the Institute for Social Construction of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano has developed a multi-storey residential building in which the use of a wide range of low-energy solutions, has been married to a wise articulation of composition, connecting technology issues and design reflections. The construction has six floors above ground, bordered to the west with the railway line and east with a busy highway. The compact volume and the carefull use of openings, the degree of shading, and the different insulation designed for different facades, the use of techniques for controlled ventilation and the reduction of thermal bridges made possible to classify the building in class A CasaKlima. The building, oriented along the east-west axe, looks to the south in a transparent way through living spaces optimizing solar contribution. On the other hand the northern front, more closed with openings, increases the thermal inertia of the building and contains the system of entrances and connections, service areas and nightlife. This Janus-like character, typical of solar architecture, is also underlined by a different and consistent treatment of coating surfaces. Internally, as said before, consists of six floors. The type is the typical one used in linear multi-storey buildings with vertical connection serving two or more apartments for each column. The diversification of appartments is more in sizes than in typologies, with the exception of the ground floor with a comfortable garden on the south side. The good level of comfort is also determined by two ventilation towers, one for each column, real technology totem strategically located away from areas of higher pollution. The passage through underground pipes, that act as shock absorber for the external conditions (positive differential in the winter, negative in summer), guarantees the pretreatment of the air conveyed into internal environments and, integratied with active cooling systems, it reduces the need and therefore energy consumption.
l’Istituto per l’Edilizia sociale della Provincia autonoma di Bolzano ha realizzato un edificio residenziale multipiano in cui l’utilizzo di un ampio ventaglio di soluzioni a basso consumo energetico, è stato ben coniugato con una accorta articolazione compositiva, intrecciando questioni tecnologiche e riflessioni progettuali. La costruzione, di sei piano fuori terra, confina a ponente con la linea ferroviaria ed a levante con la congestionatissima strada statale. La compattezza del volume e l’uso accorto delle aperture, il grado di ombreggiamento e coibentazione per le differenti condizioni delle singole facciate, l’uso di tecniche di ventilazione controllata e la riduzione dei ponti termici hanno consentito di classificare l’edificio in classe A CasaKlima. L’edificio, orientato lungo l’asse est-ovest, “guarda” verso sud in maniera aperta e trasparente con i suoi ambienti diurni ottimizzando l’apporto calorico solare. All’opposto il fronte nord, più chiuso e coperto con aperture che per tipo e forma aumentano l’inerzia termica della costruzione, espone su questo lato il sistema degli accessi, gli ambienti di servizio e notturni. Questo carattere bifronte, tipico dell’architettura solare, è sottolineato inoltre dal un diverso e coerente trattamento delle superfici di rivestimento. Internamente come detto è costituito da sei piani fuori terra. Il tipo ricorrente è quello caratteristico degli edifici in linea con blocchi scala serventi due o più alloggi per ogni colonna. Le diversificazioni dei singoli alloggi più che tipologiche sono di caratura dimensionale, salvo per quelli di piano terra dotati di un confortevole giardino sul lato sud. Il buon livello di comfort è determinato anche da due torri di ventilazione, una per ogni colonna montante, veri e propri totem tecnologici strategicamente posizionate lontano dalle aree di maggior inquinamento. Il passaggio attraverso canalizzazioni interrate che funzionano da ammortizzatore rispetto alle condizioni esterne (differenziale positivo d’inverno, negativo d’estate) garantisce il pretrattamento dell’aria convogliata nei singoli ambienti che, integrandosi con i sistemi di condizionamento attivi, ne riduce sensibilmente la necessità e quindi i consumi.
Marino, A. (2007). La casa dei venti. L'ARCHITETTO ITALIANO, 18, 72-75.
La casa dei venti
MARINO, Arnaldo
the Institute for Social Construction of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano has developed a multi-storey residential building in which the use of a wide range of low-energy solutions, has been married to a wise articulation of composition, connecting technology issues and design reflections. The construction has six floors above ground, bordered to the west with the railway line and east with a busy highway. The compact volume and the carefull use of openings, the degree of shading, and the different insulation designed for different facades, the use of techniques for controlled ventilation and the reduction of thermal bridges made possible to classify the building in class A CasaKlima. The building, oriented along the east-west axe, looks to the south in a transparent way through living spaces optimizing solar contribution. On the other hand the northern front, more closed with openings, increases the thermal inertia of the building and contains the system of entrances and connections, service areas and nightlife. This Janus-like character, typical of solar architecture, is also underlined by a different and consistent treatment of coating surfaces. Internally, as said before, consists of six floors. The type is the typical one used in linear multi-storey buildings with vertical connection serving two or more apartments for each column. The diversification of appartments is more in sizes than in typologies, with the exception of the ground floor with a comfortable garden on the south side. The good level of comfort is also determined by two ventilation towers, one for each column, real technology totem strategically located away from areas of higher pollution. The passage through underground pipes, that act as shock absorber for the external conditions (positive differential in the winter, negative in summer), guarantees the pretreatment of the air conveyed into internal environments and, integratied with active cooling systems, it reduces the need and therefore energy consumption.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.