The audit of Local Authorities registered a remarkable evolution from L. 142/1990. On that occasion it was expected an Organ composed of "professionals", said "financial statement audit", which was given tasks such as: administrative supervision, auditing, management review and collaboration with the Council of 'local authority. Given the heterogeneity of local authorities and to facilitate a concrete implementation of this institution, the current rules contained in TUEL, in many respects,refers to statutes and regulations of the individual Accounting Directors. The initial part of the study is devoted to these aspects. First chapter deals with a review n the context of economic-financial public controls. The second chapter describes the analytical framework of the auditors, distinguishing between what is imposed by the national legislature, and what instead, is left to the autonomy statutes and regulations of the Board. The central part of the publication, consisting of the third charter, is devoted to the illustration of a survey on the regulation of the auditors in the 738 local authorities in order to draw a "budget" after twenty years of "professionals" in control of local authorities. Data collected and analysis undertaken suggest a "negative balance in the budget." It is hard to say how much this is due to the "professionals" or the government The analysis shows serious symptoms of a front that is on the other. The final part sees the fourth chapter devoted to a proposal for a regulation of procedure of auditing financial and economic in order to rectify the deficiencies identified in the investigation conducted.
L’attività di revisione negli Enti locali ha registrato una notevole evoluzione a partire dalla L. 142/1990. In quell’occasione fu previsto un Organo, composto da “professionisti”, detto “di revisione economico finanziaria”, a cui vennero affidati compiti, quali: la vigilanza amministrativa; la revisione contabile; la revisione gestionale e la collaborazione con il Consiglio dell’Ente locale. Data l’eterogeneità degli Enti locali ed al fine di facilitare una concreta attuazione di tale istituto, l’attuale normativa contenuta nel T.U.E.L., per molti aspetti, rinvia allo statuto ed al regolamento di contabilità della singola Amministrazione. La parte iniziale dello studio è dedicata a tali aspetti. Nel primo capitolo viene inquadrata la revisione economico-finanziaria nel contesto dei controlli pubblici. Nel secondo capitolo viene descritta analiticamente la disciplina dell’Organo di revisione, distinguendo fra quanto è imposto dal legislatore nazionale e quanto, invece, è lasciato all’autonomia statutaria e regolamentare dell’Ente. La parte centrale della pubblicazione, composta dal terzo capitolo, è dedicata all’illustrazione di una indagine condotta sulla disciplina dell’Organo di revisione in 738 Enti locali, al fine di trarre un “bilancio” dopo venti anni di presenza dei “professionisti” nei controlli degli Enti locali. Dai dati raccolti e dalle analisi effettuate emerge un “bilancio a saldo negativo”. Quanto ciò sia imputabile ai “professionisti” o alle amministrazioni è difficile dirlo. L’analisi condotta evidenzia gravi sintomi sia su un fronte che sull’altro. La parte conclusiva vede il capitolo quarto dedicato ad una proposta di regolamentazione interna dell’Organo di revisione economico-finanziaria volta a sanare le lacune riscontrate nell’indagine condotta.
Grandis, F.G. (2011). La revisione economico-finanziaria pubblica. Indagine su 738 Enti locali. MILANO : FrancoAngeli.
La revisione economico-finanziaria pubblica. Indagine su 738 Enti locali
GRANDIS, Fabio Giulio
The audit of Local Authorities registered a remarkable evolution from L. 142/1990. On that occasion it was expected an Organ composed of "professionals", said "financial statement audit", which was given tasks such as: administrative supervision, auditing, management review and collaboration with the Council of 'local authority. Given the heterogeneity of local authorities and to facilitate a concrete implementation of this institution, the current rules contained in TUEL, in many respects,refers to statutes and regulations of the individual Accounting Directors. The initial part of the study is devoted to these aspects. First chapter deals with a review n the context of economic-financial public controls. The second chapter describes the analytical framework of the auditors, distinguishing between what is imposed by the national legislature, and what instead, is left to the autonomy statutes and regulations of the Board. The central part of the publication, consisting of the third charter, is devoted to the illustration of a survey on the regulation of the auditors in the 738 local authorities in order to draw a "budget" after twenty years of "professionals" in control of local authorities. Data collected and analysis undertaken suggest a "negative balance in the budget." It is hard to say how much this is due to the "professionals" or the government The analysis shows serious symptoms of a front that is on the other. The final part sees the fourth chapter devoted to a proposal for a regulation of procedure of auditing financial and economic in order to rectify the deficiencies identified in the investigation conducted.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.