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The scaled momentum spectra of final state charged hadrons produced in Deep Inelastic Scattering in the ranges 10 < Q(2) < 1280 GeV2 and 6 . 10(-4) < x(Bjorken) < 5 . 10(-2) have been measured in the current region of the Breit frame using the ZEUS detector. The evolution with Q(2) of the scaled momentum, x(p) = 2p(Breit)/Q, has been investigated and preliminary results are presented which show evidence for scaling violations and support for the universality of quark fragmentation.
ZEUS Collaboration M., D., D., K., S., M., D., M., B., M., J. R., O.s., et al. (1997). Fragmentation functions at ZEUS(407), 737-741.
Fragmentation functions at ZEUS
ZEUS Collaboration M. Derrick;D. Krakauer;S. Magill;D. Mikunas;B. Musgrave;J. R. Okrasin´ ski;J. Repond;R. Stanek;R. L. Ta laga;H. Zhang Argonne National Laboratory;Argonne;IL 60439;USA p. M. C. K. Mattingly Andrews University;Berrien Springs;MI;USA F. Anselmo;P. Antonioli;G. Bari;M. Basile;L. Bellagamba;D. Boscherini;A. Bruni;G. Bruni;P. Bruni;G. Cara Romeo;G. Castellini1;L. Cifarelli2;F. Cindolo;A. Contin;M. Corradi;I. Gialas;P. Giusti;G. Iacobucci;G. Laurenti;G. Levi;A. Margotti;T. Massam;R. Nania;F. Palmonari;A. Pesci;A. Polini;G. Sartorelli;Y. Zamora Garcia3;A. Zichichi University;INFN Bologna;I. 40126 Bologna;Italy f. C. Amelung;A. Bornheim;J. Crittenden;R. Deffner;M. Eckert;L. Feld;A. Frey4;M. Geerts5;M. Grothe;H. Hartmann;K. Heinloth;L. Heinz;E. Hilger;H. P. Jakob;U. F. Katz;S. Mengel6;E. Paul;M. Pfeiffer;C.h. Rembser;D. Schramm7;J. Stamm;R. Wedemeyer Physikalisches Institut der Universita¨t Bonn;D. 53115 Bonn;Germany c. S. Campbell Robson;A. Cassidy;W. N. Cottingham;N. Dyce;B. Foster;S. George;M. E. Hayes;G. P. Heath;H. F. Heath;D. Piccioni;D. G. Roff;R. J. Tapper;R. Yoshida H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory;University of Bristol;Bristol B58 1TL;U. K. o. M. Arneodo8;R. Ayad;M. Capua;A. Garfagnini;L. Iannotti;M. Schioppa;G. Susinno Calabria University;Physics D.e.p.t. and INFN;Cosenza;Italy f. A. Caldwell9;N. Cartiglia;Z. Jing;W. Liu;J. A. Parsons;S. Ritz10;F. Sciulli;P. B. Straub;L. Wai11;S. Yang12;Q. Zhu Columbia University;Nevis Labs;Irvington on Hudson;NY 10533;USA q. P. Borzemski;J. Chwastowski;A. Eskreys;Z. Jakubowski;M. B. Przybycien´;M. Zachara;L. Zawiejski I.n.s.t. of Nuclear Physics;PL 30055 Cracow;Poland j. L. Adamczyk;B. Bednarek;K. Jelen´;D. Kisielewska;T. Kowalski;M. Przybycien´;E. Rulikowska Zare¸bska;L. Suszycki;J. Zaja¸c Faculty of Physics;Nuclear Techniques;Academy of Mining;Metallurgy;PL 30055 Cracow;Poland j. Z. Dulin´ ski;A. Kotan´ ski Jagellonian Univ;D.e.p.t. of Physics;PL 30059 Cracow;Poland k. G. Abbiendi13;L. A. T. Bauerdick;U. Behrens;H. Beier;J. K. Bienlein;G. Cases;O. Deppe;K. Desler;G. Drews;M. Flasin´ ski14;D. J. Gilkinson;C. Glasman;P. Go¨ ttlicher;J. Große Knetter;T. Haas;W. Hain;D. Hasell;H. Heßling;Y. Iga;K. F. Johnson15;P. Joos;M. Kasemann;R. Klanner;W. Koch;U. Ko¨ tz;H. Kowalski;J. Labs;A. Ladage;B. Lo¨ hr;M. Lo¨ we;D. Lu¨ ke;J. Mainusch16;O. Man´ czak;J. Milewski;T. Monteiro17;J. S. T. Ng;D. Notz;K. Ohrenberg;K. Piotrzkowski;M. Roco;M. Rohde;J. Rolda´n;U. Schneekloth;W. Schulz;F. Selonke;B. Surrow;E. Tassi;T. Voß;D. Westphal;G. Wolf;U. Wollmer;C. Youngman;W. Zeuner Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY;D. 22603 Hamburg;Germany H. J. Grabosch;MARI, Stefano Maria;18;A. Meyer;S. Schlenstedt DESY IfH Zeuthen;D. 15738 Zeuthen;Germany G. Barbagli;E. Gallo;P. Pelfer University;INFN, Florence;Italy f. G. Maccarrone;S. De Pasquale;L. Votano INFN;Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati;I. 00044 Frascati;Italy f. A. Bamberger;S. Eisenhardt;T. Trefzger19;S. Wo¨ lfle Fakulta¨t fu¨ r. Physik der Universita¨t Freiburg i. B.r.;D. 79104 Freiburg i. B.r.;Germany c. J. T. Bromley;N. H. Brook;P. J. Bussey;A. T. Doyle;D. H. Saxon;L. E. Sinclair;E. Strickland;M. L. Utley;R. Waugh;A. S. Wilson D.e.p.t. of Physics;Astronomy;University of Glasgow;Glasgow G12 8QQ;U. K. o. A. Dannemann20;U. Holm;D. Horstmann;R. Sinkus21;K. Wick Hamburg University;I. Institute of E.x.p. Physics;D. 22761 Hamburg;Germany c. B. D. Burow22;L. Hagge16;E. Lohrmann;G. Poelz;W. Schott;F. Zetsche Hamburg University;I.I. Institute of E.x.p. Physics;D. 22761 Hamburg;Germany c. T. C. Bacon;N. Bru¨ mmer;I. Butterworth;V. L. Harris;G. Howell;B. H. Y. Hung;L. Lamberti23;K. R. Long;D. B. Miller;N. Pavel;A. Prinias24;J. K. Sedgbeer;D. Sideris;A. F. Whitfield Imperial College London;High Energy Nuclear Physics Group;London SW7 2BZ;U. K. o. U. Mallik;M. Z. Wang;S. M. Wang;J. T. Wu University of Iowa;Physics;Astronomy Dept;Iowa City;IA 52242;USA p. P. Cloth;D. Filges Forschungszentrum Ju¨ lich;Institut fu¨ r. Kernphysik;D. 52405 Ju¨ lich;Germany S. H. An;G. H. Cho;B. J. Ko;S. B. Lee;S. W. Nam;H. S. Park;S. K. Park Korea University;Seoul 136 701;Korea h. S. Kartik;H. J. Kim;R. R. McNeil;W. Metcalf;V. K. Nadendla Louisiana State University;D.e.p.t. of Physics;Astronomy;Baton Rouge;LA 70803 4001;USA p. F. Barreiro;J. P. Fernandez;R. Graciani;J. M. Herna´ndez;L. Herva´s;L. Labarga;M. Martinez;J. del Peso;J. Puga;J. Terron;J. F. de Troco´ niz U.n.i.v.e.r. Auto´ noma Madrid;Depto de F´ısica Teo´ r´ıca;E. 28049 Madrid;Spain n. F. Corriveau;D. S. Hanna;J. Hartmann;L. W. Hung;J. N. Lim;C. G. Matthews25;W. N. Murray;A. Ochs;P. M. Patel;M. Riveline;D. G. Stairs;M. St Laurent;R. Ullmann;G. Zacek25 McGill University;D.e.p.t. of Physics;Montre´al;PQ H3A 2T8;Canada a;b. T. Tsurugai Meiji Gakuin University;Faculty of General Education;Yokohama 244;Japan V. Bashkirov;B. A. Dolgoshein;A. Stifutkin Moscow Engineering Physics Institute;RU 115 409 Moscow;Russia l. G. L. Bashindzhagyan26;P. F. Ermolov;L. K. Gladilin;Y.u. A. Golubkov;V. D. Kobrin;I. A. Korzhavina;V. A. Kuzmin;O. Y.u. Lukina;A. S. Proskuryakov;A. A. Savin;L. M. Shcheglova;A. N. Solomin;N. P. Zotov Moscow State University;Institute of Nuclear Physics;RU 119 899 Moscow;Russia m. M. Botje;F. Chlebana;J. Engelen;M. de Kamps;P. Kooijman;A. Kruse;A. van Sighem;H. Tiecke;W. Verkerke;J. Vossebeld;M. Vreeswijk;L. Wiggers;E. de Wolf;R. van Woudenberg27 NIKHEF;University of Amsterdam;NL 1009 DB Amsterdam;Netherlands i. D. Acosta;B. Bylsma;L. S. Durkin;J. Gilmore;C. M. Ginsburg;C. L. Kim;C. Li;T. Y. Ling;P. Nylander;I. H. Park;T. A. Romanowski28 Ohio State University;Physics Department;Columbus;OH 43210 1106;USA p. D. S. Bailey;R. J. Cashmore29;A. M. Cooper Sarkar;R. C. E. Devenish;N. Harnew;M. Lancaster30;L. Lindemann;J. D. McFall;C. Nath;V. A. Noyes24;A. Quadt;J. R. Tickner;H. Uijterwaal;R. Walczak;D. S. Waters;F. F. Wilson;T. Yip Department of Physics;University of Oxford;Oxford;U. K. o. A. Bertolin;R. Brugnera;R. Carlin;F. Dal Corso;M. De Giorgi;U. Dosselli;S. Limentani;M. Morandin;M. Posocco;L. Stanco;R. Stroili;C. Voci;F. Zuin Dipartimento di Fisica dell’ Universita;INFN;I. 35131 Padova;Italy f. J. Bulmahn;R. G. Feild31;B. Y. Oh;J. J. Whitmore Pennsylvania State University;D.e.p.t. of Physics;University Park;PA 16802;USA q. G. D’Agostini;G. Marini;A. Nigro Dipartimento di Fisica;U.n.i.v. ’La Sapienza’;INFN;I. 00185 Rome;Italy f. J. C. Hart;N. A. McCubbin;T. P. Shah Rutherford Appleton Laboratory;Chilton;Didcot OX11 0QX;U. K. o. E. Barberis;T. Dubbs;C. Heusch;M. Van Hook;W. Lockman;J. T. Rahn;H. F. W. Sadrozinski;A. Seiden;D. C. Williams University of California;Santa Cruz;CA 93106;USA p. J. Biltzinger;R. J. Seifert;O. Schwarzer;A. H. Walenta Fachbereich Physik der Universita¨t Gesamthochschule Siegen;D. 57012 Siegen;Germany c. H. Abramowicz;G. Briskin;S. Dagan32;T. Doeker32;A. Levy26 Raymond;Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences;School of Physics;Tel Aviv University;Tel Aviv 69978;Israel e. J. I. Fleck33;M. Inuzuka;T. Ishii;M. Kuze;S. Mine;M. Nakao;I. Suzuki;K. Tokushuku;K. Umemori;S. Yamada;Y. Yamazaki Institute for Nuclear Study;University of Tokyo;Tokyo 113;Japan g. M. Chiba;R. Hamatsu;T. Hirose;K. Homma;S. Kitamura34;T. Matsushita;K. Yamauchi Tokyo Metropolitan University;D.e.p.t. of Physics;Tokyo 192 03;Japan g. R. Cirio;M. Costa;M. I. Ferrero;S. Maselli;C. Peroni;R. Sacchi;A. Solano;A. Staiano Universita di Torino;Dipartimento di Fisica Sperimentale;INFN;I. 10129 Torino;Italy f. M. Dardo II Faculty of Sciences;Torino University;INFN Alessandria;Italy f. D. C. Bailey;F. Benard;M. Brkic;C. P. Fagerstroem;G. F. Hartner;K. K. Joo;G. M. Levman;J. F. Martin;R. S. Orr;S. Polenz;C. R. Sampson;D. Simmons;R. J. Teuscher University of Toronto;D.e.p.t. of Physics;Toronto;ON M5S 1A7;Canada a. J. M. Butterworth;C. D. Catterall;T. W. Jones;P. B. Kaziewicz;J. B. Lane;R. L. Saunders;J. Shulman;M. R. Sutton University College London;Physics;Astronomy Dept;London WC1E 6BT;U. K. o. B. Lu;L. W. Mo Virginia Polytechnic Inst;State University;Physics Dept;Blacksburg;VA 24061;USA q. W. Bogusz;J. Ciborowski;J. Gajewski;G. Grzelak35;M. Kasprzak;M. Krzyz˙anowski;K. Muchorowski36;R. J. Nowak;J. M. Pawlak;T. Tymieniecka;A. K. Wro´ blewski;J. A. Zakrzewski;A. F. Z˙ arnecki Warsaw University;Institute of Experimental Physics;PL 00681 Warsaw;Poland j. M. Adamus Institute for Nuclear Studies;PL 00681 Warsaw;Poland j. C. Coldewey;Y. Eisenberg32;D. Hochman;U. Karshon32;D. Revel32;D. Zer Zion Weizmann Institute;Nuclear Physics Dept;Rehovot 76100;Israel d. W. F. Badgett;J. Breitweg;D. Chapin;R. Cross;S. Dasu;C. Foudas;R. J. Loveless;S. Mattingly;D. D. Reeder;S. Silverstein;W. H. Smith;A. Vaiciulis;M. Wodarczyk University of Wisconsin;D.e.p.t. of Physics;Madison;WI 53706;USA p. S. Bhadra;M. L. Cardy37;W. R. Frisken;M. Khakzad;W. B. Schmidke York University;D.e.p.t. of Physics;North York;Toronto ON M3J 1P3;Canada a.
The scaled momentum spectra of final state charged hadrons produced in Deep Inelastic Scattering in the ranges 10 < Q(2) < 1280 GeV2 and 6 . 10(-4) < x(Bjorken) < 5 . 10(-2) have been measured in the current region of the Breit frame using the ZEUS detector. The evolution with Q(2) of the scaled momentum, x(p) = 2p(Breit)/Q, has been investigated and preliminary results are presented which show evidence for scaling violations and support for the universality of quark fragmentation.
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