The new policy implemented by John XXIII, on the international scene, introduced elements of contradiction in the ideological framework Moscow was used to looking at the Holy See. Soviet analysts emphasized in their reports the signs of change that could be noticed in the action of the new pontiff. The main innovation was identified in the position of the Pope on the issue of peace, that was the key issue Roncalli used to make his way into the Soviet world. The choice of peace as a priority of the personal commitment of the Pope and, somehow even of the activity of the Holy See, upset the fixed positions of the cold war, locating the pontificate above the blocks’ divisions. Peace was the ground where during Chruščëv time a contact between Soviet Union and Holy See could be established as a way out from the rigid contraposition of the previous years.
La nuova linea politica seguita da Giovanni XXIII sulla scena internazionale introduceva elementi di contraddizione nello schema ideologico, con cui da Mosca si era soliti guardare alla Santa Sede. Gli analisti sovietici nei loro rapporti mettevano in evidenza i segnali di cambiamento che si potevano riscontrare nell’azione del nuovo pontefice. La principale novità era individuata nella posizione del papa sulla questione della pace, che costituì il tema-chiave, con cui Roncalli fece breccia nel mondo sovietico. La scelta della pace come priorità dell’impegno personale del papa e, in una qualche misura, anche dell’attività della Santa Sede, scompaginava le collocazioni fisse della guerra fredda, ponendo il papato al di sopra della divisione tra blocchi. La pace costituì il terreno su cui negli anni di Chruščëv fu possibile stabilire un contatto tra Unione Sovietica e Santa Sede, per uscire dalla rigida contrapposizione degli anni precedenti.
Roccucci, A. (2004). Mosca e il papa della pace. CRISTIANESIMO NELLA STORIA, 25/2, 609-624.
Mosca e il papa della pace
The new policy implemented by John XXIII, on the international scene, introduced elements of contradiction in the ideological framework Moscow was used to looking at the Holy See. Soviet analysts emphasized in their reports the signs of change that could be noticed in the action of the new pontiff. The main innovation was identified in the position of the Pope on the issue of peace, that was the key issue Roncalli used to make his way into the Soviet world. The choice of peace as a priority of the personal commitment of the Pope and, somehow even of the activity of the Holy See, upset the fixed positions of the cold war, locating the pontificate above the blocks’ divisions. Peace was the ground where during Chruščëv time a contact between Soviet Union and Holy See could be established as a way out from the rigid contraposition of the previous years.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.