Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 50
AS - Asia 24
NA - Nord America 15
Totale 89
Nazione #
RU - Federazione Russa 17
SG - Singapore 17
IT - Italia 14
US - Stati Uniti d'America 14
HK - Hong Kong 7
NL - Olanda 7
BE - Belgio 3
GB - Regno Unito 3
DE - Germania 2
LT - Lituania 2
AT - Austria 1
CA - Canada 1
FI - Finlandia 1
Totale 89
Città #
Singapore 14
Milan 8
Hong Kong 7
Moscow 6
Seattle 4
Brussels 3
Frankfurt am Main 2
London 2
Venice 2
Amsterdam 1
Ashburn 1
Helsinki 1
Pagani 1
Toronto 1
Vienna 1
Totale 54
Nome #
Introducing the Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology 15
Observed snow depth trends in the European Alps: 1971 to 2019 7
PM10 remote sensing from geostationary SEVIRI and polar-orbiting MODIS sensors over the complex terrain of the European Alpine region 6
Evaluating snow in EURO-CORDEX regional climate models with observations for the european alps: Biases and their relationship to orography, temperature, and precipitation mismatches 6
Verification and bias adjustment of ecmwf seas5 seasonal forecasts over europe for climate service applications 6
Outdoor Performance Monitoring Method for Degradation Studies of Perovskite Modules 6
Relative sea-level rise and potential submersion risk for 2100 on 16 coastal plains of the mediterranean sea 5
A Novel Bias Correction Method for Extreme Events 5
Droughts Prediction: a Methodology Based on Climate Seasonal Forecasts 4
Impact of PV/Wind Forecast Accuracy and National Transmission Grid Reinforcement on the Italian Electric System 4
GPS radio occultation sounding to support general circulation models 4
Large-scale assessment of drought variability based on NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 re-analyses 4
CLOUDS - A cloud, arerosol, radiation and precipitation explorer 4
A high-resolution gridded dataset of daily temperature and precipitation records (1980-2018) for Trentino-South Tyrol (north-eastern Italian Alps) 4
High spatial resolution aerosol retrieval with MAIAC: Application to mountain regions 4
Early 21st century snow cover state over the western river basins of the Indus River system 4
Critical data source; Tool or even infrastructure? Challenges of geographic information systems and remote sensing for disaster risk governance 4
The drought-alert decision support system for water resources management 4
Mapping particulate matter in alpine regions with satellite and ground-based measurements: An exploratory study for data assimilation 3
Extreme value analysis of wet and dry periods in Sicily 3
The Value-Add of Tailored Seasonal Forecast Information for Industry Decision Making 3
Impact of black carbon aerosol over Italian basin valleys: High-resolution measurements along vertical profiles, radiative forcing and heating rate 3
Short-term predictability of photovoltaic production over Italy 3
Intercomparison of Machine Learning Models for Spatial Downscaling of Daily Mean Temperature in Complex Terrain 3
The HelioMont method for assessing solar irradiance over complex terrain: Validation and improvements 3
Sensitivity of cloud radiative forcing to changes of microphysical parameters measured by the CLOUDS mission 3
Flexible photovoltaic systems for renewable energy integration in Lazio region, Italy 3
Assessing the impact of climate change on energy retrofit of alpine historic buildings: Consequences for the hygrothermal performance 2
Seasonal river discharge forecasting using support vector regression: A case study in the Italian Alps 2
Southern Hemisphere baroclinic activity in seasonal forecasts 2
Long-term monitoring of a deep-seated, slow-moving landslide by mean of C-Band and X-Band advanced interferometric products: The Corvara in Badia case study (Dolomites, Italy) 2
Wind effect on PV module temperature: Analysis of different techniques for an accurate estimation 2
Totale 133
Categoria #
all - tutte 658
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 658

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2024/2025133 0 0 0 0 72 58 3 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 133