For Dante, poverty was an unwelcome companion in life for a long time, due to the exile which suddenly changed his economic condition, exposing him to a painful social downgrading. His biography is intertwined on several occasions with poetic creation and in the Comedy it influences the portrait of poor or disgraced characters. But the poem also finds space for the changed consideration in which poverty was held at the time: while the poor were in fact seen as a threat to the community and therefore victims of social stigma and treated with growing contempt, the mendicant orders required the voluntary choice of evangelical poverty for anyone who wanted to be part of it. Dante's era was characterized by a debate on the poverty of the Franciscan order and the Church, in which the author himself took part, making it, consequently, a central theme of the Comedy. The volume examines the different representations, from the epic construction of the figure of Francis of Assisi in relation to the iconography of his time, to Amiclate, personification of freedom of speech and expression in front of the power that poverty allows and which Dante claims.
Per Dante la povertà fu a lungo sgradita compagna di vita, a causa dell’esilio che cambiò d’improvviso la sua condizione economica esponendolo a un doloroso declassamento sociale. La sua biografia si intreccia a più riprese con la creazione poetica e nella Commedia condiziona il ritratto dei personaggi poveri o caduti in disgrazia. Ma nel poema trova spazio anche la mutata considerazione in cui veniva tenuta all’epoca l’indigenza: mentre i poveri erano infatti visti come una minaccia per la collettività e quindi vittime dello stigma sociale e trattati con crescente disprezzo, i nascenti ordini mendicanti richiedevano la scelta volontaria della povertà evangelica per chiunque voleva farne parte. L’epoca di Dante fu contraddistinta da un aspro dibattito sulla povertà dell’ordine francescano e della Chiesa, cui lo stesso autore prese parte, facendone, di riflesso, un tema centrale della Commedia. Il volume ne esamina le diverse rappresentazioni, dalla costruzione epica della figura di Francesco d’Assisi in rapporto con l’iconografia del suo tempo, ad Amiclate, personificazione della libertà di parola e di espressione di fronte al potere che la povertà consente e che Dante rivendica.
Marcozzi, L. (2024). Dante e la povertà. Il personaggio di san Francesco nel Paradiso. Roma : Carocci.
Dante e la povertà. Il personaggio di san Francesco nel Paradiso
For Dante, poverty was an unwelcome companion in life for a long time, due to the exile which suddenly changed his economic condition, exposing him to a painful social downgrading. His biography is intertwined on several occasions with poetic creation and in the Comedy it influences the portrait of poor or disgraced characters. But the poem also finds space for the changed consideration in which poverty was held at the time: while the poor were in fact seen as a threat to the community and therefore victims of social stigma and treated with growing contempt, the mendicant orders required the voluntary choice of evangelical poverty for anyone who wanted to be part of it. Dante's era was characterized by a debate on the poverty of the Franciscan order and the Church, in which the author himself took part, making it, consequently, a central theme of the Comedy. The volume examines the different representations, from the epic construction of the figure of Francis of Assisi in relation to the iconography of his time, to Amiclate, personification of freedom of speech and expression in front of the power that poverty allows and which Dante claims.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.