Abstract: On the debate on the internal areas, the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park is an interesting reality unique of its kind. The large size of the park and the distance from the largest metropolitan areas describes a region with a rural identity. Only in recent decades the Park has tried to invest in tourism by exploiting the heritage received from the Greeks, Etruscans and Lucanians. Nevertheless, investment in tourism was carried out without an adequate awareness of a heritage that goes far beyond archaeological sites but that is a heritage that includes the whole rural landscape of Cilento. This approach lead to the dire consequence of taking actions that compromised the intrinsic value of the Park. Starting from a critical analysis of the Monte Stella area, the study aims to highlight the different integration that small old towns and new modern expansions have with the landscape of the park, showing risks generated by the abandonment of the traditional rural economy in favor of improper kind of tourism.
Abstract: Il Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano costituisce, in merito al dibattito sulle aree interne, una realtà particolarmente interessante e forse unica nel suo genere. Le grandi dimensioni del Parco e la distanza dalle più grandi aree metropolitane, ne fanno una regione dall’identità rurale che soltanto negli ultimi decenni ha provato ad investire sul settore turistico sfruttando il patrimonio ricevuto in eredità da greci, etruschi e lucani. Tale slancio tuttavia si è mosso il più delle volte senza un’adeguata consapevolezza di un patrimonio che va ben oltre le aree archeologiche ma che comprende il paesaggio rurale del Parco nella sua interezza, portando dunque alla grave conseguenza di compiere gesti che ne hanno messo in pericolo il valore intrinseco. Partendo da un’analisi critica dello stato di fatto, a cominciare dall’ambito paesaggistico Monte Stella, lo studio vuole mettere in luce la differente integrazione che i piccoli centri antichi e le nuove espansioni moderne hanno con il paesaggio del Parco, evidenziando rischi ed incongruenze generate dall’abbandono dell’economia rurale tradizionale a favore di un improprio sfruttamento turistico.
Cianci, M.G., Mondelli, F.P. (2019). Landscape development in Cilento National Park: the small towns of Monte Stella area between rural economy and tourism.. In Small towns…from problem to resource. Sustainable strategies for the valorization of building, landscape and cultural heritage in inland areas (pp.669-678). Ed. FrancoAngeli.
Landscape development in Cilento National Park: the small towns of Monte Stella area between rural economy and tourism.
Maria Grazia cianci;Francesca Paola mondelli
Abstract: On the debate on the internal areas, the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park is an interesting reality unique of its kind. The large size of the park and the distance from the largest metropolitan areas describes a region with a rural identity. Only in recent decades the Park has tried to invest in tourism by exploiting the heritage received from the Greeks, Etruscans and Lucanians. Nevertheless, investment in tourism was carried out without an adequate awareness of a heritage that goes far beyond archaeological sites but that is a heritage that includes the whole rural landscape of Cilento. This approach lead to the dire consequence of taking actions that compromised the intrinsic value of the Park. Starting from a critical analysis of the Monte Stella area, the study aims to highlight the different integration that small old towns and new modern expansions have with the landscape of the park, showing risks generated by the abandonment of the traditional rural economy in favor of improper kind of tourism.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.