The overhaul of the Italian regulation of loans given by shareholders in times of crisis, carried out by the recent Insolvency Law (so called “Codice della crisi d’impresa e dell’insolvenza”) and which will come into force on 14 of August 2020, aims at preventing shareholders from attempting to forestall a liquidation of the company by extending a loan and thereby transferring onto the company’s creditors the risk of failure of the rescue. This paper purports to show the theoretical impact of the reform, while underscoring the conceptual inconsistencies deriving from the approach of the Italian legislator which is based on a “double track” of rules (partly originating from corporate law and partly allocated in insolvency law). The paper concludes with some remarks on the debated topic of shareholder loans within a group of companies.
Il contributo analizza le novità in materia di finanziamenti soci contenute nel codice della crisi, evidenziandone sia l’impatto sistematico sia le difficoltà applicative discendenti dalla scelta del legislatore di mantenere un regime di “doppio binario” tra regole di diritto societario materiale (allocate nel codice civile) e regole di diritto concorsuale (allocate nel codice della crisi). Particolare attenzione viene dedicata al problema del nesso esistente tra postergazione legale del credito e inefficacia dell’eventuale rimborso, nonché al fenomeno dei finanziamenti anomali endogruppo.
Maugeri, M. (2020). Finanziamenti “anomali” dei soci e riorganizzazione dell’impresa nel codice della crisi. RIVISTA DEL DIRITTO COMMERCIALE E DEL DIRITTO GENERALE DELLE OBBLIGAZIONI, 129-155.
Finanziamenti “anomali” dei soci e riorganizzazione dell’impresa nel codice della crisi
Marco Maugeri
The overhaul of the Italian regulation of loans given by shareholders in times of crisis, carried out by the recent Insolvency Law (so called “Codice della crisi d’impresa e dell’insolvenza”) and which will come into force on 14 of August 2020, aims at preventing shareholders from attempting to forestall a liquidation of the company by extending a loan and thereby transferring onto the company’s creditors the risk of failure of the rescue. This paper purports to show the theoretical impact of the reform, while underscoring the conceptual inconsistencies deriving from the approach of the Italian legislator which is based on a “double track” of rules (partly originating from corporate law and partly allocated in insolvency law). The paper concludes with some remarks on the debated topic of shareholder loans within a group of companies.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.