Dipartimento di Economia
Academic inventors: collaboration and proximity with industry
2017-01-01 Crescenzi, Riccardo; Filippetti, Andrea; Iammarino, Simona
An ‘integrated’ framework for the comparative analysis of the territorial innovation dynamics of developed and emerging countries
2012-01-01 Crescenzi, Riccardo; Rodriguez Pose, A.
An ‘integrated’ framework for the comparative analysis of the territorial innovation dynamics of developed and emerging countries
2013-01-01 Crescenzi, Riccardo; Rodríguez Pose, A.
Bargaining Coalitions in the Agricultural Negotiations of the Doha Round: Similarity of Interests or Strategic Choices? An Empirical Assessment
2007-01-01 Costantini, Valeria; Crescenzi, Riccardo; DE FILIPPIS, Fabrizio; Salvatici, Luca
Bargaining Coalitions in the Wto Agricultural Negotiation
2007-01-01 Costantini, Valeria; Crescenzi, Riccardo; DE FILIPPIS, Fabrizio; F, ; Salvatici, L.
Bargaining Coalitions in the Wto Agricultural Negotiation
2007-01-01 DE FILIPPIS, Fabrizio; Costantini, Valeria; Salvatici, Luca; Crescenzi, Riccardo
Bargaining Coalitions in the WTO Agricultural Negotiations
2007-01-01 Costantini, Valeria; Crescenzi, Riccardo; FABRIZIO DE, Filippis; Luca, Salvatici
Changes in Economic Geography Theory and the Dynamics of Technological Change
2014-01-01 Crescenzi, Riccardo
Cohesion policy and rural development
2016-01-01 Crescenzi, Riccardo; DE FILIPPIS, Fabrizio
Cohesion Policy Incentives for Collaborative Industrial Research. The Evaluation of a Smart Specialisation Forerunner Programme
2018-01-01 Giua, Mara; Crescenzi, Riccardo; DE BLASIO, Guido
Corrigendum to: Innovation drivers, value chains and the geography of multinational corporations in Europe [Journal of Economic Geography, 14, (2014), (1053-1086)]doi:10.1093/jeg/lbt018
2017-01-01 Crescenzi, R.; Pietrobelli, C.; Rabellotti, R.
Different approaches to the analysis of the EU Cohesion Policy: leveraging complementarities for evidence-based policy learning
2017-01-01 Crescenzi, Riccardo; Giua, Mara
Divari Territoriali
2021-01-01 Crescenzi, Riccardo; Giua, Mara
Do inventors talk to strangers? on proximity and collaborative knowledge creation
2016-01-01 Crescenzi, Riccardo; Nathan, Max; Rodríguez Pose, Andrés
Econometric modelling of the regional knowledge production function in Europe
2015-01-01 Charlot, Sylvie; Crescenzi, Riccardo; Musolesi, Antonio
Econometric Modelling of the Regional Knowledge Production Function in Europe
In corso di stampa Charlot, S.; Crescenzi, Riccardo; Musolesi, A.
Economic Institutions and the Location Strategies of European Multinationals in their Geographic Neighborhood
2016-01-01 Ascani, Andrea; Crescenzi, Riccardo; Iammarino, Simona
Economics and Politics of Infrastructure Investments in Italy
2012-01-01 Crescenzi, Riccardo; Balassone, F.
European cities and foreign investment networks
2017-01-01 Crescenzi, Riccardo; Datu, Kerwin; Iammarino, Simona
FDI inflows in European regions: does investment promotion work?
2019-01-01 Crescenzi, Riccardo; Giua, Mara; Di Cataldo, Marco