Dipartimento di Filosofia, Comunicazione e Spettacolo
Che cos'è una spiegazione scientifica?
2018-01-01 Felline, Laura
Christopher Timpson “Quantum Information Theory and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics”
2014-01-01 Felline, Laura
Editors' Preface
2016-01-01 Felline, Laura; Antonio, Ledda; Paoli, Francesco; Rossanese, Emanuele
It's a Matter of Principle: Scientific Explanation in Information-Theoretic Reconstructions of Quantum Theory
2016-01-01 Felline, Laura
Lettura critica di F. Laudisa, Naturalismo. Filosofia, scienza, mitologia
2017-01-01 Felline, Laura
Locality and Mentality in Everett Interpretations: Albert and Loewer’s Many Minds
2013-01-01 Felline, Laura; Guido, Bacciagaluppi
Mechanisms meet Structural Explanation
2015-01-01 Felline, Laura
Mechanistic Causality and the Bottoming-out problem.
2016-01-01 Felline, Laura
New Developments in Logic and Philosophy of Science
In corso di stampa Felline, Laura
Nonlocality in Everettian Accounts of Quantum Mechanics
2006-01-01 Felline, Laura
On explaining non-dynamically the quantum correlations via Quantum Information Theory: what it takes
2018-01-01 Dorato, Mauro; Felline, Laura; Laura,
Quantum theory is not only about information
2018-01-01 Felline, Laura
Remarks on a Structural Account of Scientific Explanation
2010-01-01 Felline, Laura
Scientific Explanation and Scientific Structuralism
2011-01-01 Dorato, Mauro; Felline, Laura
Scientific Explanation between Principle and Constructive Theories
2011-01-01 Felline, Laura
Sopravvenienza e Dualità nelle Interpretazioni a Molte Menti della Meccanica Quantistica
2007-01-01 Felline, Laura
Spiegare i fenomeni senza cause. La spiegazione strutturale in fisica
2017-01-01 Felline, Laura
Spiegazione scientifica
In corso di stampa Felline, Laura
Structural explanation from Special Relativity to Quantum Information Theory
2010-01-01 Felline, Laura
Structural explanations from special relativity to quantum mechanics
2010-01-01 Felline, Laura