Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
Aspetti del discepolato nell’anacoretismo successivo ad Antonio: i “padri del deserto” di IV e V secolo
2004-01-01 Giorda, M. C.
Beyond Gender: Reflections on a Contemporary Case of Double Monastery in Orthodox Monasticism—St. John the Baptist Monastery of Essex in England
2019-01-01 Giorda, M. C.; Cozma, I.
Bishops-Monks in the Monasteries: Presence and Role
2009-01-01 Giorda, M. C.
Capire l'islam. Mito o realtà?
2019-01-01 Giorda, M. C.; Bombardieri, M.; Hejazi, S.
Children in monastic families in Egypt at the end of Antiquity
2017-01-01 Giorda, M. C.
Clio goes to Church. Appunti su perché e come studiare i luoghi religiosi
2018-01-01 Giorda, M. C.
Coniugi in monastero: un caso contemporaneo, tra corpo e spirito, ai limiti dell’ortodossia
2020-01-01 Giorda, MARIA CHIARA
Contemporary Monastic Studies. First Sketches on Two Case Studies: Dominus Tecum and Notre-Dame
2017-01-01 Giorda, M. C.
Diakonia et économes au service de l’économie monastique en Égypte (IVe-VIIIe siècles)
2018-01-01 Giorda, M. C.
Different illitercies for different countries: are there no data for religious illiteracy?
2019-01-01 Giorda, M. C.
Direction spirituelle dans le monachisme chrétien oriental et dans le soufisme
2013-01-01 Giorda, M. C.; Patrizi, L.
Discipline et règles monastiques – Égypte, Antiquité tardive
2013-01-01 Giorda, M. C.
Disciplining the Slaves of God: Monastic Children in Egypt at the End of Antiquity
2020-01-01 Giorda, M. C.
Divine market. Economic market in Egyptian monasticism (IV-VIII centuries)
2018-01-01 Giorda, M. C.
Egyptian Nuns in Late Antiquity as Exemplars
2020-01-01 Giorda, M. C.
Famiglia cristiana e pratica monastica (IV-VII sec.)
2010-01-01 Giorda, M. C.; Alciati, R.
Famiglia monastica. Prassi aggregative di isolamento
2012-01-01 Giorda, M. C.; Sbardella, F.
Famiglie monastiche. Il Dominus Tecum di Pra ’d Mill.
2017-01-01 Giorda, MARIA CHIARA
Familles du « monde », familles monastiques. Une économie du capital dans l’Égypte chrétienne (Ve-VIe siècles)
2015-01-01 Giorda, M. C.
Festival religiosi in Italia. Un primo bilancio del III millennio.
2012-01-01 Giorda, M. C.