Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 9.635
EU - Europa 7.563
AS - Asia 3.510
SA - Sud America 94
AF - Africa 15
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
OC - Oceania 5
Totale 20.827
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9.602
CN - Cina 2.922
DK - Danimarca 2.564
GB - Regno Unito 1.892
SE - Svezia 677
IT - Italia 570
UA - Ucraina 536
DE - Germania 495
SG - Singapore 273
RU - Federazione Russa 202
FI - Finlandia 200
TR - Turchia 155
IE - Irlanda 137
AL - Albania 116
NL - Olanda 48
IN - India 46
VN - Vietnam 45
FR - Francia 38
BR - Brasile 30
BE - Belgio 25
AR - Argentina 22
IR - Iran 19
CA - Canada 15
AT - Austria 13
CO - Colombia 13
JP - Giappone 12
MX - Messico 12
PE - Perù 10
ES - Italia 8
CL - Cile 7
LT - Lituania 7
PK - Pakistan 7
RO - Romania 7
CH - Svizzera 6
CI - Costa d'Avorio 6
EC - Ecuador 6
HK - Hong Kong 6
PT - Portogallo 6
AU - Australia 5
EU - Europa 5
ID - Indonesia 5
CR - Costa Rica 4
LK - Sri Lanka 4
ZA - Sudafrica 4
BO - Bolivia 3
GR - Grecia 3
HU - Ungheria 3
PH - Filippine 3
PL - Polonia 3
TW - Taiwan 3
MY - Malesia 2
PY - Paraguay 2
AM - Armenia 1
AO - Angola 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EG - Egitto 1
HN - Honduras 1
IL - Israele 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KR - Corea 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
RS - Serbia 1
SV - El Salvador 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
TZ - Tanzania 1
UY - Uruguay 1
Totale 20.827
Città #
Southend 1.755
San Diego 1.389
Woodbridge 1.124
Boardman 934
Fairfield 720
Houston 701
Wilmington 596
Ann Arbor 471
Nanjing 466
Chandler 412
Dearborn 402
Ashburn 340
Beijing 320
Jacksonville 291
Seattle 287
Jinan 281
Cambridge 261
Shenyang 244
New York 224
Princeton 222
Singapore 215
Nanchang 181
Rome 167
Izmir 150
Hebei 137
Changsha 131
Plano 130
Dublin 125
Tianjin 123
Redwood City 112
Bremen 107
Helsinki 90
Jiaxing 89
Hangzhou 87
San Mateo 83
Zhengzhou 82
Taizhou 67
Leawood 65
Ningbo 55
Haikou 54
Guangzhou 53
Kunming 50
Moscow 49
Dong Ket 45
Milan 43
Lanzhou 37
Taiyuan 37
Augusta 34
Monmouth Junction 28
Orange 28
Shanghai 28
Altamura 27
Fuzhou 27
Hefei 27
Brussels 25
Los Angeles 23
London 19
Columbus 18
Ardabil 17
Mumbai 15
Bologna 14
Lawrence 14
Pune 13
Florence 12
Fort Worth 12
San Paolo di Civitate 12
Toronto 12
Alameda 11
Dallas 11
Naples 11
Norwalk 11
Maastricht 10
Mountain View 10
Pomezia 10
Tokyo 10
Chengdu 9
Chongqing 9
Eitensheim 9
New Delhi 9
Changchun 8
Lima 8
Menlo Park 8
Trento 8
Federal 7
Flushing 7
Medellín 7
Munro 7
Santiago 7
Birmingham 6
Cave 6
Edinburgh 6
Hong Kong 6
Phoenix 6
Stevenage 6
São Paulo 6
Wuhan 6
Bad Kreuznach 5
Falls Church 5
Formia 5
Islington 5
Totale 14.664
Nome #
Diritto alla salute e brevetti farmaceutici. I paesi in via di sviluppo e l’accordo TRIPs 264
Regional strategic assets and the location strategies of emerging countries’ multinationals in Europe 246
“Private Sector Development: Concepts and Practices” 243
“A Sectoral Approach to Policies for Clusters and Value Chains in Latin America” 236
Does tariff liberalization promote trade? Latin American countries in the long-run (1900-2000) 235
Natural resource based growth, global value chains and domestic capabilities in the mining industry 234
More than the Sum of its Parts: Cluster-Based Policies 233
Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Lessons from Latin American Clusters 231
Technology foresight and industrial strategy 230
The Global Dimension of Innovation Systems: Linking Innovation Systems and Global Value Chains 228
35. ‘The Role of International Technology Transfer in the Industrialisation of Developing Countries 227
Competitiveness and Its Socio-Economic Foundations: Empirical Evidence on the Italian Industrial Districts 222
Global value chains in the least developed countries of the world: threats and opportunities for local producers 220
An Empirical Study of the Determinants of Self-Employment in Developing Countries 218
Innovation in mining value chains: New evidence from Latin America 216
Who are the researchers that are collaborating with industry? An analysis of the wine sectors in Chile, South africa and Italy 214
"Introduction" to the special issue in honour of Sanjaya Lall 212
Innovation Drivers, Value Chains and the Geography of Multinational Corporations in Europe 211
Does Tariff Liberalization Promote Trade? Latin American Countries in the Long-Run (1900-2000) 209
A World of Possibilities: Internationalization for Productive Development 208
Industry, Competitiveness and Technological Capabilities in Chile. A New Tiger from Latin America? 205
Access to Finance in Value Chains: New Evidence from Latin America 204
Business Development Service centres in Italy: close to firms, far from innovation 202
“Upgrading In Global Value Chains: Lessons From Latin American Clusters” 201
Opening and Linking up: Firms, Global Value Chains and Productivity in Latin America 201
Socioeconomic Vulnerability and Trade Liberalization: Cross-Country Evidence in Central and Eastern Europe 200
The Multiple Linkages between Technological Change, Growth and the Economy. A Review of a Research Programme 200
Enterprise Clusters and Industrial Districts in Colombia’s Fashion Sector 200
Global value chains and clusters in LCDs: What prospects for upgrading and technological capabilities 199
What Drives Chinese Multinationals to Italy? 198
The Role of Foreign Technology and Indigenous Innovation in the Emerging Economies: Technological Change and Catching-up 198
Intra-Industry Gaps in Technology and Investments in Technological Capabilities: Firm-level Evidence from Chile 196
Determinants of Enterprise Performance in Latin America and the Caribbean: What Does the Micro Evidence Tell Us? 196
Innovation and Productivity in Latin American and Caribbean Firms: Conclusions 196
Old and New Forms of Clustering and Production Networks in Changing Technological Regimes: Contrasting Evidence from Taiwan and Italy 196
Upgrading, Interactive Learning, and Innovation Systems in Value Chain Interventions 195
“Upgrading and Technological Regimes in Industrial Clusters in Italy and Taiwan” 194
Small firm finance is a value chain governance issue: new evidence from Latin America 193
Upgrading to Compete. Global Value Chains, SMEs and Clusters in Latin America 191
“A evolução de regimes tecnológicos dos distritos industriais: Itália e Taiwan” 188
Global value chains and technological capabilities: a framework to study learning and innovation in developing countries 188
“International Linkages, Value Added Trade and LAC Firms' Productivity” 188
Global Value Chains and SME Finance 187
Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Lessons from Latin American Clusters 186
Chinese FDI strategy in Italy: the ‘Marco Polo’ effect 186
La liberalizzazione tariffaria e’ sufficiente a far crescere il commercio? 185
Newly Emerging Paradigms in the World Economy: Global Buyers, Value Chain Governance and Local Suppliers' Performance in Thailand 185
Scienza, Tecnologia e Innovazione: Quali Politiche? 184
Power relationships along the value chain: multinational firms, global buyers and performance of local suppliers 184
Networks, knowledge flows and innovation in the Chilean meat sector 183
Firm’ Productivity and Innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Engine of Development 183
National Technology Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa 183
Industrial Districts’ Evolution and Technological Regimes: Italy and Taiwan 182
Trade Openness and Vulnerability in Central and Eastern Europe 182
Management in Chile 181
Global Value Chains Meet Innovation Systems: Are There Learning Opportunities for Developing Countries? 180
Mejora de la competitividad en clustersy cadenas productivasen América Latina. El papel de las políticas 177
Cadenas Globales de Valor y Políticas de Desarrollo 175
Non-traditional Agricultural and Agro-industrial Exports and Technological Change: a Microeconomic Approach 175
La competitività dell’Italia nei confronti dei paesi industrializzati. Dinamiche settoriali e di mercato 172
Failing to Compete: Technology Development and Technology Systems in Africa 171
The Multiple Linkages between Technological Change, Growth and the Economy. A Review of a Research Programme 171
Measurement of Europe-Asia Technology Exchanges : Asymmetry and Distance 171
The Socioeconomic Foundations of Competitiveness: An Econometric Analysis of Italian Industrial Districts 169
I piccoli comuni nel sistema dei poteri locali – Profili problematici e proposte. Rapporto di ricerca” 167
Manufacturing in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Need of a National Technology System 165
The Global Challenge to Industrial Districts: SMEs in Italy and Taiwan 165
Un’analisi quantitativa della situazione sociale ed economica dei piccoli comuni della regione Lazio 163
Global Value Chains and Technological Capabilities: A Framework to Study Industrial Innovation in Developing Countries 162
Upgrading to Compete. Global Value Chains, SMEs and Clusters in Latin America 162
“The Ties that Bind: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Global Economy” 160
“Upgrading in Clusters and Value Chains in Latin America. The Role of Policies" 160
Linking Local and Global Economies: The Ties that Bind 159
Walking Before You Can Run: The Knowledge, Networks, and Institutions for Emerging Market SMEs 159
La liberalizzazione tariffaria è sufficiente a far crescere il commercio? 158
Indicadores de movilidad internacional del capital: Un análisis econométrico de la experiencia del grupo ASEAN 157
The Globalisation of Technology and its Implications for Developing Countries. Windows of Opportunity or Further Burden? 157
Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas en América Latina e Internacionalización. Apertura, Liberalización y Políticas 156
Elasticità di Sostituzione e Dimensione d’Impresa nei Paesi in Via di Sviluppo 154
The Impact Evaluation of Cluster Development Programs 154
Dualism and Power in Agriculture Scientific and Technological Development 154
Inducing Efficiency in the Use of Foreign Aid: the Case for an Incentive Mechanism 153
Technological Capabilities at the National Level: An International Comparison of Manufacturing Export Performances 152
Technological Co-operation among Unequal Partners: Trends and Conceptual Aspects of Technology Partnerships 151
MERCOSUR and the Service Sector. Rules and the Reality of International Trade 148
Evidence-Based Development Economics Essays in Honor of Sanjaya Lall 148
Economia. Casi pratici e teorici (2a ed.) 148
On the Theory of Technological Capabilities and Developing Countries’ Dynamic Comparative Advantage in Manufactures 147
Trade Liberalization and Industrial Response: The Case of Chile (1974-1987) 146
Los fundamentos teóricos de una política para la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación 145
Un’Analisi Empirica del Self-Employment nei Paesi in Via di Sviluppo 145
“Incentivi ed efficienza degli aiuti per lo sviluppo” 144
The Emerging Economies in the Global Financial Market. Some Concluding Remarks 144
The Globalization of Financial Markets and The Emerging Economies 142
Mapping global value chain participation and positioning in agriculture and food: stylised facts, empirical evidence and critical issues 142
Globalizzazione: Istruzioni per l’uso 141
Políticas industriales modernas para el cambio estructural en América Latina: coordinación e integración productiva 140
Real Effective Exchange Rates: Methodological Proposals for a Computable Index and an Application to Chile [1973-86] 140
Los Sistemas Regionales de Innovación en América Latina 140
Totale 18.307
Categoria #
all - tutte 54.553
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 54.553

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.723 0 0 0 0 0 336 606 299 373 687 252 170
2020/20212.132 120 75 124 78 184 112 288 431 129 153 340 98
2021/20223.568 57 151 33 1.837 698 63 213 60 130 67 66 193
2022/20231.701 221 238 110 220 106 318 12 161 180 15 75 45
2023/20241.062 34 55 45 50 201 279 76 152 14 31 12 113
2024/2025797 36 152 358 25 92 134 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 21.387