VERRA, Alessandro
VERRA, Alessandro
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica
2024-01-01 Knutsen, A. L.; Lelli Chiesa, M.; Verra, A.
A short proof of the unirationality of A_5
1987-01-01 Verra, Alessandro
ALESSANDRO VERRA (2005). Rationality and unirationality problems in algebraic geometry
2005-01-01 Verra, Alessandro
An example of a unirational non rational conic bundle on a rational surface
1983-01-01 Verra, Alessandro; PICCO BOTTA, L.
Classical Moduli Spaces and Rationality
2016-01-01 Verra, Alessandro
Contact Curves of two Kummer Surfaces
1991-01-01 Verra, Alessandro
Curves of minimal genus on a general abelian fourfold
1995-01-01 Fontanari, ; Bardelli, F.; Ciliberto, C.; Verra, Alessandro
Edge and Fano on nets of quadrics
2018-01-01 Verra, Alessandro
Generic injectivity of the Prym map for ramified double coverings
2019-01-01 Verra, Alessandro
Geometry of Effective Divisors in Moduli Spaces
2008-01-01 Fontanari, C; Verra, Alessandro; Bruno, A.
Geometry of effective divisors on moduli spaces
2008-01-01 Bruno, Andrea; Fontanari, C.; Verra, Alessandro
Half Nikulin surfaces and moduli of Prym curves
2021-01-01 Leopold Knutsen, Andreas; LELLI CHIESA, Margherita; Verra, Alessandro
M_15 is rationally connected
2005-01-01 Bruno, Andrea; Verra, Alessandro
2009-01-01 Verra, Alessandro; Flamini, F.
Moduli iniettivi e fasci flasque su uno schema affine
1974-01-01 Verra, Alessandro
Moduli of non-standard Nikulin surfaces in low genus
2020-01-01 Leopold Knutsen, Andreas; Lelli-Chiesa, Margherita; Verra, Alessandro
Moduli of theta characteristics via Nikulin surfaces
2012-01-01 Farkas, G; Verra, Alessandro
On Enriques Surface as a fourfold cover of P2
1983-01-01 Verra, Alessandro
On quadro-quadric transformations of P4 and P5
2011-01-01 Bruno, Andrea; Verra, Alessandro
On the projective normality of Enriques surfaces,Appendix
2002-01-01 Lopez, A; Verra, Alessandro