Starting from words such as opinion, logical truth, prudence and wisdom, the book stresses Kant’s illuminist side. This study underlines Kant’s attention for men’s actual actions in the practical and theoretical sphere. Regarding the theoretical and scientific ambit ,the Writer analyzes some concepts of Kant’s logic, that before got less attention as they first appeared in the applied logic field: scientific method and its relationship with opinion ,degree of certitude, proof. Regarding instead the practical ambit, the Writer underlines the concept of human praxis as a stratification –not free from conflicts- of technical skill, prudence and wisdom. The study takes advantage both of Kant’s works that were published while he was still alive and of the vast amount of logic and anthropology lesson which are not completely translated in Italian yet. Thanks to an innovating setting in Kantian research at the end of the 90’s, the Writer introduced in Italy a reflection about the Kant's concepts of “provisional judgment” and material truth.
Prendendo le mosse da termini quali: opinione, verità logico-formale, prudenza e saggezza, il libro pone l'accento sull'illuminismo di Kant. Lo studio sottolinea inoltre l'attenzione kantiana per il concreto procedere umano in ambito teoretico e pratico. Per l'ambito teoretico e scientifico si sono analizzati concetti della logica kantiana poco indagati perché nati nell'ambito della logica applicata: metodo scientifico e suo rapporto con l’opinione, gradi della certezza e prova. Per l'ambito pratico si è sottolineata la nozione di prassi umana intendendola come stratificazione, non priva di conflitti, di abilità tecnica, prudenza e saggezza. Lo studio si è avvalso sia delle opere di Kant, pubblicate durante la sua vita, sia del vasto corpus postumo delle lezioni di logica e di antropologia ancora non completamente tradotte in lingua italiana. Con un'impostazione innovativa nell'ambtio della ricerca kantiana della fine del '900, il volume, uscito nel 2000, ha introdotto in Italia una riflessione sui concetti kantiani di giudizio provvisorio e di verità materiale.
Failla, M. (2000). Verità e saggezza in Kant. Un contributo all'analisi della logica e dell'antropologia. MILANO : FrancoAngeli.
Verità e saggezza in Kant. Un contributo all'analisi della logica e dell'antropologia
FAILLA, Mariannina
Starting from words such as opinion, logical truth, prudence and wisdom, the book stresses Kant’s illuminist side. This study underlines Kant’s attention for men’s actual actions in the practical and theoretical sphere. Regarding the theoretical and scientific ambit ,the Writer analyzes some concepts of Kant’s logic, that before got less attention as they first appeared in the applied logic field: scientific method and its relationship with opinion ,degree of certitude, proof. Regarding instead the practical ambit, the Writer underlines the concept of human praxis as a stratification –not free from conflicts- of technical skill, prudence and wisdom. The study takes advantage both of Kant’s works that were published while he was still alive and of the vast amount of logic and anthropology lesson which are not completely translated in Italian yet. Thanks to an innovating setting in Kantian research at the end of the 90’s, the Writer introduced in Italy a reflection about the Kant's concepts of “provisional judgment” and material truth.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.