The study means to give a contribution to outline a method of facing the rebuilding of the Central Italy’s historical towns and villages damaged by 2016 seismic events. Villages are among the place in which, more than everywhere, the local and social identity characters of community are assembled. This is noticed immediately after a catastrophic event when people involved ask themselves how to take their identity back and, at the same time, how to secure their future in safe houses, safe public building and safe common areas. These two concepts: place’s local identity restoration or conservation and guarantee of safety in case of catastrophic events, must necessarily lead the rebuilding process of the villages stroked by earthquakes. The identity characteristics of places landscape, settlements, urban fabric, buildings and building techniques are basic data to consider in defining a post-catastrophic action that wants link structural improvement with identity preservation. These identity marks have to be inflected according to the different types of actions to face: 1. Prevention Villages little damaged by earthquakes. (Leonessa) The issue in this case is to analyze the reasons of the resiliency (good quality of stone build masonry; presence of historical seismic prevention; effective action of safety after previous earthquakes) and consequently propose types of interventions consonant with the structural working of each buildings and urban fabric in order to prevent future catastrophic events. 2. Restauration Villages with specific limited damage with few collapse (Trisungo, Spelonga Retrosi). (img.1) 3. Rebuilding Villages with a built up area destroyed in almost their totality (like Arquata del Tronto). In this case it is important to understand which are the unavoidable local identity characters (rhythm of the urban fabric, skyline, ancient paths) to maintain and re-propose in order to keep the place identity and also integrate them with new needs, first of all safety necessities (structural improvement, building thinning, exodus path etc) (img.2) 4. Reconstitution of memory Villages which cannot be rebuild (Pescara del Tronto). Because of the impossibility of rebuilding it is necessary to guarantee an historical continuity through a definitive arrangement in which the urban memory is enhanced. (img.3) The typological and procedural analysis means to analyze and understand the basic mechanism of foundation and transformation of urban settlements and define the historical character, which make an historical center recognizable in its identity. This kind of approach allows to understand the historical-formative values of both single building and urban fabric and their role in the shaping of the urban organism. The issue is to define the limits in which the different actions, enhancing the identity character, allow a consistent readability of formal, functional and structural aspect.
L’intervento intende dare un contributo alla definizione di un metodo per affrontare la ricostruzione dei centri storici dell’Italia Centrale devastati dagli eventi sismici del 2016. I centri storici sono tra i luoghi dove maggiormente si condensano i caratteri identitari di un popolo e questo lo si riscontra soprattutto quando, subito dopo un evento catastrofico, le popolazioni colpite si interrogano su come riappropriarsi della propria identità ed assicurarsi un futuro in case, edifici e spazi pubblici sicuri. Questi due concetti chiave: ripristino o conservazione dell’identità di un luogo, e garanzia di sicurezza di fronte agli eventi catastrofici, dovranno necessariamente orientare il processo di ricostruzione dei borghi colpiti dai terremoti. I caratteri identitari dei luoghi, alle varie scale (paesaggio, aggregato, tessuto, tipi edilizi, tecniche costruttive) sono i dati di base dai quali non si può prescindere nella definizione di un intervento post-catastrofe che voglia coniugare il miglioramento strutturale con il mantenimento dell’identità. Questi caratteri identitari, questi dati di funzionamento, vanno declinati a seconda degli scenari d’intervento che ci si trova a dover affrontare: 1) Prevenzione: centri storici poco danneggiati dal sisma (Leonessa). Sui quali ci si interroga sulle ragioni: presenza di murature di buona qualità, di presidi di prevenzione sismica pre-moderna, di consolidamenti e messe in sicurezza efficaci dopo precedenti terremoti, e proporre modelli d’intervento consoni al funzionamento strutturale, dei tipi edilizi come dei tessuti, per la prevenzione da futuri eventi. 2) Restauro: per centri storici con danni puntuali o comunque piuttosto circoscritti e con pochi crolli (Trisungo, Spelonga Retrosi). 3) Ricostruzione: centri storici che presentano una distruzione della quasi totalità dell’abitato (Arquata del Tronto). In questo caso ci si interroga su quali siano i caratteri fondativi imprescindibili (la scansione del tessuto, lo skyline, le percorrenze) da conservare e riproporre per mantenere l’identità del luogo e come integrare questi con le nuove necessità, prime tra tutte quelle inerenti alla sicurezza (miglioramento strutturale, diradamento per la creazione di vie di esodo etc.). 4) Ricostruzione della memoria: Centri storici non ricostruibili (Pescara del Tronto). Siti per i quali, non essendo possibile la ricostruzione, si vuole assicurare una continuità storica attraverso una sistemazione definitiva che ne assicuri la valorizzazione della memoria urbana. Attraverso una lettura tipologico processuale si intende analizzare e comprendere i meccanismi che sono alla base della formazione e trasformazione degli agglomerati urbani, disvelandone i caratteri fondativi, storicamente definiti, che rendono un centro storico riconoscibile in quanto tale. Questo metodo di analisi permette di riconoscere i valori storico-formativi del singolo edificio come del tessuto, e del ruolo di questi nella costituzione dell’organismo urbano, nell’ottica di tracciare i confini entro i quali praticare i diversi interventi, valorizzando i caratteri che assicurino, alle varie scale e nei vari scenari, la coerente leggibilità formale, fruitiva-funzionale e strutturale.
Zampilli, M., Brunori, G. (2018). Metodi e pratiche per il recupero dell’identità e il miglioramento della sicurezza dei centri storici terremotati dell’Appennino Centrale.. In Un paese ci vuole. Studi e prospettive per i centri abbandonati e in via di spopolamento (pp.120-121). Soveria Mannelli (CZ) : Rubettino Editore.
Metodi e pratiche per il recupero dell’identità e il miglioramento della sicurezza dei centri storici terremotati dell’Appennino Centrale.
Zampilli Michele;Brunori Giulia
The study means to give a contribution to outline a method of facing the rebuilding of the Central Italy’s historical towns and villages damaged by 2016 seismic events. Villages are among the place in which, more than everywhere, the local and social identity characters of community are assembled. This is noticed immediately after a catastrophic event when people involved ask themselves how to take their identity back and, at the same time, how to secure their future in safe houses, safe public building and safe common areas. These two concepts: place’s local identity restoration or conservation and guarantee of safety in case of catastrophic events, must necessarily lead the rebuilding process of the villages stroked by earthquakes. The identity characteristics of places landscape, settlements, urban fabric, buildings and building techniques are basic data to consider in defining a post-catastrophic action that wants link structural improvement with identity preservation. These identity marks have to be inflected according to the different types of actions to face: 1. Prevention Villages little damaged by earthquakes. (Leonessa) The issue in this case is to analyze the reasons of the resiliency (good quality of stone build masonry; presence of historical seismic prevention; effective action of safety after previous earthquakes) and consequently propose types of interventions consonant with the structural working of each buildings and urban fabric in order to prevent future catastrophic events. 2. Restauration Villages with specific limited damage with few collapse (Trisungo, Spelonga Retrosi). (img.1) 3. Rebuilding Villages with a built up area destroyed in almost their totality (like Arquata del Tronto). In this case it is important to understand which are the unavoidable local identity characters (rhythm of the urban fabric, skyline, ancient paths) to maintain and re-propose in order to keep the place identity and also integrate them with new needs, first of all safety necessities (structural improvement, building thinning, exodus path etc) (img.2) 4. Reconstitution of memory Villages which cannot be rebuild (Pescara del Tronto). Because of the impossibility of rebuilding it is necessary to guarantee an historical continuity through a definitive arrangement in which the urban memory is enhanced. (img.3) The typological and procedural analysis means to analyze and understand the basic mechanism of foundation and transformation of urban settlements and define the historical character, which make an historical center recognizable in its identity. This kind of approach allows to understand the historical-formative values of both single building and urban fabric and their role in the shaping of the urban organism. The issue is to define the limits in which the different actions, enhancing the identity character, allow a consistent readability of formal, functional and structural aspect.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.