Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica
A diluted version of the problem of the existence of the Hofstadter sequence
2025-01-01 Deane, J. H. B.; Gentile, G.
A field theory approach to Lindstedt series for hyperbolic tori in three time scales problems
1999-01-01 Gallavotti, G; Gentile, Guido; Mastropietro, V.
A fluctuation theorem in a random environment
2008-01-01 Bonetto, F; Gallavotti, G; Gentile, Guido
A possible mechanism for the KAM tori breakdown
1999-01-01 Gentile, Guido; Mastropietro, V.
A proof of existence of whiskered tori with quasi flat homoclinic intersections in a class of almost integrable hamiltonian systems
1995-01-01 Gentile, Guido
Anderson localization for the Holstein model
2000-01-01 Gentile, Guido; Mastropietro, V.
Arnolʹd tongues for a resonant injection-locked frequency divider: analytical and numerical results
2010-01-01 BARTUCCELLI M., V; DEANE J. H., B; Gentile, Guido; Schilder, F.
Aspects of ergodic, qualitative and statistical theory of motion
2004-01-01 Gallavotti, G; Bonetto, F; Gentile, Guido
Attractiveness of periodic orbits in parametrically forced systems with time-increasing friction
2012-01-01 Bartuccelli, M; Deane, J; Gentile, Guido
Basins of attraction in forced systems with time-varying dissipation
2015-01-01 James A., Wright; Deane, Jonathan H. B.; Bartuccelli, Michele; Gentile, Guido
Bifurcation curves of subharmonic solutions and Melnikov theory under degeneracies
2007-01-01 Gentile, Guido; BARTUCCELLI M., V; Deane, J. H. B.
Bifurcation phenomena and attractive periodic solutions in the saturating inductor circuit
2007-01-01 Bartuccelli, M; Deane, J; Gentile, Guido
Borel summability and Lindstedt series
2007-01-01 Costin, O; Gallavotti, G; Gentile, Guido; Giuliani, Alessandro
Breakdown of Lindstedt expansion for chaotic maps
2005-01-01 Gentile, Guido; VAN ERP, T. S.
Brjuno numbers and dynamical systems
2006-01-01 Gentile, Guido
Bryuno function and the standard map
2001-01-01 Berretti, A; Gentile, Guido
Comparisons between the pendulum with varying length and the pendulum with oscillating support
2017-01-01 Wright, James; Bartuccelli, Michele; Gentile, Guido
Conservation of resonant periodic solutions for the one dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation.
2006-01-01 Gentile, Guido; Procesi, Michela
Construction of periodic solutions of nonlinear wave equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions by the Lindstedt series method
2004-01-01 Gentile, Guido; Mastropietro, V.
Construction of quasi-periodic response solutions in forced strongly dissipative systems
2012-01-01 Gentile, Guido