The project presented here, which involved researchers from different disciplines -architecture and graphic documentation, archaeology and restoration - is to prepare a quick, accurate and easy to implementable in time, tool for surveying and documentation, which allows the graphic description of the material and architectural artifacts, of their palimpsest stratification and the state of preservation, in order to reconstruct the phases of growth and transformation, and to identify the criterion of restoration. The current study concerns Porta Latina and the roughly 100 metros of wall between towers J19 and J20. This gate is one of the best conserved of the original Aurelian walls. The gate is flanked by two semi-circular towers, one of which is constructed on a massive rectangular base in stone, to the east of Porta Metronia. The project began with an analysis and documentation campaign integrating direct, traditional recording methods with indirect, topographic instrument and 3D laser scanning recording. These recording systems permitted development of a geographic information system based on three-dimensional modeling of separate, individual elements, linked to a database and related to the various stratigraphic horizons, the construction techniques, the component materials and their state of degradation. The investigations of the extant wall fabric were further compared to historic documentation, from both graphic and descriptive sources.
L’attività qui presentata, che ha coinvolto ricercatori di settori disciplinari diversi - del rilievo e rappresentazione, dell’archeologia e del restauro - è quello di predisporre uno strumento di rilievo e di documentazione agile, preciso e facilmente implementabile nel tempo, che consenta la descrizione grafica e materica dei manufatti architettonici, del loro palinsesto di stratificazioni e dello stato di conservazione, al fine di ricostruire le fasi di crescita e di trasformazione, e di individuare i criteri di restauro. Il caso di studio è quello di un tratto delle Mura Aureliane lungo circa cento metri lineari presso Porta Latina che comprende, oltre alla porta stessa, le due torri semicircolari e la prima torre a pianta quadrangolare ad est verso Porta Metronia. Il lavoro è stato strutturato a partire da una campagna di rilevamento tradizionale integrato con il laser scanner 3D che ha consentito di realizzare un modello tridimensionale collegato ad una banca dati sviluppata in ambiente GIS. Le indagini sulla consistenza attuale sono state confrontate con la documentazione storica, sia grafica che descrittiva, consentendo di chiarire alcuni aspetti della storia costruttiva del monumento.
Zampilli, M. (2015). Identificazione delle fasi costruttive delle Mura Aureliane presso Porta Latina. In Cinte murarie e abitati. Restauro, riuso e valorizzazione (pp.25-38). Roma : Aracne Editrice Internazionale.
Identificazione delle fasi costruttive delle Mura Aureliane presso Porta Latina
The project presented here, which involved researchers from different disciplines -architecture and graphic documentation, archaeology and restoration - is to prepare a quick, accurate and easy to implementable in time, tool for surveying and documentation, which allows the graphic description of the material and architectural artifacts, of their palimpsest stratification and the state of preservation, in order to reconstruct the phases of growth and transformation, and to identify the criterion of restoration. The current study concerns Porta Latina and the roughly 100 metros of wall between towers J19 and J20. This gate is one of the best conserved of the original Aurelian walls. The gate is flanked by two semi-circular towers, one of which is constructed on a massive rectangular base in stone, to the east of Porta Metronia. The project began with an analysis and documentation campaign integrating direct, traditional recording methods with indirect, topographic instrument and 3D laser scanning recording. These recording systems permitted development of a geographic information system based on three-dimensional modeling of separate, individual elements, linked to a database and related to the various stratigraphic horizons, the construction techniques, the component materials and their state of degradation. The investigations of the extant wall fabric were further compared to historic documentation, from both graphic and descriptive sources.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.