The article traces the psychometric studies on the measurement of creative thinking in an interdisciplinary and through a brief historical overview. A different line of research has also been presented that has historically concerned the study of creative talent conducted with the so-called “historiometric method” aimed at understanding and forecasting individual levels of creativity and the conditions that favor them. activation and development or which, on the contrary, produce its inhibition. For the purposes of the development of this kind of research, once we have traced the significant variables regarding the creative abilities both from the psychometric point of view and from the sociometric point of view, the problem of entering into the optics not only of measurement but of development of individual creative talent. This means paying attention to the construction of training profiles geared to the development of creative talents and the level of individual creative talent of each student. Educational directions are provided for the development of creative thinking and the training of talents through image education and artistic languages.
L’articolo ripercorre in un’ottica interdisciplinare e attraverso una breve panoramica storica centrata gli studi psicometrici sulla misurazione del pensiero creativo. Viene presentato anche un differente filone di ricerca che ha riguardato storicamente lo studio del talento creativo condotto con il cosiddetto “metodo storiometrico” volto alla comprensione e alla previsione dei livelli individuali di creatività e delle condizioni che ne favoriscono l’attivazione e lo sviluppo o che, al contrario, ne producono l’inibizione. Ai fini dello sviluppo di questo genere di ricerche, una volta rintracciate le variabili significative in merito alle abilità creative sia dal punto di vista psicometrico sia dal punto di vista sociometrico, si apre il problema di entrare nell’ottica non solo della misurazione ma dello sviluppo del talento creativo individuale. Ciò significa porre attenzione alla costruzione di profili formativi orientati allo sviluppo dei talenti creativi e del livello di talento creativo individuale di ciascun allievo. Vengono fornite indicazioni educative per lo sviluppo del pensiero creativo e la formazione dei talenti attraverso l’educazione all’immagine e ai linguaggi artistici.
Biasi, V. (2018). Per lo sviluppo del pensiero creativo e la formazione dei talenti attraverso l’educazione all’immagine e ai linguaggi artistici / For the development of creative thought and the formation of talents through image education and artistic languages. FORMAZIONE & INSEGNAMENTO, XVI(2), 27-33 [107346/-fei-XVI-02-18_03].
Per lo sviluppo del pensiero creativo e la formazione dei talenti attraverso l’educazione all’immagine e ai linguaggi artistici / For the development of creative thought and the formation of talents through image education and artistic languages.
Biasi V.
The article traces the psychometric studies on the measurement of creative thinking in an interdisciplinary and through a brief historical overview. A different line of research has also been presented that has historically concerned the study of creative talent conducted with the so-called “historiometric method” aimed at understanding and forecasting individual levels of creativity and the conditions that favor them. activation and development or which, on the contrary, produce its inhibition. For the purposes of the development of this kind of research, once we have traced the significant variables regarding the creative abilities both from the psychometric point of view and from the sociometric point of view, the problem of entering into the optics not only of measurement but of development of individual creative talent. This means paying attention to the construction of training profiles geared to the development of creative talents and the level of individual creative talent of each student. Educational directions are provided for the development of creative thinking and the training of talents through image education and artistic languages.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.