Graphic papers of the Architectural, urban and topographic surveying of Villa dei Papiri to Herculaneum and of the area affected by the archaeological excavations carried out by Cristiana Bedoni: the absence of precise general maps of the relationship between the excavations and the current Herculaneum; the absolute lack of any type, to all possible quality levels, of timely surveying in the area, excavated in the 1990s, and of the urban and agricultural edges faced it; the absence of architectural surveys more or less exact, able to inform of the consistencies, formal quality, building type and functional use of the buildings facing the area affected by the excavation, but also of any type of archaeological survey or even just architectural of what of the antiquity is emerged from the recent excavations and, again, a careful analysis of punctual geomorphological characteristics of the subsoil so brought to the light, rendered impossible any forward plan of feasibility of the area connected to the reality of the city of Herculaneum today and of its possible sustainable development. The drawings, the refunds from aerial photographs, land photographic shooting and of direct recording document the work of: (a) refund graphics in scale 1:500/1000 from photogrammetrical shoots of the area concerned by the excavations, with the reciprocal interference urban and of road connection, for the documentation of outstanding buildings (position and overall dimension, heights of coverage of existing buildings), of the public and private open spaces, streets, and alleys of access to the excavations and of crossing of the entire area, the lands to prevailing use of greenhouse crops and agriculture. The altitude and relative level curves of the area: the urban area and the rustic, the open-air area of the New and Old Excavations: "The archaeological site of Herculaneum", pp. 40-46; "The villa and its context", pp. 53-55; b) graphical representation of the direct relief (on a scale of 1:200/100) textures and quality construction/landscape of the entire range of overlooking the area of New Excavations, with general graphics refund in plant and vertical sections of the main trends of the land, planimetric position of the archeological finds inside the excavation, and, to the edge of the city of overlooking on the area, definition of building quantity present, of the quality architectural/environmental characteristics of the individual artifacts and of urban/territorial sustainability of hypothesis of their use/development in public and/or private, general model 3D: "The central urban system ", p. 57; "Sea", pp. 59-63 -
Elaborati grafici di Rilievo topografico, architettonico ed urbano a Ercolano della Villa dei Papiri e dell’area interessata dallo scavo archeologico eseguiti da Cristiana Bedoni: l’assenza di cartografie generali precise di relazione tra gli scavi e l’attuale Ercolano; l’assoluta mancanza di qualsiasi tipo, ed a tutti i possibili livelli qualitativi, di rilievo topografico puntuale dell’area, scavata negli anni novanta del secolo appena trascorso, e dei bordi urbani e/o agricoli di affaccio su di essa; la non disponibilità di rilevamenti architettonici più o meno attenti, capaci di informare delle consistenze, qualità formali, tipologia edilizia e utilizzazione funzionale degli edifici prospicienti l’area interessata dallo scavo, ma anche di qualsiasi tipo di rilievo archeologico o anche solo architettonico di quanto dell’antichità è emerso dagli ultimi scavi ed, ancora, di attente analisi geomorfologiche delle caratteristiche puntuali del sottosuolo così portato alla luce, rendevano impossibile qualsiasi piano previsionale di fattibilità dell’area minimamente collegato alla realtà della città di Ercolano oggi e di un suo possibile sviluppo sostenibile. I disegni, le restituzioni da fotografie aeree, le riprese fotografiche e di rilevamento diretto documentano il lavoro di: a) restituzione grafica in scala 1:500/1000 da riprese aerofotogrammetriche dell’area interessata dagli scavi, con le reciproche interferenze urbane e di collegamento viario, per la documentazione delle consistenze edilizie (posizione e dimensione di ingombro, altezze di copertura degli edifici esistenti), degli spazi aperti pubblici e privati, strade e vicoli di accesso agli scavi e di attraversamento dell’intera area, i terreni a prevalente utilizzazione a colture in serra e ad agricoltura minuta. Le quote altimetriche e relative curve di livello dell’area interessata: la zona urbana e quella campestre, l’area a cielo aperto degli Scavi Nuovi ed Antichi: “Il sito archeologico di Ercolano”, pp. 40-46; “La villa e il suo contesto”, pp. 53-55; b) rappresentazione grafica del rilievo diretto (in scala 1:200/100) delle consistenze e qualità edilizio/paesaggistiche dell’intera fascia di affaccio all’area dei Nuovi Scavi, con restituzione grafica generale in pianta e sezioni verticali dei principali andamenti del terreno, posizionamento planimetrico dei reperti archeologici presenti dentro lo scavo, e, per i margini urbani di affaccio sull’area, definizione delle quantità edilizie presenti, delle qualità architettonico/ambientali dei singoli manufatti e delle sostenibilità urbano/territoriale di ipotesi di loro utilizzazione/sviluppo in ambito pubblico e/o privato, modello generale 3D: “Il sistema urbano centrale”, p. 57; “Via Mare”, pp. 59-63 -
Bedoni, C. (2007). Elaborati grafici di rilievo dello scavo archeologico e della Villa dei Papiri a Ercolano e del Rilevamento topografico, architettonico ed urbano dell’area di Ercolano interessata dallo scavo, 31, 40-43, 53.
Elaborati grafici di rilievo dello scavo archeologico e della Villa dei Papiri a Ercolano e del Rilevamento topografico, architettonico ed urbano dell’area di Ercolano interessata dallo scavo
BEDONI, Cristiana
Graphic papers of the Architectural, urban and topographic surveying of Villa dei Papiri to Herculaneum and of the area affected by the archaeological excavations carried out by Cristiana Bedoni: the absence of precise general maps of the relationship between the excavations and the current Herculaneum; the absolute lack of any type, to all possible quality levels, of timely surveying in the area, excavated in the 1990s, and of the urban and agricultural edges faced it; the absence of architectural surveys more or less exact, able to inform of the consistencies, formal quality, building type and functional use of the buildings facing the area affected by the excavation, but also of any type of archaeological survey or even just architectural of what of the antiquity is emerged from the recent excavations and, again, a careful analysis of punctual geomorphological characteristics of the subsoil so brought to the light, rendered impossible any forward plan of feasibility of the area connected to the reality of the city of Herculaneum today and of its possible sustainable development. The drawings, the refunds from aerial photographs, land photographic shooting and of direct recording document the work of: (a) refund graphics in scale 1:500/1000 from photogrammetrical shoots of the area concerned by the excavations, with the reciprocal interference urban and of road connection, for the documentation of outstanding buildings (position and overall dimension, heights of coverage of existing buildings), of the public and private open spaces, streets, and alleys of access to the excavations and of crossing of the entire area, the lands to prevailing use of greenhouse crops and agriculture. The altitude and relative level curves of the area: the urban area and the rustic, the open-air area of the New and Old Excavations: "The archaeological site of Herculaneum", pp. 40-46; "The villa and its context", pp. 53-55; b) graphical representation of the direct relief (on a scale of 1:200/100) textures and quality construction/landscape of the entire range of overlooking the area of New Excavations, with general graphics refund in plant and vertical sections of the main trends of the land, planimetric position of the archeological finds inside the excavation, and, to the edge of the city of overlooking on the area, definition of building quantity present, of the quality architectural/environmental characteristics of the individual artifacts and of urban/territorial sustainability of hypothesis of their use/development in public and/or private, general model 3D: "The central urban system ", p. 57; "Sea", pp. 59-63 -I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.