TERESI, Luciano
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 10.312
EU - Europa 9.841
AS - Asia 3.339
AF - Africa 191
SA - Sud America 136
OC - Oceania 9
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 23.830
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 10.286
CN - Cina 2.692
DK - Danimarca 2.503
GB - Regno Unito 2.407
RU - Federazione Russa 1.652
DE - Germania 667
IT - Italia 591
SE - Svezia 574
UA - Ucraina 419
NL - Olanda 281
SG - Singapore 273
FI - Finlandia 243
IE - Irlanda 145
AL - Albania 128
VN - Vietnam 128
BR - Brasile 115
SN - Senegal 109
CI - Costa d'Avorio 64
FR - Francia 62
JP - Giappone 57
TR - Turchia 56
IN - India 34
KR - Corea 32
BE - Belgio 26
CH - Svizzera 25
HK - Hong Kong 24
CA - Canada 23
AT - Austria 18
LT - Lituania 14
RO - Romania 13
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
ES - Italia 12
BG - Bulgaria 10
PL - Polonia 8
EC - Ecuador 7
ID - Indonesia 7
AU - Australia 6
NG - Nigeria 5
PT - Portogallo 5
RS - Serbia 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
BD - Bangladesh 4
HU - Ungheria 4
IQ - Iraq 4
AR - Argentina 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
CO - Colombia 3
EE - Estonia 3
EG - Egitto 3
IL - Israele 3
IR - Iran 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
OM - Oman 3
TN - Tunisia 3
VE - Venezuela 3
EU - Europa 2
GE - Georgia 2
HR - Croazia 2
IM - Isola di Man 2
JO - Giordania 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
NO - Norvegia 2
PA - Panama 2
BH - Bahrain 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CL - Cile 1
GR - Grecia 1
KE - Kenya 1
KH - Cambogia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MC - Monaco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MM - Myanmar 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MT - Malta 1
MX - Messico 1
MY - Malesia 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PY - Paraguay 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
UY - Uruguay 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 23.830
Città #
Southend 2.235
Woodbridge 1.361
Fairfield 1.106
Chandler 819
Wilmington 808
Houston 771
Ann Arbor 764
Ashburn 738
Nanjing 518
Seattle 492
Cambridge 394
Dearborn 335
Boardman 323
Jacksonville 316
Princeton 232
Beijing 228
Jinan 219
Shenyang 216
Nanchang 168
Plano 152
Hebei 149
Dublin 140
Singapore 132
Helsinki 127
Dong Ket 126
Bremen 122
Redwood City 121
Tianjin 119
Napoli 115
Changsha 111
Dakar 109
Rome 109
Jiaxing 102
New York 96
Moscow 72
Zhengzhou 72
Hangzhou 63
Ningbo 59
Guangzhou 53
Shanghai 53
San Diego 51
Tokyo 51
Haikou 50
Izmir 50
Kunming 50
Los Angeles 45
Hefei 42
Taizhou 41
Orange 30
Pune 29
San Mateo 29
Altamura 28
Milan 28
Seoul 28
Taiyuan 28
Brussels 26
London 24
Dallas 23
Fuzhou 23
Hong Kong 22
Latina 22
Cori 21
Yubileyny 21
Amsterdam 19
Edinburgh 19
Lawrence 19
Lanzhou 18
Ladispoli 15
Rocca Di Papa 15
San Paolo di Civitate 15
São Paulo 14
Venezia 14
Stockholm 13
Alameda 12
Chengdu 11
Santa Clara 11
Toronto 11
Atlanta 10
Mountain View 10
Renton 10
Stevenage 10
Belo Horizonte 9
Brno 9
Chicago 9
Chiswick 9
Falkenstein 9
Fort Worth 8
Sofia 8
Ferrara 7
Frosinone 7
Indiana 7
Munich 7
Neef 7
Norwalk 7
Scuola 7
Washington 7
Wuhan 7
Auburn Hills 6
Catania 6
Changchun 6
Totale 15.395
Nome #
Actuation performances of anisotropic gels 310
4D-Analysis of Left Ventricular Heart Cycle Using Procrustes Motion Analysis 306
Numerical modelling of structural cooling in Mediterranean climate 298
A new 4D trajectory-based approach unveils abnormal LV revolution dynamics in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 289
Swelling and growth: a constitutive framework for active solids 276
Mathematical model for isometric and isotonic muscle contractions 270
Driving water cavitation in a hydrogel cavity 261
Torsional Correlates for End Systolic Volume Index in Adult Healthy Subjects 252
A mechanical modeling of cardiac pressure–volume loops 241
Coupling between mass density and director arrangement in Nematic Liquid Crystals 236
The decomposition of deformation: New metrics to enhance shape analysis in medical imaging 235
Systo-diastolic LV shape analysis by geometric morphometrics and parallel transport highly discriminates myocardial infarction 233
A Heterogeneous Approach for Modelling Blood Flow in an Arterial Segment 231
Continuum mechanics meets echocardiographic imaging: Investigation on the principal strain lines in human left ventricle 229
A comparative analysis of the strain-line pattern in the human left ventricle: experiments vs modelling 228
Anisotropic swelling of thin gel sheets 227
Growth-induced compatible strains 226
Non–invasive assessment of functional strain lines in the real human left ventricle via speckle tracking echocardiography 224
Structure of tracheae and the functional implications for collapse in the American cockroach 221
Homeostatic Left Heart integration and disintegration links atrio-ventricular covariation's dyshomeostasis in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 221
A one-dimensional Model for Blood Flow in Prestressed Vessels 218
Advantages in the Torsional Performances of a Simplified Cylindrical Geometry due to Trans-mural Differential Contractile Properties 214
Dynamics of Electro-Opto-Mechanical Effects in Swollen Nematic Elastomers 213
Modeling and simulation of fish swimming with active muscles 212
A Direct Theory of Affine Rods 210
Mechanics–based analysis of the left atrium via echocardiographic imaging 210
A Damage Mechanics Approach to Stress Softening and its Application to Rubber 209
Steady and transient analysis of anisotropic swelling in fibered gels 209
A Direct Theory of Affine Bodies 208
A multi-physics approach for modeling hygroscopic behavior in wood low-tech architectural adaptive systems 207
Continuum theory of swelling material surfaces with applications to thermo-responsive gel membranes and surface mass transport 205
An Electromechanical Model of Cardiac Tissue: constitutive Issues and Electrophysiological Effects 204
Left Atrial trajectory impairment in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy disclosed by Geometric Morphometrics and Parallel Transport 204
Strain analysis of cardiac tissues from 3D ultrasound images through speckle tracking 202
Variation in the shape and mechanical performance of the lower jaws in ceratopsid dinosaurs (Ornithischia, Ceratopsia). 201
Thermally Driven Giant Bending of Liquid Crystal Elastomer Films with Hybrid Alignment 198
How (and why) Twisting Cycles Make Individual MWCNTs Stiffer 197
The conceptual framework of ontogenetic trajectories: Parallel transport allows the recognition and visualization of pure deformation patterns 197
The TPS Direct Transport: A New Method for Transporting Deformations in the Size-and-Shape Space 195
Transmission Phenomena Across Highly Conductive Interfaces 194
Swelling effects on localized adhesion of an elastic ribbon 194
Multiphysics of biohybrid systems: shape control and electroinduced motion. 192
A comprehensive meso-mechanical theory of twisted MWCNTs 192
On the strain–line patterns in a real human left ventricle 191
The Cardiovascular System as a Smart System 188
The shadow of forgotten ancestors differently constrains the fate of Alligatoroidea and Crocodyloidea 187
Electromechanical Modeling of Cardiac Tissues 187
Digging adaptation in insectivorous subterranean eutherians. The enigma of Mesoscalops montanensis unveiled by geometric morphometrics and finite element analysis 187
A threefold deformation decomposition in shape analysis for medical imaging: Spherical, deviatoric and non affine components 186
The Virtual Aquarium: Simulations of Fish Swimming 183
Lie Groups and the Compatibility Conditions for Continua with Rigid Structure 183
Parallel transport of local strains 183
An Electromechanical model of cardiac tissues 181
New finite element study protocol: Clinical simulation of orthodontic tooth movement 181
Left Ventricle Motion in Clinical Studies and Theoretical Modeling 181
On the Active Response of Soft Living Tissues 179
A numerical study of a double layer gel paving technology in drug-eluting stent 179
Do the ornamented osteoderms influence the heat conduction through the skin? A finite element analysis in Crocodylomorpha 179
Torsional deformations in incompressible fibre–reinforced cylindrical pipes 178
Critical voltages and blocking stresses in nematic gels 178
Bite of the Cats: Relationships between Functional Integration and Mechanical Performance as Revealed by Mandible Geometry. 178
Creep as passive growth 176
Transient instabilities in the swelling dynamics of a hydrogel sphere 175
Cope’s Rule and the Universal Scaling Law of Ornament Complexity 175
The elastic metric: A review of elasticity with large distortions 174
The Influence on Initial Stresses on Blood Vessel Mechanics 172
Modeling Helicoid to Spiral-Ribbon Transitions of Twist-Nematic Elastomers 172
How (and why) twisting cycles make individual MWCNTs stiffer 172
Electromechanical modeling of anisotropic cardiac tissues 170
The cardiovascular system as a Smart System 169
Morphological integration and functional modularity in the crocodilian skull. 169
A Simplified Mechanical Modeling for Myocardial Contraction and the Ventricular Pressure--Volume Relationships 169
Testing Convergent and Parallel Adaptations of Talpids Humeral Mechanical Performance by means of Geometric Morphometrics and Finite Element Analysis 169
Testing convergent and parallel adaptations in talpids humeral mechanical performance by means of Geometric Morphometrics and Finite Element Analysis 168
Constitutive Identification of Affine Rods 167
Soft Elasticity of Nematic Elastomers 165
Mechanical response of Helically Wound Fiber-Reinforced Incompressible Non-linearly Elastic Pipes 165
Novel Design of Drug Delivery in Stented Arteries: a Numerical Comparative Study 164
Transient analysis of swelling–induced large deformations in polymer gels. 163
Electromechanical Models of Excitable Tissues 163
Modeling Tools for Soft Robotics 162
Diffusion-driven stress relaxation of gels under incremental planar extensions 162
Critical voltages and blocking stresses in nematic gels 161
The cardiovascular system as a smart system 161
Dynamics of Director Rotation in Nematic Elastomers 158
Stress Driven Growth of Soft Tissues 157
Nanometer-scale Mechanical Devices Incorporating Multiwalled CNTs: a Twisting Riddle 157
How to Model Blood Flow in Distensible Vessels 157
Modelling drug release in cardiovascular eluting stents 156
Elastic Energies for Nematic Elastomers 155
Topological Curation for Accurate Micro-Mechanical and Mesoscopic Modeling of Trabecular Bone 152
Modeling anisotropic myocardial contractions 150
Multiphysics Modeling of Swelling Gels 148
Passive and Active Deformation Processes of 3D Fibre-Reinforced Caricatures of Cardiovas- cular Tissues 146
Electro-acoustic coupling in nematic liquid crystals 146
Electro-Mechanical Modeling of Excitable Soft Tissues 145
Modeling active contractions in soft living tissues 145
The Influence of Initial Stresses on the Mechanics of Blood Vessels 145
Numerical simulation of left ventricle adaptation to mechanical stimuli 144
Stress Driven Remodelling of Living Tissues 143
Totale 19.255
Categoria #
all - tutte 66.682
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 66.682

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.558 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 369 502 444 181 62
2020/20212.430 149 131 151 142 203 124 358 423 225 221 79 224
2021/20221.445 62 161 59 37 289 48 205 64 133 48 97 242
2022/20232.650 276 284 230 352 196 496 0 310 305 4 149 48
2023/20241.205 66 112 55 24 233 280 88 129 6 17 56 139
2024/20252.527 37 86 392 43 89 171 1.417 292 0 0 0 0
Totale 24.428