Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere
Arabic Grammar and Qurʾānic Scholarship in 2nd/8th Century's Basra: A Comparative Analysis of the Qurʾānic Material Found in the Kitāb Sībawayhi and in al-ʾAḫfaš al-ʾAwsaṭ's Maʿānī al-Qurʾān
2022-01-01 Villano, R.; Lancioni, G.
Il tòpos delle città rivali: Bassora, Kufa e le origini della grammatica araba
2017-01-01 Villano, Raoul
Marwān ʿAlī, o la poesia come dissoluzione delle identità
2019-01-01 Villano, Raoul
Musnad, Musnad ʾilayhi and Commentaries on the Kitāb of Sībawayhi: Transmission and Development of Grammatical Knowledge between 2nd/8th and 5th/11th Centuries
2020-01-01 Villano, Raoul
Qurʾanic Pairs and Semitic Rhetoric: Self-Similarity as an Exploring Device
2019-01-01 Villano, Raoul; Lancioni, Giuliano
Self-similarity as Form and Structure: Reading Strategies in Medieval and Contemporary Exegesis of the Qurʾān
2018-01-01 Lancioni, Giuliano; Villano, Raoul
Semi-Automatic Data Annotation, POS Tagging and Mildly Context-Sensitive Disambiguation: The eXtended Revised AraMorph (XRAM)
2018-01-01 Lancioni, Giuliano; Garofalo, Laura; Villano, Raoul; Romani, Francesca Romana; Campanelli, Marta; Cicola, Ilaria; Pepe, Ivana; Pettinari, Valeria; Olivieri, Simona
The "Kitāb Sībawayhi" Project : Sībawayhi from Sībawayhi’s perspective – A thematic approach to the translation of the "Kitāb"
2019-01-01 Lancioni, Giuliano; Olivieri, Simona; D’Anna, Luca; Villano, Raoul; Solimando, Cristina; Campanelli, Marta
The self-similar Qur'an project: Automatic detection of internal similarity in classical Arabic texts
2016-01-01 Lancioni, Giuliano; Villano, Raoul; Romani, FRANCESCA ROMANA
Ǧalāl al-ʾAḥmadī, Fī l-manzil (In casa); al-Ġābat allatī ḥadaṯat fī ġiyābika (La foresta cresciuta senza te)
2021-01-01 Villano, Raoul