Real estate assets that constitute the active mass of insolvency proceedings at liquidation stage must be subject to a consistent procedure for the collection of the municipal tax on real estate property (IMU). In fact, the derogating regime for bankruptcy and compulsory administrative liquidation cannot be limited to those two mentioned procedures while also other procedures are characterized by substantially coinciding purposes and by essentially similar proceedings. Motivated by the same need to protect the creditors through the credit crystallization effect, the fact of adopting a differentiated regime for the levy on the real estate properties involved in bankruptcy and administrative liquidation compared to that applicable on properties of other procedures with liquidation purposes, appears to be a systematically incoherent choice and therefore should be overcome with an interpretation by analogy more suitable to the objectives of the legal system.
Gli immobili costituenti la massa attiva di procedure concorsuali liquidatorie devono essere sottoposti ad un uniforme procedimento di liquidazione dell’IMU. Infatti il regime derogatorio previsto per il fallimento e la liquidazione coatta amministrativa non può venire limitato a solo tali due procedure concorsuali se anche altre procedure siano caratterizzate da finalità in buona parte coincidenti e da procedimenti sostanzialmente analoghi a quelli fallimentari. A fronte, poi, della medesima esigenza di tutelare i creditori concorsuali mediante l’effetto di cristallizzazione del credito, adottare un regime differenziato, sotto tale profilo, per il prelievo che grava sugli immobili ricompresi nel fallimento e nella liquidazione coatta amministrativa rispetto a quello applicabile sugli immobili di altre procedure con finalità liquidatorie, appare una scelta sistematicamente incoerente, e quindi suscettibile di essere superata mediante l’integrazione analogica del regime più rispondente agli obiettivi del sistema.
Girelli, G. (2018). Procedure concorsuali e liquidazione dell’IMU. RASSEGNA TRIBUTARIA(1/2018), 11-28.
Procedure concorsuali e liquidazione dell’IMU
Real estate assets that constitute the active mass of insolvency proceedings at liquidation stage must be subject to a consistent procedure for the collection of the municipal tax on real estate property (IMU). In fact, the derogating regime for bankruptcy and compulsory administrative liquidation cannot be limited to those two mentioned procedures while also other procedures are characterized by substantially coinciding purposes and by essentially similar proceedings. Motivated by the same need to protect the creditors through the credit crystallization effect, the fact of adopting a differentiated regime for the levy on the real estate properties involved in bankruptcy and administrative liquidation compared to that applicable on properties of other procedures with liquidation purposes, appears to be a systematically incoherent choice and therefore should be overcome with an interpretation by analogy more suitable to the objectives of the legal system.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.