2. ‘When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’ Studies in Honour of Stefania Nuccorini
2023-01-01 Faraci, Dora; Iamartino, Giovanni; Lopriore, Lucilla; Nied, Martina; Zanotti, Serenella
A shift in ELT perspective: World Englishes and ELF in the EFL classroom (p.7-18)
2016-01-01 Lopriore, Lucilla; Vettorel, Paola
An Unfinished Business: The Italian National Action Research Project pp.212-242
2008-01-01 Lopriore, Lucilla
Analisi del discorso e corpora: prospettive didattiche (pp.339-391)
2007-01-01 Lopriore, Lucilla; DE CARLO, M.
Analisi e costruzione di materiali didattici: un percorso di riflessione pratica
2003-01-01 Lopriore, Lucilla
Approcci che facilitano la comunicazione e l'apprendimento
2003-01-01 Lopriore, Lucilla
Approches réflexives dans la formation initiale des enseignants de langues : les laboratoires de biographies (pp. 93 - 99)
2007-01-01 Lopriore, Lucilla; DE CARLO, M.
Attitudinal Aspects of Early EFL Learning
2011-01-01 Lopriore, Lucilla; Jelena MIHALJEVIC, Djigunovic
Aural Comprehension and Oral Production of Young EFL Learners pp. 17-33
2011-01-01 Lopriore, Lucilla; MIHALJEVIĆ DJIGUNOVIĆ, J.
Aural comprehension in young learners' Foreign Language development pp.51-65
2012-01-01 MIHALJEVIC DJIGUNOVIC, J; Lopriore, Lucilla
Buzzwords in ELT. Unveiling English
2012-01-01 Lopriore, Lucilla
Cap. 4 Il Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per le lingue e la formazione dei docenti (pp.73-88)
2009-01-01 Lopriore, Lucilla
Cap.10 La costruzione di prove di lingue straniere (pp.193-252)
2009-01-01 Lopriore, Lucilla
Challenges and Opportunities in Designing a New Curriculum for School-Age Learners pp. 1-12
2009-01-01 Graves, K; Lopriore, Lucilla
CLIL: una lingua franca pp.6-11
2014-01-01 Lopriore, Lucilla
Close Up on Fashion: from sketch to marketing
2002-01-01 Lopriore, Lucilla
Condivisione, narrazione e identità nei discorsi di Barack Obama pp.77-90
2010-01-01 Lopriore, Lucilla
Content Learning in English: Issues and Perspectives (pp.173-196)
2009-01-01 Lopriore, Lucilla
Corpora in the Language Classroom
2009-01-01 Lopriore, Lucilla
Developing a new curriculum for school age learners
2009-01-01 Lopriore, Lucilla; Graves, K.