NIGRO, Marialisa
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 7.628
NA - Nord America 6.429
AS - Asia 2.354
AF - Africa 61
SA - Sud America 15
OC - Oceania 14
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 16.503
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.394
DK - Danimarca 2.032
GB - Regno Unito 2.027
CN - Cina 1.690
RU - Federazione Russa 1.280
DE - Germania 531
SE - Svezia 487
IT - Italia 465
SG - Singapore 259
UA - Ucraina 256
VN - Vietnam 190
FI - Finlandia 148
IE - Irlanda 109
AL - Albania 88
TR - Turchia 62
CI - Costa d'Avorio 50
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 43
KR - Corea 42
CA - Canada 34
IN - India 34
BE - Belgio 33
FR - Francia 30
JP - Giappone 27
NL - Olanda 25
HK - Hong Kong 22
AT - Austria 18
LT - Lituania 15
AU - Australia 13
HU - Ungheria 9
BR - Brasile 7
CH - Svizzera 7
RO - Romania 7
SN - Senegal 5
BD - Bangladesh 4
ID - Indonesia 4
PE - Perù 4
PL - Polonia 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
CO - Colombia 3
GR - Grecia 3
MY - Malesia 3
NG - Nigeria 3
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
ES - Italia 2
IL - Israele 2
IQ - Iraq 2
IR - Iran 2
PH - Filippine 2
TN - Tunisia 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
DZ - Algeria 1
EC - Ecuador 1
JM - Giamaica 1
LB - Libano 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RS - Serbia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 16.503
Città #
Southend 1.892
Woodbridge 806
Fairfield 712
Chandler 496
Ann Arbor 466
Wilmington 447
Ashburn 422
Dearborn 390
Houston 387
Nanjing 359
Seattle 288
Boardman 242
Cambridge 238
Jacksonville 228
Rome 192
Dong Ket 190
Singapore 190
Beijing 181
Princeton 165
Shenyang 126
Plano 113
Eitensheim 111
Dublin 107
Nanchang 102
Redwood City 101
Hebei 95
Shanghai 82
Jinan 80
Tianjin 74
Changsha 73
Moscow 72
Helsinki 70
Orange 69
Jiaxing 64
Izmir 61
Bremen 47
Brno 41
Zhengzhou 41
Guangzhou 40
Hefei 34
Pune 33
Seoul 33
Brussels 32
San Diego 30
Ningbo 27
Munich 26
London 25
Tokyo 25
Kunming 24
Grafing 23
Hong Kong 22
Dallas 19
Milan 19
Taizhou 19
Toronto 19
Hangzhou 17
Yubileyny 17
Frankfurt am Main 16
Altamura 14
Fuzhou 14
Washington 14
Haikou 13
Lanzhou 12
Fort Worth 11
New York 11
Taiyuan 11
Walnut 10
Alameda 8
Los Angeles 8
Ottawa 8
San Paolo di Civitate 8
Castel Gandolfo 7
Chengdu 7
Stevenage 7
Auburn Hills 6
Nuremberg 6
Redmond 6
Andover 5
Chiswick 5
Dakar 5
Kilburn 5
Mountain View 5
Napoli 5
Norwalk 5
Catania 4
Dhaka 4
Dongguan 4
Düsseldorf 4
Edinburgh 4
Elmwood Park 4
Flushing 4
Hounslow 4
Mazzano Romano 4
Riyadh 4
Vancouver 4
Vienna 4
Wuhan 4
Xian 4
Acton 3
Arce 3
Totale 10.598
Nome #
Dynamic demand estimation and prediction for traffic urban networks adopting new data sources 270
A Road Network Design Model for Large-Scale Urban Network 262
A Security Plan Procedure for Heavy Goods Vehicles parking areas: an application to the Lazio Region (Italy) 259
An innovative car sharing electric vehicle system: An Italian experience 250
Analysis of the demand for an electronic advise of traffic code violations 248
A bi-level gradient approximation method for dynamic traffic demand estimation: sensitivity analysis and adaptive approach 242
An adaptive bi-level gradient procedure for the estimation of dynamic traffic demand 237
A dynamic mesoscopic emission model for signalized intersections 228
Walkability Indicators for Pedestrian-Friendly Design 226
Activities relocation for a sustainable mobility system 222
A Parking Management System For Fee-Parking Traffic Zones: The Wiparking Project 218
A gradient approximation approach for adjusting temporal origin-destination matrices 215
A preliminary study of the potential impact of autonomous vehicles on residential location in Rome 208
Behavioral models for the estimation of the air transport demand: the case study of Rome-London flight connection 208
A gradient approximation approach for adjusting temporal origin-destination matrices 206
Assessing the value of information for retail distribution of perishable goods 205
Emission dynamic meso-simulation model to evaluate traffic strategies in congested urban networks 205
The Impact of Route Choice Modeling on Dynamic OD Estimation 205
Exploiting floating car data for time-dependent Origin–Destination matrices estimation 202
Development of an integrated transport-land use model for the activities relocation in urban areas 198
"Definizione di una metodologia per lo studio e la verifica dei parcheggi di scambio nella città di Roma". In: I trasporti nella città del XXI secolo. Scenari per l'innovazione 197
A framework for the benchmarking of OD estimation and prediction algorithms 196
Safe, secure and comfortable HGVs parking areas: an Italian experience 195
A two-steps dynamic demand estimation approach sequentially adjusting generations and distributions 195
Effectiveness of link and path information on simultaneous adjustment of dynamic O-D demand matrix 195
Congestion pricing policies: Design and assessment for the city of Rome, Italy 195
A new method to recover the correct land use and public transport interaction 194
A bi-level gradient approximation method for dynamic traffic demand estimation: Sensitivity analysis and adaptive approach 189
Network reliability methodology for unusual events 186
Assessing the value of information for retail distribution of perishable goods 186
The influence of assignment criteria for the solution of dynamic travel demand estimation 184
The Impact of Electric Mobility Scenarios in Large Urban Areas: The Rome Case Study 183
A new methodological framework for within-day dynamic estimation of pollutant emissions in a large congested urban network 182
A clustering first – route second method for the solution of many-tomany Dial a Ride problem 181
The impact of battery electric buses in public transport 181
Public transport-based crowdshipping for sustainable city logistics: Assessing economic and environmental impacts 179
Dynamic demand estimation: exploring the SPSA AD-PI method 176
The Impact of Land Use characteristics for Sustainable Mobility: the case study of Rome 176
"Mobilità sostenibile e struttura urbana”. In: "I trasporti nella città del XXI secolo. Scenari per l'innovazione" 175
An emission dynamic meso-simulation model to evaluate traffic strategies in a wide urban network 174
Two-step approach for the correction of the seed matrix in the dynamic demand estimation 173
A Utility-based Dynamic Demand Estimation Model that Explicitly Accounts for Activity Scheduling and Duration 171
A dynamic meso-simulation model to estimate pollutant emissions in a wide network 170
The value of information for the accessibility to concurrent transport system services 166
Design and evaluation of electric solutions for public transport 165
A real-time framework for dynamic estimation of traffic demand from floating car data 164
Safety and security plans for road freight transport: an application to Heavy Goods Vehicles parking areas in Lazio Region (Italy) 161
Two-Step approach for correction of seed matrix in dynamic demand estimation 160
Multimodal choice model for e-mobility scenarios 159
Estimating the value of information in the choice between different public transport services 157
Optimization of Baggage Handling System using tracking technologies 156
Application of rfid to the baggage handling system of Fiumicino Airport 155
Definition of an operational priority for security of road freight transport in parking areas 155
The value of real-time traffic information in urban freight distribution 154
Evaluation of the impact of e-mobility scenarios in large urban areas 152
Dynamic O-D demand estimation: Application of SPSA AD-PI method in conjunction with different assignment strategies 151
Reliability of SPSA AD-PI method for dynamic demand estimation: a case of study 149
Innovazione tecnologica nella riscossione delle sanzioni da infrazioni stradali 149
Strategies for signal settings and dynamic traffic modelling 148
Within-Day Dynamic Estimation of Pollutant Emissions: a Procedure for Wide Urban Network 147
Preventive and adaptive security of freight transport using RFID system 146
Sustainable crowdshipping using public transport: a case study evaluation in Rome 146
Sustainable urban freight transport adopting public transport-based crowdshipping for B2C deliveries 146
Towards a generic benchmarking platform for OD flows estimation/updating algorithms: design, demonstration and validation 142
Land Use And Public Transport Interaction 141
Simulation framework for pedestrian dynamics: Modelling and calibration 138
Traffic management and emissions estimation in a within day dynamic framework 137
Improving The Reliability Of A Two-Step Dynamic Demand Estimation Approach By Sequentially Adjusting Generations And Distributions 136
Risk based, multi objective vehicle routing problem for hazardous materials: A test case in downstream fuel logistics 136
Network reliability methodology for unusual events 135
Definizione di una metodologia per lo studio e la verifica dei parcheggi di scambio nella città di Roma 134
Legami tra sistemi ferroviari e sviluppo del territorio metropolitano 133
Quantitative methods for estimating reliable travel times in a vehicle routing problem 132
Land Use Characteristics For Sustainable Urban Mobility 131
Indicatori per la valutazione della pedonalità di un’area urbana 130
Density and mixed land-use for sustainable urban development 129
Urban-scale macroscopic fundamental diagram: An application to the real case study of Rome 128
Transit-based land use and transport network design 128
A utility-based dynamic demand estimation model that explicitly accounts for activity scheduling and duration 127
Formulazione di un algoritmo risolutivo per un problema D.A.R. many to many 126
The value of en-route information on the accessibility to concurrent transit system services 126
Investigating the Efficiency of a Gradient Approximation Approach for Solution of Dynamic Demand Estimation Problem 125
Criteri per lo sviluppo integrato delle reti di trasporto pubblico e del territorio in ambito urbano 125
Signal settings synchronization and dynamic traffic modelling 125
Il caso studio del Polo Universitario di Roma Tre 123
The lack of secure parking areas for freight transport in Lazio Region (Italy): identification of externalities 123
Correzione off-line della domanda di trasporto in dinamica intraperiodale 122
Indicatori per la definizione di strutture urbane orientate al pedone 120
Migliorare l'accessibilità al trasporto pubblico con interventi sulla rete pedonale 115
Il trasporto pubblico per la riqualificazione delle grandi aree urbane 114
Assignment Matrix Free Algorithms for On-line Estimation of Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrices 111
Gigantismo Navale e Grandi Alleanze: l’evoluzione Del Traffico Contenitori Nei Porti Italiani 105
Identifying policies for intermodal logistics chains based on domestic Ro-Ro services 103
null 97
A simulation tool for energy management of e-mobility in urban areas 95
Dynamic travel demand estimation and prediction methods 93
Understanding the walkability propensity 91
Optimization of downstream fuel logistics based on road infrastructure conditions and exposure to accident events 85
Totale 16.360
Categoria #
all - tutte 48.344
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 48.344

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 338 317 199 110 53
2020/20211.656 70 66 91 103 122 143 275 253 69 156 60 248
2021/20221.063 79 89 44 18 209 31 122 49 84 30 66 242
2022/20231.610 193 313 108 167 122 309 20 166 151 6 33 22
2023/20241.016 51 52 62 58 94 145 71 148 16 121 45 153
2024/20251.973 36 138 316 29 67 195 1.073 119 0 0 0 0
Totale 17.201