HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY OF LABGEONET. FROM THE CONCEPT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF A NETWORK AMONG ITALIAN SCIENTIFIC GEOGRAPHICAL LABORATORIES (2018) – This work reconstructs the development of the Network of Italian Scientific Geographical Laboratories (LabGeoNet) from its first design to its official constitution in the spring of 2018. The main phases of the organizational process, from the basic concept down to the full practical implementation, are summarized according to the view of two of the network’s major promoters: the “Giuseppe Caraci” geocartographical laboratory of Roma Tre University and the Italian Centre for Geohistorical Studies (CISGE). The title of this paper refers to both History and Geography because LabGeoNet is described in its temporal development as well as in its spatial articulation, where individual laboratories become nodes of a network connecting regions. Operating structures and institutions are described in their similarities and common features and also in their peculiar aspects, as emerged from the data of the first general survey of laboratories, conducted within Italian academic community by AGeI and CISGE with support by other geographical associations. The results of the survey are presented, deconstructed and critically analyzed in order to offer a general picture of the current state of the art (see www.labgeonet.it). The hope is that the network will become, in the future, a nationally recognized reference, capable of highlighting common and complementary features of the adhering labs, enhancing reciprocal awareness and fostering cooperation. Last but not least, LabGeoNet aims to serve as front-desk of Italian geographers towards the outside world, e.g. in the fields of communication, publishing and professional applications.
STORIA E GEOGRAFIA DEL LABGEONET. DAL PROGETTO ALLA COSTITUZIONE DELLA RETE DEI LABORATORI GEOGRAFICI SCIENTIFICI ITALIANI (2018) – L’intervento ricostruisce le vicende della Rete dei laboratori geografici scientifici italiani (LabGeoNet) dalla stesura del progetto al momento della sua costituzione avvenuta nella primavera del 2018. Vengono inoltre riprese le varie fasi vissute precedentemente dall’idea di fondo nel suo farsi concretamente, adottando un punto vista interno a due dei suoi principali promotori: il Laboratorio geocartografico “Giuseppe Caraci” dell’Università Roma Tre e il Centro Italiano per gli Studi Storico-Geografici. Il titolo richiama la storia e la geografia perché si delineano non solo le vicende del LabGeoNet negli ultimi anni, ma anche la dimensione spaziale dei vari laboratori coinvolti che ne costituiscono i poli distribuiti sul territorio. Delle strutture vengono presentate le affinità e le linee comuni, come le peculiarità, emerse dai dati raccolti con il primo censimento sottomesso alla comunità accademica italiana dall’AGeI e dal CISGE, con il supporto delle altre associazioni geografiche. I risultati di quella rilevazione vengono qui presentati, scomposti e analizzati criticamente, per fornire un quadro della situazione attuale (la composizione al portale www.labgeonet.it). L’auspicio per la rete è di fungere da riferimento nazionale, illustrare i punti di contatto e le differenze fra le varie realtà laboratoriali aderenti, puntare a migliorare le conoscenze reciproche e favorire le capacità di collaborazione. Non ultimo, il portale vuole porsi come vetrina verso l’esterno, ad esempio verso il mondo della comunicazione e dell’editoria, verso il mercato del lavoro.
D'Ascenzo, A. (2019). Storia e geografia del LabGeoNet. Dal progetto alla costituzione della rete dei laboratori geografici scientifici italiani (2018). In Annalisa D'Ascenzo (a cura di), Laboratori geografici in rete: ricerca, didattica, progettualità (pp. 69-94). Roma : Laboratorio geocartografico “Giuseppe Caraci”.
Storia e geografia del LabGeoNet. Dal progetto alla costituzione della rete dei laboratori geografici scientifici italiani (2018)
Annalisa D'Ascenzo
HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY OF LABGEONET. FROM THE CONCEPT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF A NETWORK AMONG ITALIAN SCIENTIFIC GEOGRAPHICAL LABORATORIES (2018) – This work reconstructs the development of the Network of Italian Scientific Geographical Laboratories (LabGeoNet) from its first design to its official constitution in the spring of 2018. The main phases of the organizational process, from the basic concept down to the full practical implementation, are summarized according to the view of two of the network’s major promoters: the “Giuseppe Caraci” geocartographical laboratory of Roma Tre University and the Italian Centre for Geohistorical Studies (CISGE). The title of this paper refers to both History and Geography because LabGeoNet is described in its temporal development as well as in its spatial articulation, where individual laboratories become nodes of a network connecting regions. Operating structures and institutions are described in their similarities and common features and also in their peculiar aspects, as emerged from the data of the first general survey of laboratories, conducted within Italian academic community by AGeI and CISGE with support by other geographical associations. The results of the survey are presented, deconstructed and critically analyzed in order to offer a general picture of the current state of the art (see www.labgeonet.it). The hope is that the network will become, in the future, a nationally recognized reference, capable of highlighting common and complementary features of the adhering labs, enhancing reciprocal awareness and fostering cooperation. Last but not least, LabGeoNet aims to serve as front-desk of Italian geographers towards the outside world, e.g. in the fields of communication, publishing and professional applications.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.