This book is a critical and historical introduction to digital textuality and the digitization of knowledge from a humanistic perspective. The volume is divided in two main parts, with a Conclusion and an Appendix: "Scriptures and technology" (chapters 1-3), and "Towards a digital philology" (chapters 4-6). The Appendix, "Digital resources for philological studies", is an abridged version of "E-Philology". This is a new section of the Digital Variants web site, where you'll find more than 100 resources (web sites, software, CD-ROMs, etc.) on digital philology listed and annotated. The fist part of the book centres on a critical account of the history of electronic writing, given in chapter 2. It is introduced by a summary of the role of technical artifacts in the construction and development of written cultures (ch. 1) and followed by an analysis of the most known and used forms and structures of digital textuality (ch. 3). Chapter 1 offers a bibliographic map of the complex interdisciplinary roots of studies in the influence of technology on knowledge. The second part of the book focuses on and explicates the cross-fertilization among the fields of cognitive psychology, textual criticism and humanities computing. Chapters 4 and 5 deal with issues related to the digital representation and preservation of documents. Chapter 6 presents the teaching experiments and philological tools developed in Edinburgh from 1997 to present day, are now available on
Il libro è un’introduzione completa e accessibile al fenomeno della testualità digitale e al tempo stesso una discussione approfondita sulle problematiche culturali ed epistemologiche connesse al processo di digitalizzazione della conoscenza. Nella prima parte viene discusso il rapporto fra la comunicazione scritta e i suoi supporti. Lo scopo è mostrare come l’impatto di ciascun sistema di media dia luogo a risultati complessi e contradditori intrecciandosi con fenomeni sociali, culturali, economici. Nella seconda parte l’autore analizza le principali tipologie del testo elettronico, dalle sue origini (la videoscrittura, l’ipertesto) ai giorni nostri (la comunicazione interattiva, i giochi di ruolo, la neo-retorica del Web). Vengono poi affrontati i nodi teorici e pratici del rapporto fra critica testuale e digitalizzazione del documento. Prendendo spunto dallo studio delle varianti d’autore viene presentato Digital Variants (, un archivio on-line per la didattica e lo studio del processo di scrittura. Accompagna e conclude il volume una rassegna di strumenti, prodotti e risorse per la filologia digitale. Questa rassegna è disponibile in versione ampliata (oltre 100 schede commentate) su
Fiormonte, D. (2003). Scrittura e filologia nell'era digitale. Torino : Bollati Boringhieri.
Scrittura e filologia nell'era digitale
This book is a critical and historical introduction to digital textuality and the digitization of knowledge from a humanistic perspective. The volume is divided in two main parts, with a Conclusion and an Appendix: "Scriptures and technology" (chapters 1-3), and "Towards a digital philology" (chapters 4-6). The Appendix, "Digital resources for philological studies", is an abridged version of "E-Philology". This is a new section of the Digital Variants web site, where you'll find more than 100 resources (web sites, software, CD-ROMs, etc.) on digital philology listed and annotated. The fist part of the book centres on a critical account of the history of electronic writing, given in chapter 2. It is introduced by a summary of the role of technical artifacts in the construction and development of written cultures (ch. 1) and followed by an analysis of the most known and used forms and structures of digital textuality (ch. 3). Chapter 1 offers a bibliographic map of the complex interdisciplinary roots of studies in the influence of technology on knowledge. The second part of the book focuses on and explicates the cross-fertilization among the fields of cognitive psychology, textual criticism and humanities computing. Chapters 4 and 5 deal with issues related to the digital representation and preservation of documents. Chapter 6 presents the teaching experiments and philological tools developed in Edinburgh from 1997 to present day, are now available on documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.