Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 14.583
NA - Nord America 13.142
AS - Asia 5.658
AF - Africa 181
SA - Sud America 78
OC - Oceania 20
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 10
Totale 33.672
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 13.107
DK - Danimarca 4.793
CN - Cina 4.363
GB - Regno Unito 3.181
RU - Federazione Russa 2.663
DE - Germania 838
UA - Ucraina 748
IT - Italia 677
SE - Svezia 674
SG - Singapore 560
VN - Vietnam 348
FI - Finlandia 284
IE - Irlanda 219
AL - Albania 199
CI - Costa d'Avorio 175
JP - Giappone 100
TR - Turchia 95
FR - Francia 87
BR - Brasile 69
KR - Corea 65
NL - Olanda 54
IN - India 42
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 39
BE - Belgio 38
HK - Hong Kong 37
CA - Canada 31
RO - Romania 22
AU - Australia 19
IR - Iran 16
AT - Austria 10
ES - Italia 10
LT - Lituania 10
PL - Polonia 9
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 7
BD - Bangladesh 7
BG - Bulgaria 6
CH - Svizzera 6
MD - Moldavia 6
AR - Argentina 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
GR - Grecia 3
IQ - Iraq 3
MY - Malesia 3
PK - Pakistan 3
TW - Taiwan 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
BO - Bolivia 2
EU - Europa 2
JM - Giamaica 2
PT - Portogallo 2
TH - Thailandia 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
CO - Colombia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
EC - Ecuador 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IL - Israele 1
IS - Islanda 1
JO - Giordania 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MN - Mongolia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NP - Nepal 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
SI - Slovenia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
UY - Uruguay 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 33.672
Città #
Southend 2.939
Woodbridge 2.181
Fairfield 1.401
Houston 962
Ann Arbor 935
Wilmington 909
Ashburn 793
Nanjing 782
Dearborn 774
Chandler 645
Seattle 598
Jacksonville 535
Cambridge 512
Beijing 490
Boardman 487
Princeton 380
Dong Ket 347
Jinan 279
Nanchang 264
Singapore 259
Shenyang 248
Rome 228
Hebei 221
Plano 221
Shanghai 219
Dublin 214
Redwood City 192
Changsha 185
Tianjin 161
Jiaxing 155
Moscow 127
Hangzhou 109
Izmir 93
Zhengzhou 92
Helsinki 88
Haikou 86
Tokyo 81
Kunming 78
San Diego 78
Guangzhou 73
Ningbo 73
Kansas City 71
Taizhou 67
Seoul 64
Milan 60
Orange 53
Altamura 52
Hefei 49
Lanzhou 46
Taiyuan 43
San Mateo 41
Bremen 39
Dallas 39
Munich 38
Fuzhou 36
Brno 35
Brussels 35
London 35
New York 34
San Paolo di Civitate 32
Hong Kong 30
Pune 28
Falls Church 25
Verona 24
Yubileyny 24
Fort Worth 23
Alameda 22
Lawrence 22
Eitensheim 20
Los Angeles 20
Flushing 18
Kilburn 15
Leawood 15
Norwalk 15
Mazzano Romano 13
Santa Clara 13
Washington 13
Toronto 11
Berlin 10
Falkenstein 10
Mountain View 10
Chengdu 9
Chiswick 9
Renton 9
Venezia 9
Vienna 9
Changchun 8
Chicago 8
North York 8
Ottawa 8
Paris 8
Ancona 7
Auburn Hills 7
Frankfurt am Main 7
Bristol 6
Chisinau 6
Council Bluffs 6
Nürnberg 6
Shaoxing 6
Stevenage 6
Totale 20.886
Nome #
On the hydrodynamic and acoustic nature of pressure proper orthogonal decomposition modes in the near field of a compressible jet 309
Cross-statistical and wavelet analysis of velocity and wall-pressure fields in jet-surface interaction 251
Aeroacoustic investigation of a single airfoil tip leakage flow 247
Wavelet decomposition of hydrodynamic and acoustic pressures in the near field of the jet 244
Wall pressure fluctuations in rectangular partial enclosures 230
Velocity measurement of particles ejected from a small-size solid rocket motor 224
"Wall Pressure Fluctuations over a Forward_Facing Step" 221
Fourier and wavelet analyses of intermittent and resonant pressure components in a slot burner 221
Flow-induced pressure fluctuations of a moderate Reynolds number jet interacting with a tangential flat plate 219
Aeroacoustic study of a slotted burner 218
Applications of the wavelet theory on turbulent time signals: denoising and conditioning 216
Boundary layer noise Part 1: generation mechanisms 215
Multivariate and conditioned statistics of velocity and wall pressure fluctuations induced by a jet interacting with a flat plate 215
Wall pressure fluctuations in hypersonic boundary layer: a strategy to design the passive noise control systems 215
Statistical analysis of the hydrodynamic pressure in the near field of compressible jets 210
Aeroacoustic wind tunnel testing of a 1:6.5 model scale innovative regional turboprop 209
Boundary Layer Noise - Part 1: Generation Mechanisms 207
Hydrodynamic and acoustic wavelet-based separation of the near-field pressure of a compressible jet 206
"Air injection through microjets in low Mach number turbulent jet flows" 202
"Effect of air injection on the far field pressure radiated from a jet at subsonic Mach numbers" 201
"Pressure fluctuations in the transonic boundary layer of a VEGA launcher model" 198
Acoustic identification of coherent structures in a turbulent jet 197
Characterization of a Separated Turbulent Boundary Layer by Time-Frequency Analyses of Wall Pressure Fluctuations 197
Wall pressure fluctuations induced by turbulent boundary layers over surface discontinuities 196
"Effect of the number of blades on propeller wake evolution" 196
Pressure and velocity measurements of an incompressible moderate Reynolds number jet interacting with a tangential flat plate 195
Chaotic and linear statistics analysis in thermoacoustic instability detection 195
Airframe noise measurements in a large hard-walled closed-section wind tunnel 194
Wall Pressure Fluctuations Induced by Supersonic Turbulent Boundary Layer 192
Wall pressure coherence in supersonic turbulent boundary layers 192
Experimental analysis of scaling laws in low Rel grid-generated turbulence 192
Wall pressure fluctuations induced by transonic boundary layers on a launcher model 190
"Velocity and Wall Pressure Correlations Over a Forward Facing Step" 189
Orthonormal wavelet decomposition of turbulent flows: intermittency and coherent structures 188
Heat exchange in two-phase industrial processes 187
Flat Plate Installation Effects on Velocity and Wall Pressure Fields Generated by an Incompressible Jet 186
Statistical uncertainty in the analysis of structure functions in turbulence 185
"Aeroacoustic characterization of a separated turbulent boundary layer by time-frequency analyses of wall pressure fluctuations" 185
Convective turbulence in mercury: scaling laws and spectra 184
Statistical analysis of local turbulent energy fluctuations 184
Power spectral density transfer function from boundary-pressure to field-pressure 183
Experimental analysis of intermittent coherent structures in the near field of a high Re turbulent jet flow 182
Pressure Fluctuations in the Transonic Boundary Layer of a VEGA Launcher Model 182
Wall pressure fluctuations statistics: measurements and numerical simulations 182
On the vorticity generated sound: a transpiration-velocity/power-spectral-density approach 182
Experimental study of a tip leakage flow: wavelet analysis of pressure fluctuations 181
Analysis of the Propeller wake evolution by pressure and velocity phase measurements 180
Innovative Vibration and Acoustic Methodologies for the Design of Enhanced Composite Panel for Aircraft 179
Multi-variate Statistics of the Wall Pressure Field beneath Supersonic Turbulent Boundary Layers 179
Wavelet analysis of near-field pressure fluctuations generated by a subsonic jet 179
"Aeroacoustic investigation of a tip clearance flow" 178
Aeroacoustic investigation of a single airfoil tip leakage flow 177
"Power spectral density boundary to field transfer function" 177
Anomalous scaling exponents and coherent structures in high Re fluid turbulence 177
A simple, but efficient aeroacoustic model of jets 176
Evolution of a perturbation in a turbulent jet flow 175
Transverse and longitudinal scaling laws in non-homogeneous low Re Turbulence 174
Prandtl number effects in convective turbulence 173
Experimental analysis of the flow field around a propeller-rudder configuration 173
Experimental study of the evolution of a velocity perturbation in fully developed turbulence 173
On the sound generated by boundary-layer vorticity 173
Far field pressure fluctuations and coherent structures in a low Mach number turbulent jet flow 173
Power-Spectral-Density Boundary-to-Field Transfer Function 173
Experimental investigation of the Near-Field Noise generated by a Compressible Round Jet 172
Using Wavelet transforms and Linear Stochastic Estimation to study nearfield pressure and turbulent velocity signatures in free jets 172
Aeroacoustic investigation of a single airfoil tip leakage flow 172
Scaling properties of the velocity increments correlation function 172
Hierarchy of transverse structure functions 171
Investigation of the Flow and the Acoustics Generated by a Cylindrical Cavity 170
Experimental analysis of scaling laws in a low and moderate Re grid-generated turbulence 170
Application of time-frequency decompositions in jet aeroacoustics 170
Experimental analysis of the flow field around a propeller-rudder configuration 170
Experimental characterization of the aeroacoustic behavior of a low speed wind tunnel 169
Vortex dynamics and sound emission in excited high-speed jets 169
Intermittency of the near pressure field induced by a compressible coaxial jet 169
Statistical study of anisotropic anomalous behavior of a cylinder wake 168
Experimental analysis of intermittency in the dissipation range of turbulent flows 168
Mechanisms of evolution of the propeller wake in the transition and far fields 168
Flow-Induced Noise of a Moderate Reynolds Number Jet Interacting with a Tangential Flat Plate 167
Propagation of wall pressure perturbations in a large aspect-ratio shallow cavity 167
Numerical experiments on strongly turbulent thermal convection in a slender cylindrical cell 167
On the Extended Self Similarity and the Form-Function 166
Boundary Layer Noise 166
Experimental Investigation of pressure fluctuations in the near field of subsonic jets at different Mach and Reynolds numbers 166
Experimental Investigation of a Cylindrical Cavity 165
"Intermittency in low Re turbulence" 164
"On the vorticity generated sound: a transpiration-velocity/power-spectral-density approach" 164
"A new statistical model for anomalous scaling prediction in fully developed turbolence" 163
"Coherent structures characterization in premixed flames" 162
"Noise Emission in Large Aspect Ratio Cavities" 162
An improved model for qualifying wall pressure fluctuations beneath turbulent boundary layers 162
Far field pressure fluctuations and coherent structures in a low Mach number turbulent jet flow 162
Temporal statistics in high Rayleigh number convective turbulence 160
Power spectral density transfer function from boundary-pressure to field-pressure 160
Experimental study of a tip leakage flow: wavelet analysis of pressure fluctuations 159
Statistical analysis of the pressure field in the near region of a M = 0.5 circular jet 158
"CIRA Icing Wind Tunnel Aerodynamic Calibration " 157
"Noise induced by the turning vanes vortex shedding in a low speed wind tunnel" 157
"Conditional PIV analysis of a jet in a cross flow" 157
Aerodynamic and aeroacoustic investigation of an innovative regional turboprop scaled model: numerical simulations and experiments 157
Totale 18.501
Categoria #
all - tutte 97.848
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 97.848

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.076 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 657 731 370 246 72
2020/20213.647 221 139 260 185 331 184 562 803 131 286 100 445
2021/20221.935 104 191 32 30 432 87 126 86 212 87 121 427
2022/20232.335 373 402 135 200 193 507 14 195 167 17 81 51
2023/20242.094 71 95 304 98 315 221 151 365 19 50 96 309
2024/20253.986 36 164 598 77 111 271 2.115 614 0 0 0 0
Totale 34.556