different degrees of water stress have been, therefore, characterized, mapped and called critical areas and attention areas. The study, structured in a GIS, has carried to one more homogenous distribution of the hydrological knowledge and of the existing imbalances. Has been possible to carry out calculations of the distributed hydrogeological balance comparing the real withdrawal with the river basin of reference. The appraisal of water consumption has been carried out through: a) the census and the recording of water concessions; b) the appraisal of the withdrawal by the quantification of water demand classes that derive from the analysis of the use of soil in scale 1:10.000; c) the appraisal of withdrawal by quantification of water demand classes defined by the analysis of the ISTAT data. Characterizing elements of the research are: the marking out of the hydrogeologic units, the survey of some thousand of water-point and the monthly acquisition of climatic data of approximately 60 stations over the last twenty years. The distributed balance, together with the comparison between the piezometric “scenary” in the seventy and now a day are the main pointers on which the method adopted for the definition of the critical areas is based. Such method has been developed through the use of a matrix based on seven indices concerning the physical characteristics of the territory, the use of resource and the natural conditions of the recharges. This hydrogeologic study has been considered by the Authorities of River basin that have adopted programmatic lines through the deliberation of safeguard measures. So such norms, in short, push to lead back the withdrawal to a value that concurs a meaningful recovery of the natural drainage.
Nell'ultimo ventennio sono stati evidenziati negli acquiferi vulcanici laziali, fenomeni di marcata riduzione delle portate sorgive e di prograssivo abbattimento dei livelli piezometrici. Tali fenomeni sono causa della perdita di risorse e beni ambientali e, nel caso di persistenza o incremento incontrollato dei prelievi, della crisi dei sistemi socio-economici da essi dipendenti. Attraverso questo studio, gli autori hanno individuato 17 bacini idrogeologici e hanno focalizzato l'attenzione sulla presenza di aree in cui gli equilibri idrogeologici tra ricarica e perdite sono stati compromessi dall'uso che della risorsa viene fatto. Sono state quindi individuate e cartografate aree riconducibili a differenti gradi di stress idrico, denominate aree critiche e aree di attenzione.Lo studio, strutturato in un sistema informativo territoriale, ha portato ad una più omogenea distribuzione delle conoscenze idrogeologiche e degli squilibri esistenti e ha permesso di effettuare calcoli di bilancio idrogeologico distribuito che tengono conto del prelievo reale rispetto al bacino di riferimento. La valutazione del consumo idrico è stata effettuata attraverso: a) il censimento e l'archiviazione delle concessioni idriche; b) la valutazione del prelievo mediante la quantificazione di classi d'idroesigenza che derivano dall'analisi dell'uso del suolo alla scala 1:10.000; c) la valutazione del prelievo mediante la quantificazione di classi d'idroesigenza definite dall'analisi dei dati ISTAT. Gli elementi caratterizzanti della ricerca sono: la delimitazione delle unità idrogeologiche, il rilevamento di alcune migliaia di punti d'acqua e l'acquisizione dei dati climatici mensili di circa 60 stazioni per l'ultimo ventennio. Le analisi di bilancio distribuito, unitamente al confronto tra lo scenario piezometrico alla fine degli anni '70 e l'attuale, costituiscono i principali indicatori su cui si basa il metodo adottato per la definizione delle aree critiche; tale metodo è stato sviluppato mediante l'uso di una matrice basata su sette indici che tengono conto delle caratteristiche fisiche del territorio, dell'utilizzo della risorsa e delle condizioni della ricarica. Questo studio idrogeologico è stato recepito dalle Autorità di Bacino che hanno adottato delle linee programmatiche attraverso la deliberazione di misure di salvaguardia. Tali norme, in sostanza, tendono a ricondurre il prelievo a un valore che consenta un significativo recupero dei drenaggi naturali.
Capelli, G., Mazza, R., Gazzetti, C., Merloni, G. (2005). Strumenti e strategie per la tutela e l’uso compatibile della risorsa idrica nel Lazio. Gli acquiferi vulcanici. In Tevere pilot river basin article 5 report. ROMA : Gangemi.
Strumenti e strategie per la tutela e l’uso compatibile della risorsa idrica nel Lazio. Gli acquiferi vulcanici
CAPELLI, Giuseppe;
Over the last two decades has been evidenced, in the volcanic aquifer of Lazio, phenomena of marked reduction of spring discharge and in progressive drawdown of piezometric levels. Such phenomena are cause of loss in resources and environmental property and, in case of persistence or uncontrolled increment of the withdrawals, of crisis in the economic systems that on this depends. Through this study, the authors have characterized 17 hydrological river basins and have focused the attention on the presence of areas in which the hydrological equilibriums between the recharge and the loss have been compromised by the use of these resources. Areas referred to different degrees of water stress have been, therefore, characterized, mapped and called critical areas and attention areas. The study, structured in a GIS, has carried to one more homogenous distribution of the hydrological knowledge and of the existing imbalances. Has been possible to carry out calculations of the distributed hydrogeological balance comparing the real withdrawal with the river basin of reference. The appraisal of water consumption has been carried out through: a) the census and the recording of water concessions; b) the appraisal of the withdrawal by the quantification of water demand classes that derive from the analysis of the use of soil in scale 1:10.000; c) the appraisal of withdrawal by quantification of water demand classes defined by the analysis of the ISTAT data. Characterizing elements of the research are: the marking out of the hydrogeologic units, the survey of some thousand of water-point and the monthly acquisition of climatic data of approximately 60 stations over the last twenty years. The distributed balance, together with the comparison between the piezometric “scenary” in the seventy and now a day are the main pointers on which the method adopted for the definition of the critical areas is based. Such method has been developed through the use of a matrix based on seven indices concerning the physical characteristics of the territory, the use of resource and the natural conditions of the recharges. This hydrogeologic study has been considered by the Authorities of River basin that have adopted programmatic lines through the deliberation of safeguard measures. So such norms, in short, push to lead back the withdrawal to a value that concurs a meaningful recovery of the natural drainage.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.