This paper analyzes the case of contracts to the detriment of a third party and the problem of a modern application of the ancient maxim fraus omnia corrumpit. Under the author’s perspective, only when the contractors fraud is directly against third parties, it is possible to invoke the nullity of the contract both in the sense of article 1345 Code Civil (that is in the case of a contract for illegal and contrary to public order/morality purpose), and in the sense of article 1344 Code Civil (because of the possible coincidence of fraud against civil law and fraud to the detriment of third parties). On the contrary, when the contractors fraud is only indirectly against third parties, the contract itself might be considered valid but not enforceable (towards third parties), or alternatively a source of the contractor’s civil liability (in favour of the damaged third parties). Therefore it should be necessary to choose the most appropriate civil remedy, case by case, in order to protect the innocent third parties. In this way the issue justifies the modern functions of the mentioned principle fraus omnia corrumpit in our current civil law system. In fact this principle sometimes might be intended as an independent legal concept, some other times as a correlated concept to different legal categories, some other times as a corrective equitable mechanism in the application of Civil Code articles, with a clear impact on the sources of Private positive Law.
Il saggio analizza l’attuale portata applicativa della categoria della frode al terzo intesa sia quale frode diretta «al terzo», sia – in chiave funzionale – quale effetto riflesso dannoso «verso i terzi». Sí che l’applicazione dell’antico brocardo fraus omnia corrumpit determina propriamente la nullità ex art. 1345 c.c. (per motivo illecito – contrario all’ordine pubblico e al buon costume – comune e determinante), o per diretta coincidenza della frode alla legge con la frode al terzo (art. 1344 c.c.), soltanto in caso di «contratto in frode al terzo». Mentre, nella differente ipotesi di «contratto in danno di terzi» (valido ma non meritevole), dovrebbe trovare applicazione il rimedio risarcitorio ovvero quello dell’inopponibilità. L’idea di fondo è pertanto quella di associare alla frode al terzo, di volta in volta, il «giusto rimedio civile». Si riscoprono in tal modo rilevanti profili evolutivi e una pluralità di funzioni del principio fraus omnia corrumpit nel nostro attuale ordinamento, principio che muove da concetto giuridico autonomo, a categoria esplicativa di altri fenomeni giuridici rilevanti, a meccanismo correttivo nell’applicazione delle norme codicistiche, dunque con evidenti riflessi sulla teoria delle fonti nel diritto privato.
Longobucco, F. (2012). Profili evolutivi del principio fraus omnia corrumpit tra «contratto in frode al terzo» e «contratto in danno di terzi». RASSEGNA DI DIRITTO CIVILE(3), 712-737.
Profili evolutivi del principio fraus omnia corrumpit tra «contratto in frode al terzo» e «contratto in danno di terzi»
This paper analyzes the case of contracts to the detriment of a third party and the problem of a modern application of the ancient maxim fraus omnia corrumpit. Under the author’s perspective, only when the contractors fraud is directly against third parties, it is possible to invoke the nullity of the contract both in the sense of article 1345 Code Civil (that is in the case of a contract for illegal and contrary to public order/morality purpose), and in the sense of article 1344 Code Civil (because of the possible coincidence of fraud against civil law and fraud to the detriment of third parties). On the contrary, when the contractors fraud is only indirectly against third parties, the contract itself might be considered valid but not enforceable (towards third parties), or alternatively a source of the contractor’s civil liability (in favour of the damaged third parties). Therefore it should be necessary to choose the most appropriate civil remedy, case by case, in order to protect the innocent third parties. In this way the issue justifies the modern functions of the mentioned principle fraus omnia corrumpit in our current civil law system. In fact this principle sometimes might be intended as an independent legal concept, some other times as a correlated concept to different legal categories, some other times as a corrective equitable mechanism in the application of Civil Code articles, with a clear impact on the sources of Private positive Law.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.