Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.361
EU - Europa 3.870
AS - Asia 1.834
AF - Africa 83
SA - Sud America 20
OC - Oceania 3
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 10.172
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.351
CN - Cina 1.469
DK - Danimarca 1.404
GB - Regno Unito 964
IT - Italia 376
DE - Germania 263
SE - Svezia 255
UA - Ucraina 186
SG - Singapore 130
VN - Vietnam 111
RU - Federazione Russa 100
FI - Finlandia 95
CI - Costa d'Avorio 80
IE - Irlanda 72
AL - Albania 58
JP - Giappone 47
KR - Corea 28
FR - Francia 25
NL - Olanda 24
TR - Turchia 22
BR - Brasile 19
BE - Belgio 16
HK - Hong Kong 13
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 10
CA - Canada 9
AT - Austria 6
IN - India 6
RO - Romania 5
CH - Svizzera 3
ES - Italia 3
IR - Iran 3
LT - Lituania 3
AU - Australia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
JM - Giamaica 1
JO - Giordania 1
MA - Marocco 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NP - Nepal 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PL - Polonia 1
SI - Slovenia 1
VE - Venezuela 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 10.172
Città #
Southend 891
Woodbridge 656
Fairfield 512
Dearborn 306
Ashburn 294
Wilmington 288
Houston 284
Ann Arbor 271
Chandler 254
Nanjing 249
Seattle 192
Boardman 177
Cambridge 173
Beijing 164
Rome 156
Jacksonville 146
Dong Ket 111
Princeton 111
Jinan 105
Shanghai 85
Shenyang 84
Singapore 80
Hebei 76
Nanchang 74
Dublin 72
Plano 66
Redwood City 59
Changsha 57
Tianjin 54
Jiaxing 49
Hangzhou 39
Tokyo 39
Helsinki 36
Haikou 34
San Diego 33
Zhengzhou 29
Seoul 28
Guangzhou 25
Milan 25
Bremen 22
Izmir 22
Kunming 21
Ningbo 21
Taiyuan 20
Moscow 18
Munich 18
Dallas 17
Brussels 16
San Mateo 15
Taizhou 15
Fuzhou 14
Hefei 14
Hong Kong 13
Lanzhou 13
London 12
New York 11
Lawrence 10
Orange 10
Altamura 9
Chengdu 9
Eitensheim 9
Santa Clara 8
Verona 8
Washington 8
Brno 7
Norwalk 7
Flushing 6
Mountain View 6
Alameda 5
Amsterdam 5
Bristol 5
Falls Church 5
Fort Worth 5
Mantova 5
San Paolo di Civitate 5
Vienna 5
Los Angeles 4
Luft 4
Ottawa 4
Pomezia 4
Sendai 4
Campina Grande 3
Centrale 3
Centro 3
Chiswick 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Gunzenhausen 3
Hounslow 3
Kilburn 3
Lappeenranta 3
Mazzano Romano 3
Naples 3
Palestrina 3
Qingdao 3
Stevenage 3
Toronto 3
Vaiano 3
Venezia 3
Auburn Hills 2
Chaoyang 2
Totale 6.878
Nome #
Cross-statistical and wavelet analysis of velocity and wall-pressure fields in jet-surface interaction 234
Wavelet decomposition of hydrodynamic and acoustic pressures in the near field of the jet 229
Boundary layer noise Part 1: generation mechanisms 210
Multivariate and conditioned statistics of velocity and wall pressure fluctuations induced by a jet interacting with a flat plate 204
Boundary Layer Noise - Part 1: Generation Mechanisms 203
Statistical analysis of the hydrodynamic pressure in the near field of compressible jets 203
"Wall Pressure Fluctuations over a Forward_Facing Step" 201
Flow-induced pressure fluctuations of a moderate Reynolds number jet interacting with a tangential flat plate 201
Characterization of a Separated Turbulent Boundary Layer by Time-Frequency Analyses of Wall Pressure Fluctuations 190
Pressure and velocity measurements of an incompressible moderate Reynolds number jet interacting with a tangential flat plate 190
Hydrodynamic and acoustic wavelet-based separation of the near-field pressure of a compressible jet 190
Aeroacoustic wind tunnel testing of a 1:6.5 model scale innovative regional turboprop 186
"Pressure fluctuations in the transonic boundary layer of a VEGA launcher model" 181
Wall Pressure Fluctuations Induced by Supersonic Turbulent Boundary Layer 179
Wall pressure coherence in supersonic turbulent boundary layers 179
Pressure Fluctuations in the Transonic Boundary Layer of a VEGA Launcher Model 175
"Velocity and Wall Pressure Correlations Over a Forward Facing Step" 173
Airframe noise measurements in a large hard-walled closed-section wind tunnel 171
"Aeroacoustic characterization of a separated turbulent boundary layer by time-frequency analyses of wall pressure fluctuations" 170
Multi-variate Statistics of the Wall Pressure Field beneath Supersonic Turbulent Boundary Layers 170
Wall pressure fluctuations statistics: measurements and numerical simulations 168
Flat Plate Installation Effects on Velocity and Wall Pressure Fields Generated by an Incompressible Jet 168
Investigation of the Flow and the Acoustics Generated by a Cylindrical Cavity 163
Experimental Investigation of pressure fluctuations in the near field of subsonic jets at different Mach and Reynolds numbers 159
Propagation of wall pressure perturbations in a large aspect-ratio shallow cavity 158
Application of time-frequency decompositions in jet aeroacoustics 154
Flow-Induced Noise of a Moderate Reynolds Number Jet Interacting with a Tangential Flat Plate 150
A tomographic directivity approach to frequency domain beamforming 148
Boundary Layer Noise 147
An improved model for qualifying wall pressure fluctuations beneath turbulent boundary layers 147
“Experimental analysis of wall pressure fluctuations and vortical structures in a separated flow over a Forward-facing step” 146
"Noise Emission in Large Aspect Ratio Cavities" 145
Experimental Activity for Modelling the External Aeroacoustic of the VEGA 145
Hydrogen combustion of a double cavity trapped vortex combustor 141
Phased array aeroacoustic measurements of an unmanned aerial vehicle 141
Time resolved PIV and pressure fluctuations over a Forward Facing Step 138
Pressure-velocity phase averaged analysis of fan wakes for different blade shapes 138
Statistical properties of wall pressure fluctuations over a forward-facing step 137
RANS based numerical study of hydrogen MILD combustion 136
Propagation of wall pressure perturbations in a large aspect ratio shallow cavity 134
An improved model for qualifying wall pressure fluctuations beneath turbulent boundary layers 134
Statistical properties of attached and separated wall flows 133
Hydrogen combustion of a double cavity trapped vortex combustor 131
Wall Pressure Fluctuations Induced by a Tangential Jet 131
Aerodynamic and aeroacoustic investigation of an innovative regional turboprop scaled model: numerical simulations and experiments 130
“Experimental Characterization of the Separated Flow over a Cylindrical Cavity” 129
Experimental Characterization of the Separated Flow over a Cylindrical Cavity 128
"Statistical properties of wall pressure fluctuantions over a forward facing step 128
Intermittency and stochastic modeling of hydrodynamic pressure fluctuations in the near field of compressible jets 128
Time resolved PIV and pressure fluctuations over a forward-facing step 124
Experimental Characterization of the Separated Flow over a Cylindrical Cavity 123
Investigation of the flow and the acoustic generated by a cylindrical cavity 120
Experimental Technique to Measure Droplets Diameter Distribution in Spray 120
Wall-pressure fluctuations induced by a compressible jet flow over a flat plate at different Mach numbers 119
Hydrogen combustion of a double cavity trapped vortex combustor 116
Experimental technique to measure droplets diameter distribution in spray 116
Investigation of the flow and the acoustic generated by a cylindrical cavity 115
“Numerical and Experimental Characterization of a Two-Phase Industrial Process” 109
Numerical and experimental characterization of a two-phase industrial process 108
Wind tunnel measurements of the surface pressure fluctuations on the new VEGA-C space launcher 94
Evaluation of the noise impact of flap-tip fences installed on laminar wings 86
Aeroacoustic characterization of two pusher propellers in different configurations 83
Contratto CIRA Università degli studi “Roma Tre“ - Relazione 3: Evaluation of the BL properties through numerical simulations - Wall pressure fluctuatiuons semi-empirical models- Post processing techniques and related sofware validation 77
Contratto CIRA Università degli studi “Roma Tre“ - Relazione Finale: Assesment of semi empirical models for BL noise-Full scale extrapolation at transonic and supersonic conditions 75
Contratto CIRA Università degli studi “Roma Tre“ - Relazione 4: BL properties in the experimental flow conditions – Data reduction, wall pressure fluctuations properties at transonic and supersonic flow conditions” 61
Parametric characterization of wall pressure fluctuations induced by a compressible jet interacting with a flat plate 56
Metamodeling and optimisation of a sonic crystal-based noise attenuation device 55
Experimental investigation of jet-induced wall pressure fluctuations over a tangential flat plate at two Reynolds numbers 54
Experimental investigation of an under-expanded single stream jet interacting with a tangential flat plate: Flow visualizations and wall pressure statistics 52
Experimental and Computational Aeroacoustic Investigation of Small Rotor Interactions in Hover 41
Single and multivariate statistics of jet-induced pressure fluctuations over an infinite plate 36
Aerodynamic and aeroacoustic experimental investigation of a three propellers DEP configuration 35
A wavelet-based separation method for tonal and broadband components of low Reynolds-number propeller noise 28
Wavelet-based decomposition of the tonal-broadband components of propeller noise 27
Experimental Investigation of The Aeroacoustic Interaction Effects of Installed Pusher Propellers 23
Pressure and velocity measurements of a compressible jet interacting with a flat plate 21
Experimental analysis of an under-expanded jet interacting with a tangential flat plate: Flow visualizations and wall pressure statistics 20
Density measurements of a compressible jet flow interacting with a tangential flat plate using background-oriented schlieren 18
Experimental investigation on a side-by-side twin rotor system in pusher configuration 18
Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Assessment of a Three-Propeller DEP Configuration: Insights from the VENUS Project 15
Impact of Turbulent Inflow on the Far-Field Noise Generated by a Propeller Operating at Low Reynolds Number 14
Noise emission prediction of small scale twin pushing propellers through surrogate models 13
Pressure-velocity measurements of a small automotive fan at different working conditions. A noise generation perspective 11
VENUS Project: Numerical and Experimental Investigation on the Aeroacoustics of Distributed Propulsion Configurations 9
Totale 10.476
Categoria #
all - tutte 30.400
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 30.400

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.323 0 0 0 0 0 242 310 216 187 272 71 25
2020/20211.200 70 60 68 88 100 77 158 259 43 93 31 153
2021/2022646 34 92 21 11 141 22 65 26 69 19 42 104
2022/2023919 134 162 76 77 61 187 2 69 64 10 47 30
2023/2024783 31 39 115 35 104 86 60 125 3 23 43 119
2024/2025530 15 43 249 63 65 95 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.476