ZANOTTI, Serenella
ZANOTTI, Serenella
Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere
2. ‘When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’ Studies in Honour of Stefania Nuccorini
2023-01-01 Faraci, Dora; Iamartino, Giovanni; Lopriore, Lucilla; Nied, Martina; Zanotti, Serenella
A corpus-based study on the use of narrative in English and Spanish youth conversations
2011-01-01 Palmerini, M.; Zanotti, S.
Aggiornamento bibliografico
2001-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella
Aggiornamento bibliografico
2011-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella
An Italianate Irishman: Joyce and the Languages of Trieste
2001-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella
Analysing redubs: Motives, agents, and audience response
2015-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella
Anna Livia Plurabella di James Joyce
1999-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella
Archival resources and uncertainties in film retranslation research
2018-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella
Audiovisual Translation
2022-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella
Audiovisual Translation: Intersections
2019-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella; Ranzato, Irene
Auteur dubbing: Translation, Performance and Authorial Control in the Dubbed Versions of Stanley Kubrick’s Films
2019-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella
Bibliografia su Finnegans Wake
2017-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella
Book review: “Elizabeth Switaj, James Joyce's Teaching Life and Methods. Language and Pedagogy in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Ulysses, and Finnegans Wake”
2019-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella
By Way of France and Beyond: Joyce Translations into Italian
2010-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella
Censorship or profit? The manipulation of dialogue in dubbed youth films
2012-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella
Conflicting Narratives In and Out of the Archive: Anthony Burgess and the Italian Blooms of Dublin
2023-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella
Corpus Linguistics and Audiovisual Translation
2013-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella; Bruti, S; Baños Piñero, R.
Corpus linguistics and Audiovisual Translation: In search of an integrated approach
2013-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella; Bruti, S; Baños Piñero, R.
Da angeli a angoli: o della differenza che può fare una donna in traduzione (Traduzione con note e commento)
2018-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella
Da Dante a Mussolini: appunti sull’italiano di Pound
2009-01-01 Zanotti, Serenella