Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 15.568
NA - Nord America 12.263
AS - Asia 4.103
AF - Africa 84
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 21
OC - Oceania 19
SA - Sud America 14
Totale 32.072
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 12.239
IT - Italia 5.453
CN - Cina 3.277
GB - Regno Unito 3.228
DK - Danimarca 2.970
SE - Svezia 950
DE - Germania 821
UA - Ucraina 724
SG - Singapore 382
FI - Finlandia 358
RU - Federazione Russa 231
IE - Irlanda 222
AL - Albania 204
VN - Vietnam 197
FR - Francia 149
TR - Turchia 131
NL - Olanda 53
JP - Giappone 51
SN - Senegal 34
BE - Belgio 31
CI - Costa d'Avorio 31
ES - Italia 30
IN - India 25
RO - Romania 23
CH - Svizzera 21
GR - Grecia 21
CA - Canada 20
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 20
AU - Australia 19
AT - Austria 15
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 13
PL - Polonia 11
TN - Tunisia 10
EU - Europa 8
NO - Norvegia 8
BR - Brasile 7
BD - Bangladesh 6
SA - Arabia Saudita 5
ID - Indonesia 4
IQ - Iraq 4
IR - Iran 4
KR - Corea 4
MA - Marocco 4
MX - Messico 4
PT - Portogallo 4
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
LT - Lituania 3
LV - Lettonia 3
MD - Moldavia 3
CL - Cile 2
DZ - Algeria 2
HR - Croazia 2
PH - Filippine 2
RS - Serbia 2
TH - Thailandia 2
UY - Uruguay 2
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CO - Colombia 1
GE - Georgia 1
GH - Ghana 1
IL - Israele 1
KE - Kenya 1
MY - Malesia 1
MZ - Mozambico 1
PE - Perù 1
TW - Taiwan 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VA - Santa Sede (Città del Vaticano) 1
Totale 32.072
Città #
Southend 3.019
Woodbridge 1.319
Chandler 1.200
Rome 1.098
Ann Arbor 1.000
Wilmington 973
Fairfield 963
Houston 704
Nanjing 645
Dearborn 571
Boardman 548
Ashburn 529
Jacksonville 508
Florence 425
Princeton 387
Seattle 387
Cambridge 317
Forcoli 298
Beijing 280
Shenyang 266
Singapore 264
Plano 222
Dublin 221
Jinan 216
Nanchang 207
Margherita Di Savoia 205
Hebei 200
Dong Ket 197
Redwood City 193
Helsinki 160
Jiaxing 146
Changsha 143
Bremen 135
Tianjin 133
Milan 113
Izmir 101
Padova 99
Shanghai 90
Mortara 88
Orange 84
Zhengzhou 83
Kunming 79
San Diego 73
Hangzhou 72
Ningbo 71
San Mateo 70
Hefei 65
New York 63
Guangzhou 62
Haikou 54
Tokyo 47
Taizhou 45
Taiyuan 43
Trieste 37
Altamura 36
Dakar 34
Mountain View 34
Chieti 33
Dallas 30
Fuzhou 26
Napoli 26
Augusta 24
Brussels 24
Falls Church 24
Alameda 23
Lanzhou 22
Sovicille 22
San Paolo di Civitate 21
Bari 20
Brno 20
Livorno 20
Torino 20
Westminster 20
Centrale 18
Latina 18
Flushing 17
Pescara 17
Fort Worth 16
Norwalk 15
Perugia 15
Pune 15
Bologna 14
Cagliari 14
Catania 14
Los Angeles 14
Naples 14
Venezia 14
Frosinone 13
London 13
Maryland Heights 12
Çukurova 12
Lawrence 11
Palermo 11
Turin 11
Verona 11
Como 10
Modena 10
Para 10
Redmond 10
Baotou 9
Totale 20.355
Nome #
Geologia dei Monti dell Farnesina (Roma): nuovi dati di sottosuolo dalla galleria Giovanni XXIII, Roma 638
Stratigraphic architecture of the upper Messinian deposits of the Adana Basin (Southern Turkey): implications for the Messinian salinity crisis and the Taurus petroleum system 354
Carta geologica del settore compreso tra Monte San Giovanni Campano e Rocca d'Arce (Lazio meridionale) 292
Structural Model of Italy 277
Assetto geologico-strutturale dei Monti di Fara in Sabina (Lazio, Appennino centrale) 271
I depositi tardo-orogenici della Valle Latina meridionale: stratigrafia e implicazioni cinematiche per l’evoluzione dell’Appennino centrale 259
Schema strutturale della catena a pieghe e sovrascorrimenti Umbro-Sabina (Italia Centrale) derivato dal rilevamento dei fogli 366 “Palombara Sabina” e 375 “Tivoli” (Progetto CARG) 239
Synthetic structural/Kinematic Map of Italy - Timing of main alpidic deformations and of related sedimentary, metamorphic and magmatic processes. Tectonic Map at 1:2,000,000. In Structural Model of Italy and Gravity Map 236
Evidence for 1.5 km of Uplift of the Central Anatolian Plateau's Southern Margin in the Last 450 kyr and Implications for Its Multiphased Uplift History 235
Easternmost Mediterranean evidence of the Zanclean flooding event and subsequent surface uplift: Adana Basin, southern Turkey 235
Age of the Corsica-Sardinia rotation and Liguro-Provencal Basin spreading: new paleomagnetic and Ar/Ar evidence 231
The record of the Messinian salinity crisis in mobile belts: Insights from the Molise allochthonous units (southern Apennines, Italy) 229
Plio-Quaternary geology of L’Aquila – Scoppito Basin (Central Italy) 228
The “Brecciated Limestones” of Maiella, Italy: Rheological implications of hydrocarbon-charged fluid migration in the Messinian Mediterranean Basin 227
Geology of the central Apennines: a regional review 226
La linea Olevano-Antrodoco: contributo della biostratigrafia alla sua caratterizzazione cinematica 226
Nuovi dati sull'assetto stratigrafico-strutturale dell'area di Roccagiovine (Monti Lucretili) 224
Middle-Upper Miocene paleogeography of southern Turkey: insights from stratigraphy and calcareous nannofossil biochronology of the Olukpınar and Başyayla sections (Mut-Ermenek Basin) 222
Spatio-temporal evolution of intraplate strike-slip faulting: The Neogene–Quaternary Kuh-e-Faghan Fault, central Iran 220
Refining the Mediterranean "Messinian gap" with high-precision U-Pb zircon geochronology, central and northern Italy 216
Thrust-top lacustrine-lagoonal basin development in accretionary wedges: Late Messinian (Lago-Mare) episode in the Central Apennines (Italy) 215
Tectonics, sea-level changes and palaeoenvironments in the early Pleistocene of Rome (Italy) 209
Sea-level and climate forcing of the Sr isotope composition of late Miocene Mediterranean marine basins 207
Tsunami hazard in the Eastern Mediterranean: Geological evidence from the Anatolian coastal area (Silifke, southern Turkey) 207
Late Miocene ostracod assemblages from eastern Mediterranean coral reef complexes (central Crete, Greece) 206
Tectonics, sea-level changes and palaeoenvironments in the early Pleistocene of Rome (Italy) 204
Multi-phased uplift of the southern margin of the Central Anatolian plateau, Turkey: A record of tectonic and upper mantle processes 204
Geology of the central Apennines: a regional review 201
Caratteri geologico strutturali del margine orientale della Conca di Rieti 200
La linea Olevano-Antrodoco: contributo della biostratigrafia alla sua caratterizzazione cinematica 200
Le Arenarie di Torrice: un deposito di bacino di piggy-back del Messiniano nell'Appennino centrale 200
First results from the CROP-11 deep seismic profile, central Apennines, Italy: evidence of mid-crustal folding 198
Miocene unconformities in the central Apennines: geodynamic significance and sedimentary basin evolution 196
Cronostratigrafia dei depositi neogenici del settore ernico-simbruino, Appennino centrale 196
New insights into the onset and evolution of the central Apennine extensional intermontane basins from the tectonically active L'Aquila Basin (central Italy). 195
The record of the Messinian salinity crisis in mobile belts: insights from the Molise allochthonous units (southern Apennines, Italy). 192
The late Messinian Lago-Mare episode in the Mediterranean Basin: preliminary report on the occurrence of Paratethyan ostracod fauna from central Crete (Greece) 190
Sedimentary evidence for late Messinian uplift of the SE margin of the central Anatolian Plateau: Adana Basin, Southern Turkey 190
High-frequency cyclicity in the latest Messinian Adriatic foreland basin: Insight into palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironments of the Mediterranean Lago-Mare episode 190
Le facies evaporitiche della crisi di salinità messiniana: radioattività naturale della Formazione Gessoso-Solfifera della Maiella (Abruzzo, Italia centrale) 190
Late Piacenzian-Gelasian freshwater ostracods (Crustacea) from L’Aquila Basin (central Apennines, Italy). 187
Sea level and climate forcing of the Sr isotope composition of late Miocene Mediterranean marine basins 187
Late Miocene surface uplift of the southern margin of the Central Anatolian plateau, Central Taurides, Turkey 186
Extension- and compression-related basins in central Italy during the Messinian lago-mare event 185
Assetto strutturale dei Monti Lucretili settentrionali (Sabina): nuovi dati e schema tettonico preliminare 184
Late Piacenzian–Gelasian freshwater ostracods (Crustacea) from the L'Aquila Basin (central Apennines, Italy) 183
Late Miocene ostracod assemblages from eastern Mediterranean coral-reef complexes (central Crete, Greece) 182
Geomorphic signal of active faulting at the northern edge of Lut Block: Insights on the kinematic scenario of Central Iran 182
Il sistema orogenico dell’Appennino centrale: vincoli stratigrafici e cronologia della migrazione 181
Associazioni fossili della biofacies “Lago-Mare” (Messiniano superiore) di Cava Stingeti (Appennino Meridionale, Guglionesi, Molise) 180
Deep-seated gravitational slope deformation, large-scale rock failure, and active normal faulting along Mt. Morrone (Sulmona basin, Central Italy): geomorphological and paleoseismological analyses. 177
A major evidence of fluid seepage in the Western Mediterranean margin during the Messinian Salinity Crisis: the tar-bearing Brecciated Limestones of the Maiella Basin 177
thrust-top lacustrine-lagoonal basin development in accretionary wedges: late Messinian (Lago-Mare) episode in the central Apennines (Italy) 177
Miocene unconformities in Central Apennines: geodynamic significance and sedimentary basin evolution 176
Considerazioni sulle velocita' di sollevamento di depositi eutirreniani dell'Italia meridionale e della Sicilia 176
A Messinian analogue for the subsurface plumbing of marine oil seeps (Maiella foreland basin, Central Apennine) 176
Extension- and compression-related basins in central Italy during the Messinian Lago-Mare event 176
I bacini sintettonici della Valle Latina meridionale: nuovi vincoli stratigrafici per l’evoluzione cinematica dell’Appennino centrale. 174
The "Brecciated Limestones" of Maiella, Italy: Rheological implications of hydrocarbon-charged fluid migration in the Messinian Mediterranean Basin 174
A Messinian analogue for the subsurface plumbing of marine oil seeps (Maiella foreland basin, Central Apennine) 173
Analisi biostratigrafica dei depositi terrigeni a ridosso della linea Olevano-Antrodoco 172
Tectonics, sea-level changes and palaeoenvironments in the early Pleistocene of Rome (Italy) 172
La paleogeografia neogenica del Mediterraneo centrale: vincoli geologici dall’Appennino centro-settentrionale 171
Tectonics, sea-level changes and palaeoenvironments in the early Pleistocene of Rome (Italy). Tectonics, sea-level changes and palaeoenvironments in the early Pleistocene of Rome (Italy) 171
The late Messinian Lago-Mare episode in the Mediterranean Basin: Preliminary report on the occurrence of Paratethyan ostracod faunafrom central Crete (Greece) 169
Le "Arenarie di Torrice": un deposito di bacino di piggy-back del Messiniano nell'Appennino centrale 169
Late Miocene ostracod assemblages from eastern Mediterranean coral-reef complexes (central Crete, Greece) 167
Palinspastic maps of the Perityrrhenian area. In BOCCALETTI M. et alii: Palinspastic restoration and paleogeographic reconstruction of the peri-Tyrrhenian area during the Neogene 167
- Il bacino di Belvedere-Vallocchia (Monti di Spoleto): un thrust-top basin dell'Appennino serravalliano 165
La Valle Latina meridionale (Lazio, Italia centrale): geologia del sottosuolo attraverso linee sismiche e dati di pozzo 165
Linking slab break-off, Hellenic trench retreat, and uplift of the Central and Eastern Anatolian plateaus 164
Inconsistent magnetic polarities in magnetite- and greigite-bearing sediments: understanding complex magnetizations in the late Messinian in the Adana basin (Southern Turkey) 164
Tectonics in the tiburtino-lucretile sector of the Central Apennine (Latium, Central Italy) 162
I depositi torbiditici 162
La paleogeografia neogenica del Mediterraneo centrale: vincoli geologici dall’Appennino centro-settentrionale 162
Biostratigraphical correlation and geochronology of volcaniclastic horizons across the Tortonian/Messinian boundary in the Apennine foreland basin system 161
Synthetic structural-kinematic map of Italy 160
Fracture System in Phlegraean Fields (Naples, Southern Italy) 159
Comment on ‘Earliest Zanclean age for the Colombacci and uppermost Di Tetto formations of the “latest Messinian” northern Apennines: New palaeoenvironmental data from the Maccarone section (Marche Province, Italy)’by Popescu et al. (2007) Geobios 40 (359-373) 159
Thrust-top lacustrine-lagoonal basin development in accretionary wedges: late Messinian (Lago-Mare) episode in the central Apennines (Italy) 159
Testimonianza dell'evento a gessi nei depositi d'avanfossa della Val Roveto (Appennino centrale): considerazioni sull'estensione spazio-temporale dell'avanfossa messiniana 159
Palaeoenvironments of the Mediterranean Basin at the Messinian hypersaline/hyposaline transition: evidence from natural radioactivity and microfacies of post-evaporitic successions of the Adriatic sub-basin 158
Age of the Corsica-Sardinia rotation and Liguro-Provencal Basin spreading: New paleomagnetic and Ar/Ar evidences 158
Palinspastic restoration and paleogeographic reconstruction of the peri-Tyrrhenian area during the Neogene 158
Le facies evaporitiche della crisi di salinità messiniana: radioattività naturale della Formazione Gessoso-Solfifera della Maiella (Abruzzo, Italia centrale) 157
Il sistema Tirreno-Appennino: segmentazione litosferica e propagazione del fronte compressivo 156
The historical site of the Monte Mario Lower Pleistocene succession reviseted: tectonics, sea-level changes and palaeoenvironments in the Early Pleistocene of Rome (Italy) 155
Paleoclimate reconstruction during the Messinian evaporative drawdown of the Mediterranean Basin: Insights from microthermometry on halite fluid inclusions 155
Considerazioni sulla strutturazione della catena dei Monti Aurunci: vincoli stratigrafici 155
Fracture system in Phlegraean Fields (Naples, Southern Italy) 153
Biostratigraphical correlation and geochronology of volcaniclastic horizons across the Tortonian/Messinian boundary in the Apennine foreland basin system 153
Testimonianza dell'evento a gessi nei depositi d'avanfossa della Val Roveto (Appennino centrale): considerazioni sull'estensione spazio-temporale dell'avanfossa messiniana 153
Geologia dei Monti della Farnesina (Roma): nuovi dati di sottosuolo dalla galleria Giovanni XXIII 152
The Messinian "Lago-Mare" event in central Italy: palaeogeographical reconstruction using geological data and ostracod assemblages 152
The Messinian Central Apennines 152
Neogene dynamics of the peri-tyrrhenian area in an ensialic context: palaeogeographic reconstruction 152
Evidence of the Mediterranean early Zanclean flooding in the Adana Basin (southern Turkey) 152
Uplift of the SE margin of the Central Anatolian plateau: Temporal constraints from the Adana Basin, southern Turkey 151
Plio-Quaternary geology of the Paganica-San Demetrio-Castelnuovo Basin (Central Italy) 151
Totale 19.311
Categoria #
all - tutte 84.851
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 84.851

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.452 0 0 0 0 434 565 840 457 699 156 227 74
2020/20213.320 221 88 222 149 336 160 559 414 365 281 186 339
2021/20222.454 90 250 36 155 501 88 316 121 227 67 120 483
2022/20233.865 427 476 229 506 367 768 42 309 396 78 171 96
2023/20241.806 191 166 104 107 112 199 125 260 102 97 88 255
2024/20251.166 98 226 617 125 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 32.935