Tamara Tagliacozzo, Walter Benjamin and Hermann Cohen on experience and infinite task In the essay on the program of the coming philosophy (1917-18) and his related Fragments (1916-1921), Benjamin hopes for a revision of Kant’s theory of knowledge by the construction of a non-empirical and spiritually higher, metaphysical concept of experience, which must derive from the structure of pure knowledge. He attempts to surpass the Kantian conception of experience, with its empirical connotation, and the Neo-Kantian conception of an exclusively scientific, physical-mathematical knowledge, and to delineate a system of philosophy – his infinite task – wherein experience derives from pure knowledge and is not only physical-mathematical, but also linguistic, biological, historical, artistic and religious. So-called experience is in Benjamin pure knowledge that develops in the individual sciences and is virtually included, perceived as an infinite task of recovery of concepts and the search for their unity in a totality, in experience as a unitary and continuous multiplicity of knowledge.
Tamara Tagliacozzo, Esperienza e compito infinito in Walter Benjamin e Hermann Cohen Nel saggio Sul programma della filosofia futura Benjamin auspica una revisione della teoria della conoscenza di Kant in vista della costruzione di un concetto di esperienza non empirico e spiritualmente più alto, metafisico, che deve derivare dalla struttura della conoscenza pura. Il tentativo di Benjamin è quello di superare la concezione kantiana dell’esperienza, connotata empiricamente, e la concezione neokantiana, esclusivamente scientifica, e di delineare un sistema della filosofia – il suo compito infinito – dove l’esperienza derivi dalla conoscenza pura e sia esperienza non solo fisico-matematica, ma anche linguistica, biologica, storica, artistica e religiosa. La cosiddetta esperienza in Benjamin è conoscenza pura che si sviluppa nelle singole scienze ed è virtualmente inclusa, nella prospettiva di un compito infinito di recupero dei concetti e di ricerca della loro unità in una totalità, nell’esperienza come molteplicità unitaria e continua della conoscenza. Parole chiave, Esperienza, Walter Benjamin, Hermann Cohen, Compito infinito, Messianismo, Neokantismo. Key words: Experience, Walter Benjamin, Hermann Cohen, Infinite task, Messianism, Neo-Kantianism,.
Tagliacozzo, T. (2017). Walter Benjamin and Hermann Cohen on Experience and Infinite Task, in "Critical Idealism and Messianism. From Hermann Cohen to Walter Benjamin and beyond, numero monografico a cura di Tamara Tagliacozzo, Reinier Munk, Andrea Poma, in Paradigmi. Rivista di critica filosofica, I/2017, pp. 79-96 ISSN 1120-3404, ISSNe 2035-357X. PARADIGMI, XXXV(1/2017), 79-96 [10.3280/PARA2017-001006].
Walter Benjamin and Hermann Cohen on Experience and Infinite Task, in "Critical Idealism and Messianism. From Hermann Cohen to Walter Benjamin and beyond, numero monografico a cura di Tamara Tagliacozzo, Reinier Munk, Andrea Poma, in Paradigmi. Rivista di critica filosofica, I/2017, pp. 79-96 ISSN 1120-3404, ISSNe 2035-357X
Writing – Original Draft Preparation
Tamara Tagliacozzo, Walter Benjamin and Hermann Cohen on experience and infinite task In the essay on the program of the coming philosophy (1917-18) and his related Fragments (1916-1921), Benjamin hopes for a revision of Kant’s theory of knowledge by the construction of a non-empirical and spiritually higher, metaphysical concept of experience, which must derive from the structure of pure knowledge. He attempts to surpass the Kantian conception of experience, with its empirical connotation, and the Neo-Kantian conception of an exclusively scientific, physical-mathematical knowledge, and to delineate a system of philosophy – his infinite task – wherein experience derives from pure knowledge and is not only physical-mathematical, but also linguistic, biological, historical, artistic and religious. So-called experience is in Benjamin pure knowledge that develops in the individual sciences and is virtually included, perceived as an infinite task of recovery of concepts and the search for their unity in a totality, in experience as a unitary and continuous multiplicity of knowledge.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.