The paper aims at outlining some specific issues related to the different use of English and Italian within the domain of academic articles on psychology. The study of the language of thepsyche applied to academic articles written in English and translated into Italian seems to have interesting implications for the theory and practice of translation of professional discourse. By collecting empirical data from English texts and their Italian translations (a parallel mini-corpus), a synchronic, constrastive analysis was carried out. The paper sets out to outline some relevant differences between the English ST and the Italian TT (namely terminological and register related issues) in order to define some translational complexities of this text type and provide both new insights and useful tools for translators. The role of English as a lingua franca within this discourse community will be taken into account in order to identify some ‚pitfalls‘ the translator should be aware of when dealing with the English source text. Admittedly, the use of English within this specific discourse community has had a multifaceted effect: on the one hand it has allowed the dissemination of information (i.e. scholars who wrote in Russian or other languages were finally available to almost all the community members), while on the other it has raised some conceptual biases (e.g. terminological ‚fuzzy matches‘) which are worth analyzing and which affect the STT practice.
studio sulle modalità di passaggio da inglese L1 a italiano L2 in saggi accademici in ambito psicologico. Partendo dalla riflessione sull’interdisciplinarietà del ‘linguaggio della psiche’, la cui terminologia utilizza lessici multidisciplinari, ho analizzato le caratteristiche della letteratura scientifica in inglese e in italiano a livello sintattico (per fare un esempio, ipotassi e paratassi, forme passive, I-sentences, we-sentences, registro, ecc.) e a livello lessicale (ancora a mo’ di esempio, alcuni casi di lexical fuzziness). Le modalità d’uso di tecnicismi specifici e collaterali hanno fornito un ulteriore spunto di confronto negli articoli esaminati. La discussione sulla fruibilità del testo di arrivo in questo genere di letteratura ha messo in luce punti di divergenza fra stile comunicativo britannico e/o americano e stile comunicativo dell’italiano, con valutazioni sulla belle écriture dell’italiano delle scienze morbide il cui stile cumulativo e articolato non può essere ignorato dal traduttore. Le mie argomentazioni sono state fondate sulla skopos theory che fa della communication intention il perno della traduzione, in funzione di un testo di arrivo equifunctional a quello di partenza (Nord, 1987).
Antonucci, B. (2013). Translation in the Field of Psychology: Terminological Pitfalls and Communicative Style in English and Italian Academic Articles. ENGLISHES, 50, 21-59.
Translation in the Field of Psychology: Terminological Pitfalls and Communicative Style in English and Italian Academic Articles
The paper aims at outlining some specific issues related to the different use of English and Italian within the domain of academic articles on psychology. The study of the language of thepsyche applied to academic articles written in English and translated into Italian seems to have interesting implications for the theory and practice of translation of professional discourse. By collecting empirical data from English texts and their Italian translations (a parallel mini-corpus), a synchronic, constrastive analysis was carried out. The paper sets out to outline some relevant differences between the English ST and the Italian TT (namely terminological and register related issues) in order to define some translational complexities of this text type and provide both new insights and useful tools for translators. The role of English as a lingua franca within this discourse community will be taken into account in order to identify some ‚pitfalls‘ the translator should be aware of when dealing with the English source text. Admittedly, the use of English within this specific discourse community has had a multifaceted effect: on the one hand it has allowed the dissemination of information (i.e. scholars who wrote in Russian or other languages were finally available to almost all the community members), while on the other it has raised some conceptual biases (e.g. terminological ‚fuzzy matches‘) which are worth analyzing and which affect the STT practice.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.