IEMMA, Umberto
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 10.832
EU - Europa 10.122
AS - Asia 4.418
AF - Africa 155
OC - Oceania 26
SA - Sud America 24
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
Totale 25.586
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 10.793
DK - Danimarca 3.332
CN - Cina 3.237
GB - Regno Unito 2.671
IT - Italia 822
DE - Germania 776
SE - Svezia 688
UA - Ucraina 639
VN - Vietnam 569
SG - Singapore 300
RU - Federazione Russa 290
FI - Finlandia 230
IE - Irlanda 197
AL - Albania 171
CI - Costa d'Avorio 150
JP - Giappone 87
FR - Francia 82
TR - Turchia 61
NL - Olanda 47
KR - Corea 45
BE - Belgio 43
CA - Canada 37
HK - Hong Kong 35
IN - India 33
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 29
AU - Australia 24
GR - Grecia 18
BR - Brasile 16
RO - Romania 16
ES - Italia 14
ID - Indonesia 13
LT - Lituania 10
IQ - Iraq 9
IR - Iran 9
AT - Austria 8
MD - Moldavia 8
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 7
PT - Portogallo 7
CH - Svizzera 6
CO - Colombia 6
BD - Bangladesh 4
NO - Norvegia 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
EE - Estonia 3
MY - Malesia 3
PL - Polonia 3
RE - Reunion 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
EU - Europa 2
IL - Israele 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
NG - Nigeria 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 1
AR - Argentina 1
HN - Honduras 1
HR - Croazia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
MT - Malta 1
NP - Nepal 1
PA - Panama 1
PH - Filippine 1
PY - Paraguay 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
Totale 25.586
Città #
Southend 2.516
Woodbridge 1.585
Fairfield 996
Chandler 851
Wilmington 823
Ann Arbor 817
Ashburn 807
Houston 672
Nanjing 652
Dong Ket 568
Dearborn 488
Jacksonville 433
Boardman 432
Seattle 404
Cambridge 364
Princeton 339
Beijing 301
Rome 285
Shenyang 230
Jinan 214
Singapore 200
Dublin 197
Nanchang 195
Plano 194
Hebei 176
Changsha 153
Redwood City 143
Tianjin 140
Bremen 137
Jiaxing 133
Orange 115
New York 105
Shanghai 99
Tokyo 84
Zhengzhou 72
San Diego 70
Kunming 64
Hangzhou 62
Helsinki 62
Moscow 60
Ningbo 60
Izmir 58
Hefei 57
Taizhou 49
Seoul 45
Guangzhou 41
Brussels 37
Haikou 37
Altamura 36
Taiyuan 34
Hong Kong 32
Milan 32
London 30
Brno 29
Pune 29
San Paolo di Civitate 28
Fuzhou 27
Los Angeles 26
Düsseldorf 22
Dallas 20
Lanzhou 20
Munich 20
Scottsdale 16
Washington 16
Toronto 15
Venezia 15
Fort Worth 14
Santa Clara 14
Alameda 13
Berlin 13
Jakarta 13
Norwalk 13
Falls Church 12
Flushing 12
Mountain View 12
Ottawa 12
Lawrence 11
Verona 11
Amsterdam 10
Napoli 10
Walnut 10
Eitensheim 9
Stevenage 9
Wuhan 9
Athens 8
Chisinau 8
Dongguan 8
Baotou 7
Chaoyang 7
Fiumicino 7
Kilburn 7
Montebelluna 7
Paris 7
Phoenix 7
Vancouver 7
Atlanta 6
Baghdad 6
Busto Arsizio 6
Cerveteri 6
Chengdu 6
Totale 17.386
Nome #
Derivative-free global ship design optimization using global/local hybridization of the DIRECT algorithm 254
FRIDA (FRamework for Innovative Design in Aeronautics) 250
Reduced-order modeling for linearized aeroelasticity of fixed wings in transonic flight 220
A variable-accuracy metamodel-based architecture for global MDO under uncertainty 209
An integral equation approach to acoustic cloaking 207
Parameter selection in synchronous and asynchronous deterministic particle swarm optimization for ship hydrodynamics problems 207
A multi-objective design optimisation of eco-friendly aircraft: the impact of noise fees on airplanes sustainable development 203
Fourier and wavelet analyses of intermittent and resonant pressure components in a slot burner 203
Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics of Wings and Rotors via BEM -- Unsteady, Transonic and Viscous Effects 200
Aeroacoustoelasticity in State-Space Format Using CHIEF Regularization 198
Wall pressure fluctuations in hypersonic boundary layer: a strategy to design the passive noise control systems 198
Application of derivative-free multi-objective algorithms to reliability-based robust design optimization of a high-speed catamaran in real ocean environment 194
Ship hydrodynamic optimization by local hybridization of deterministic derivative-free global algorithms 193
A Boundary-Field Integral Equation for Analysis of Cavity Acoustic Spectrum 191
A Boundary Integral Equation Formulation For Optimization Of 2d Acoustic Cloaking 189
A BEM simulation of a wind tunnel with an open test section 187
Erratum to ‘An integral equation approach to acoustic cloaking’ [Journal of Sound and Vibration (2012)4629–4643] 187
Globally convergent hybridization of particle swarm optimization using line search-based derivative-free techniques 183
Formulation and parameter selection of multi-objective deterministic particle swarm for simulation-based optimization 180
Acoustic metamaterials in aeronautics 179
Prediction of Sound Scattered by Moving Bodies with Applications to Propeller-Driven Airplanes 178
A Finite State BEM Method For Acoustoaeroelasticity of Shells 177
Integrated aeroacoustoelastic modeling for the analysis of the propeller-driven cabin noise 177
On the vorticity generated sound: a transpiration-velocity/power-spectral-density approach 175
AcouSTO (Acoustic Simulation TOol) 175
Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics of Wings and Rotors via BEM - Unsteady, Transonic and Viscous Effects 172
Boundary Integral Transonics for Wings and Rotors 171
Digital Holography and Karhunen-Loeve decomposition for the modal analysis of two-dimensional vibrating structures 171
Multi-fidelity Adaptive Global Metamodel of Expensive Computer Simulations 171
Approach to the Weight Estimation in the Conceptual Design of Hybrid-Electric-Powered Unconventional Regional Aircraft 171
Steady Two-Dimensional Transonic Analysis Using a Boundary Integral Equation Method 170
A Boundary Integral Method in Rotor Aeroacoustics 168
A Boundary Element Method for Aerodynamics of Wings and Rotors 168
Development and validation of a dynamic metamodel based on stochastic radial basis functions and uncertainty quantification 168
An extended Karhunen-Loeve decomposition for modal identification of inhomogeneous structures 167
On the sound generated by boundary-layer vorticity 167
Multi-disciplinary, community-oriented design of low-noise aircraft: the COSMA project 167
Robust Optimization of Aircraft Life-cycle Costs Including the Cost of Community Noise 166
Power-Spectral-Density Boundary-to-Field Transfer Function 166
A Boundary Integral Formulation for Unsteady Transonic Potential Flows 166
Characterization of the gas–magmatic outflow at a volcanic vent through integral–equation based inverse acoustics 164
A Boundary Integral Method for Unified Transonic Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Analysis of Hovering Rotors 164
Reduced-order modeling for linearized aeroelasticity of fixed wings in transonic flight 162
Finite-State Acoustoaeroelasticity 162
Acoustic Cloaking of Moving Objects 162
On the use of a SIMD vector extension for the fast evaluation of Boundary Element Method coefficients 161
Human response to simulated airport noise scenarios in home-like environments 161
A Boundary Integral Method for Unified Transonic Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Analysis of Hovering Rotors 160
A Boundary Integral Equation Approach for Fluid-Wall Interaction in Arterial Vessels 160
A boundary integral method for the analysis of noise shielding in large 3-D aeronautical configurations 159
A Boundary Integral Method for Aeroacoustics of Rotors 159
Multidisciplinary Conceptual Design Optimization of aircraft using a sound-matching-based objective function. 157
"Power spectral density boundary to field transfer function" 157
Aeroacoustoelastic Modeling for Cabin Noise Alleviation in Propeller--Driven Aircraft 156
Theoretical and Numerical Modeling of Acoustic Metamaterials for Aeroacoustic Applications 156
Aeroacoustoelasticity in State-Space Format using CHIEF Regularization 156
An Enhanced BIE Formulation To Model Acoustic Invisibility 155
A Proposal of PSO Particles' Initialization for Costly Unconstrained Optimization Problems: ORTHOinit 155
A Boundary Integral Equation Approach for Fluid-Wall interaction in Hemodynamics 154
Preliminary Design of aero-engine intake acoustic liners by means of the multi-objective approach 154
Meshless Numerical Solution of Boundary Integral Equations based on Non Uniform Rational Basis-Splines 153
On the Use of the Analogue Transformation Acoustics in Aeroacoustics 152
BEM for Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics of Rotors in Subsonic/Transonic Forward Flight 152
A Combined Interior--Exterior Model for Propeller Acoustics 151
Integrated Aeroacoustoelastic Modeling for the Analysis of the Propeller--Driven Cabin Noise 151
A Boundary Element Method for Aerodynamics of Wings and Rotors 151
Optimal Conceptual Design of Aircraft Including Community Noise Prediction 149
High-Order BEM for potential transonic flows 148
"On the vorticity generated sound: a transpiration-velocity/power-spectral-density approach" 148
CHIEF Regularization Approach for Aeroacoustoelastic Modeling in State-space Format 147
Prediction of Sound Scattered by Moving Bodies with Applications to Propeller-Driven Airplanes 146
A Boundary-Field Integral Equation for identification of acoustic spectrum of cavities 146
Multi-objective optimization of takeoff and landing procedures: level abatement vs quality improvement of aircraft noise 146
A boundary-field integral equation for analysis of cavity acoustic specrum 145
On the sound generated by boundary-layer vorticity 145
Convective correction of metafluid devices based on Taylor transformation 144
A General Boundary Element Method for Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics of Rotors 144
Multi–objective design optimization of sustainable commercial aircraft: performance and costs 144
A Boundary Integral Method in Rotor Aeroacoustics 143
A Hermite-Coons Boundary Element Method 143
Efficient simulation-based design optimization for fluid-structure interaction problems affected by uncertainty 142
Analysis of interior noise in a tiltrotor fuselage 141
An Integral Method for Transonic Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics of Rotors in Forward Flight 141
BEM for Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics of Rotors in Subsonic/Transonic Forward Flight 141
A European Approach on Aircraft Noise Annoyance Research 138
BEM, Transonics and Aeroelasticity 138
AcouSTO (Acoustic Simulation TOol) . 137
“On the sound generated by boundary-layer vorticity” 137
A Boundary Integral Method for Aeroacoustics of Rotors 137
Aeroacoustoelastic modeling for cabin noise alleviation in propeller-driven aircraft 137
Coordination in a Problem Solving Environment for Aeronautical Industry 136
Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics of Subsonic and Transonic Rotors in Hover and Forward Flight 135
BEM for Transonic Flows 135
Community Noise Impact on the Conceptual Design of Innovative Aircraft Configurations 134
Irrotational and Rotational Transonic Flows Using A Boundary Integral Equation Method 133
Aeroelastic Issues in Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Aircraft Configurations 132
Internal Noise Generated by Sources External to an Elastic Shell 132
Multi-objective, multi-disciplinary optimization of take-off and landing procedures to minimize the environmental impact of commercial aircraft: the noise vs fuel consumption trade-off within the EC project COSMA 132
Tailoring Acoustic Metamaterials to Aeroacoustic Applications 131
Derivative-Free Global Design Optimization in Ship Hydrodynamics by Local Hybridization 131
Totale 16.285
Categoria #
all - tutte 74.503
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 74.503

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.756 0 0 0 0 0 497 703 518 640 121 206 71
2020/20213.152 178 115 148 99 251 126 461 418 384 232 105 635
2021/20221.839 68 197 41 30 402 72 87 86 210 83 141 422
2022/20232.612 332 458 90 405 203 513 19 240 232 9 72 39
2023/20241.806 71 97 122 54 148 411 116 268 26 99 98 296
2024/20251.174 48 129 538 107 110 242 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 26.491