Il contributo presenta gli esiti di una ricerca esplorativa svolta su un campione di insegnanti neoassunti realizzata con interviste in profondità, analisi di caso e focus group nell’anno 2012 a Roma in Italia. L’ipotesi operativa che ha guidato la ricerca è così definita: nel contesto della scuola autonoma, la dirigenza scolastica che orienta la propria azione promuovendo la leadership distribuita (Spillane, 2005) consente di individuare spazi e tempi funzionali al riconoscimento, al supporto e allo sviluppo delle comunità di pratica (Lave & Wenger, 1991; Wenger, 1998; Wenger, McDermott, & Snyder, 2002). Ci si attende che la promozione della leadership distribuita, attraverso le comunità di pratica, possa promuovere lo sviluppo professionale e, indirettamente, produca un effetto positivo sui processi di apprendimento nella scuola. Si indaga in che modo gli insegnanti neoassunti sono accolti dai cosiddetti insegnanti-esperti e dall’Istituto scolastico in cui prestano servizio. I risultati testimoniano le criticità del processo di ingresso degli insegnanti nell’organizzazione scolastica: il ruolo debole e poco efficace dei docenti tutor; il peso notevole dei docenti con più esperienza del e sul contesto e talvolta con più anni di servizio; il ruolo strategico dei dirigenti scolastici, ma anche la loro distanza rispetto alle pratiche locali di apprendimento spesso informali. L’articolo individua elementi di indubbio interesse per il sistema scolastico italiano che si appresta a porre fine al precariato e a immettere in ruolo un numero considerevole di nuovi insegnanti.
The article shows the outcomes of an explorative survey employing interviews, case analysis and focus groups on a sample of newly employed teachers in Rome in 2012. The hypothesis leading the research is that, within the Italian context of school autonomy, the school management that is able to promote a distributed leadership (Spillane, 2005) finds ways to recognize, support and develop the communities of practice (Lave & Wenger, 1991; Wenger, 1998; Wenger, McDermott, & Snyder, 2002). It is expected that promoting a distributed leadership through the community of practice both assists the teacher’s professional development and produces a positive effect in the learning processes. The research also investigates the way in which the experienced teachers and the whole institute support the newly employed teachers. Results indicate that the process with which the new teachers enter into school is critical. Results also point out: the fragile role of the teacher tutoring the newcomer; the influence of the experienced teachers who know the context better; the strategic role of the school principals, but also the principals unawareness of the informal local practices of learning. The article points out diverse interesting points of the Italian school system that is about to employ permanently a number of teachers.
Moretti, G., Alessandrini, G. (2015). Community of Practice and Teacher’s Professional Development: An Explorative Survey. JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL, CULTURAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES, 11, 253-273.
Community of Practice and Teacher’s Professional Development: An Explorative Survey.
The article shows the outcomes of an explorative survey employing interviews, case analysis and focus groups on a sample of newly employed teachers in Rome in 2012. The hypothesis leading the research is that, within the Italian context of school autonomy, the school management that is able to promote a distributed leadership (Spillane, 2005) finds ways to recognize, support and develop the communities of practice (Lave & Wenger, 1991; Wenger, 1998; Wenger, McDermott, & Snyder, 2002). It is expected that promoting a distributed leadership through the community of practice both assists the teacher’s professional development and produces a positive effect in the learning processes. The research also investigates the way in which the experienced teachers and the whole institute support the newly employed teachers. Results indicate that the process with which the new teachers enter into school is critical. Results also point out: the fragile role of the teacher tutoring the newcomer; the influence of the experienced teachers who know the context better; the strategic role of the school principals, but also the principals unawareness of the informal local practices of learning. The article points out diverse interesting points of the Italian school system that is about to employ permanently a number of teachers.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.