Dipartimento di Economia
"Estimating mutation rates from paternity casework"
2008-01-01 Vicard, Paola; DAWID A., P; Mortera, Julia; Lauritzen, S. L.
"Object-oriented Bayesian networks for complex forensis DNA profiling problems”
2005-01-01 Dawid, P.; Mortera, Julia; Vicard, Paola
A Bayesian Network Model for Supporting School Managers Decisions in the Pandemic Era
2022-01-01 Musella, Flaminia; Vicard, Paola; Chiara De Angelis, Maria
A constraint-based algorithm for nonparanormal data
2017-01-01 Musella, Flamina; Vicard, Paola; Vitale, Vincenzina
A decision support system for duopolies with incomplete information
2012-01-01 Vicard, Paola; Mortera, Julia
A propensity score approach for treatment evaluation based on Bayesian Networks
2021-01-01 Cugnata, Federica; Rancoita, Paola M. V.; Luigi Conti, Pier; Briganti, Alberto; Di Serio, Clelia; Mecatti, Fulvia; Vicard, Paola
A proposal for the use of graphical representation in official statistics
2001-01-01 Ballin, M; Vicard, Paola
A statistical treatment of biases affecting the estimation of mutation rates
2004-01-01 Vicard, Paola; Dawid, A. P.
A tool for managing information to improve services: probabilistic expert systems
2008-01-01 Renzi, Maria Francesca; Vicard, Paola; R., Guglielmetti; F., Musella
A tool for managing information to improve services: probabilistic expert systems
2009-01-01 Renzi, Maria Francesca; Vicard, Paola; Guglielmetti, R; Musella, F.
Addressing the gender pay gap: an application based on Object-Oriented Bayesian Networks to rethink gender composite indicators
2024-01-01 Musella, Flaminia; Giammei, Lorenzo; Vicard, Paola
An Internal and External Performance Model Using Probabilistic Expert Systems: an Experimental Test of an Italian Master’s Programme
2013-01-01 DI PIETRO, Laura; GUGLIELMETTI MUGION, Roberta; Musella, F.; Renzi, Maria Francesca; Vicard, Paola
Application of Bayesian networks in Official Statistics
2012-01-01 Vicard, Paola; Scanu, M.
Applications of Bayesian networks in official statistics
2009-01-01 Vicard, Paola
Bayesian network structural learning for complex survey data
2014-01-01 Marella, Daniela; Musella, F.; Vicard, Paola
Bayesian network structural learning from complex survey data: a resampling based approach
2022-01-01 Marella, Daniela; Vicard, Paola
Bayesian networks and complex survey sampling from finite populations
2005-01-01 Ballin, M; Scanu, ; Vicard, Paola
Bayesian networks as a territorial gender impact assessment tool
2023-01-01 Musella, Flaminia; Giammei, Lorenzo; Mecatti, Fulvia; Vicard, Paola
Bayesian networks for cell differentiation process assessment
2020-01-01 Di Serio, Clelia; Scala, Serena; Vicard, Paola
Bayesian networks for finite populations
2004-01-01 Vicard, Paola; Ballin, M.; Scanu, M.