MARELLA, Daniela
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.339
NA - Nord America 3.285
AS - Asia 1.320
AF - Africa 49
OC - Oceania 8
SA - Sud America 5
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 8.009
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.279
CN - Cina 1.155
DK - Danimarca 1.113
GB - Regno Unito 794
IT - Italia 513
SE - Svezia 249
DE - Germania 206
UA - Ucraina 151
IE - Irlanda 66
FI - Finlandia 62
RU - Federazione Russa 62
AL - Albania 49
VN - Vietnam 45
CI - Costa d'Avorio 43
SG - Singapore 36
TR - Turchia 31
FR - Francia 28
JP - Giappone 23
IN - India 13
BE - Belgio 11
NL - Olanda 11
CH - Svizzera 8
AU - Australia 7
TW - Taiwan 7
CA - Canada 6
ES - Italia 6
BR - Brasile 5
IR - Iran 5
SN - Senegal 5
AT - Austria 3
EU - Europa 2
MY - Malesia 2
RO - Romania 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AM - Armenia 1
DZ - Algeria 1
HU - Ungheria 1
ID - Indonesia 1
KR - Corea 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
RS - Serbia 1
SI - Slovenia 1
Totale 8.009
Città #
Southend 757
Woodbridge 426
Ann Arbor 311
Fairfield 302
Chandler 265
Nanjing 206
Wilmington 198
Ashburn 187
Dearborn 177
Houston 166
Rome 149
Jacksonville 146
Seattle 94
Princeton 92
Beijing 87
Cambridge 87
Jinan 84
Shenyang 83
Nanchang 76
Salerno 76
Hebei 74
Plano 73
San Diego 73
Dublin 66
Changsha 64
Redwood City 55
Boardman 49
Shanghai 49
Tianjin 48
Jiaxing 46
Dong Ket 45
Hangzhou 34
Zhengzhou 31
Izmir 29
Singapore 28
Ningbo 26
Bremen 25
Taizhou 23
Taiyuan 22
Tokyo 20
Helsinki 19
Kunming 19
Haikou 18
Guangzhou 17
Hefei 16
New York 16
Milan 15
Lawrence 14
Bologna 12
Fuzhou 12
Brussels 11
Lanzhou 11
Redmond 11
Mountain View 10
Florence 9
Orange 8
Alameda 7
Bristol 7
Taipei 7
Washington 7
Grafing 6
Paris 6
Bassano Romano 5
Dakar 5
Genzano Di Roma 5
Pune 5
San Paolo di Civitate 5
Stevenage 5
Aprilia 4
Baotou 4
Changchun 4
Flushing 4
Fort Worth 4
Indiana 4
London 4
Pomezia 4
Atlanta 3
Baltimore 3
Bellinzona 3
Cagliari 3
Casarile 3
Cosenza 3
Eitensheim 3
Los Angeles 3
Montalto Uffugo 3
Naples 3
Norwalk 3
Renton 3
San Vincenzo 3
Sora 3
Stanford 3
Valencia 3
Anguillara Sabazia 2
Brindisi 2
Castelletto sopra Ticino 2
Chengdu 2
Colleferro 2
Dallas 2
Eugene 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Totale 5.233
Nome #
Campionamento da popolazioni finite. Il disegno campionario 229
Statistical matching analysis for complex survey data with applications 210
Evaluation of matching noise for imputation techniques based on nonparametric local linear regression estimators 206
Asymptotics in survey sampling for high entropy sampling designs 203
Bayesian network structural learning for complex survey data 198
Object-Oriented Bayesian Network to Deal with Measurement Error in Household Surveys 196
Influences of School Climate and Teacher’s Behavior on Student’s Competencies in Mathematics and the Territorial Gap between Italian Macro-areas in PISA 2012 193
E-learning per l’istruzione superiore: definizione di un modello integrato per la qualificazione degli apprendimenti e delle relazioni educative on line 184
Object-Oriented Bayesian Network to deal with measurement error in household surveys 183
Inference for quantiles of a finite population: asymptotic versus resampling results. 180
On the Matching Noise of some Nonparametric Imputation Procedures 175
Modelling measurement errors by object-oriented Bayesian Networks: an application to 2008 SHIW 172
PC algorithm from complex sample data 169
Modelling measurement errors by object-oriented Bayesian networks 169
How far from identifiability? A nonparametric approach to uncertainty in statistical matching under logial constraints 168
Psychological aspects of museum visits for undergraduate Italian students 165
Graphical model using copulas for measurement error modeling. 163
Improving Discretization Exploiting Dependence Structure 162
Resampling from finite populations under complex designs: the pseudo-population approach. 162
Object-Oriented Bayesian Networks for modelling the respondent measurement error 159
Nonparametric evaluation of matching noise. 158
Statistical matching and uncertainty analysis in combining household income and expenditure data. 155
Uncertainty Analysis for statistical matching of ordered categorical variables 153
Modeling measurement error via nonparametric Bayesian belief nets 150
Resampling from finite populations: An empirical process approach. 150
On the estimation of the Lorenz curve under complex sampling designs 150
Correcting measurement errors with Bayesian networks when the variables are continuous and discrete 147
Hot deck and stochastic nonparametric imputation: a comparison based on matching noise 144
Asymptotics in survey sampling for high entropy sampling design 141
Errors depending on costs in sample surveys 130
Nonparametric approaches to statistical matching 125
Uncertainty in statistical matching for discrete categorical variables 124
Uncertainty in statistical matching under logical constraints: a nonparametric approach 122
Impact of educational test features on item difficulties by the linear logistic test model 122
Towards an Integrated Bayesian Network Approach to Measurement Error Detection and Correction 122
Insicuri e/o insoddisfatti 118
Uncertainty Analysis in Statistical Matching 116
Measurement error modelling using object-oriented Bayesian networks 116
PC algorithm for complex survey data via resampling 115
Measurement error modelling using Object-Oriented Bayesian Networks 115
A unified principled framework for resampling based on pseudo-populations: asymptotic theory 106
Matching Information from Two Independent Informative Samples 106
null 105
Statistical matching by Bayesian Networks 103
Uncertainty in statistical matching for complex sample surveys 103
Measuring uncertainty in statistical matching 103
Le voci del bilancio del cittadino 100
E-learning per l’istruzione superiore: definizione di un modello integrato per la qualificazione degli apprendimenti e delle relazioni educative on line. Condizioni, applicazioni, risultati 93
An overview on uncertainty and estimation in statistical matching 84
Measurement error correction by non parametric Bayesian networks: application and evaluation 83
Data integration by graphical models 73
Apprendimento di una rete Bayesiana in indagini campionarie complesse 72
The effect of measurement errors on the calibrated weights 69
Accordo assoluto tra valutazioni espresse su scala ordinale 57
A measure of interrater absolute agreement for ordinal categorical data 52
Innovazioni per la qualificazione degli ambienti virtuali di apprendimento e della didattica online nella formazione terziaria: una indagine esplorativa / Innovations for the qualification of virtual learning environments and online didactic in tertiary education: An exploratory survey 51
Uncertainty in statistical matching by BNs 44
Sampling properties of an ordinal measure of interrater absolute agreement 44
La valutazione tra pari nei MOOC 40
Empirical likelihood in the statistical matching for informative samples 34
Matching error(s) and quality of statistical matching in complex surveys 29
Pseudo-population based resampling for two stage design 16
Learning Bayesian networks in complex survey sampling 4
Measures of interrater agreement for quantitative data 2
Totale 8.376
Categoria #
all - tutte 19.778
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 19.778

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2018/2019195 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 195
2019/20201.921 495 144 35 129 111 173 253 111 247 140 49 34
2020/2021995 54 54 61 57 71 62 142 185 111 74 61 63
2021/2022710 31 65 26 58 174 36 53 30 57 25 28 127
2022/2023902 126 151 59 93 68 181 5 88 82 1 37 11
2023/2024467 28 28 40 13 28 75 57 78 12 8 23 77
Totale 8.376