Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 19.655
NA - Nord America 14.806
AS - Asia 7.980
AF - Africa 241
OC - Oceania 51
SA - Sud America 43
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 31
Totale 42.807
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 14.763
CN - Cina 6.142
DK - Danimarca 5.731
GB - Regno Unito 5.680
IT - Italia 1.770
DE - Germania 1.651
SE - Svezia 1.572
UA - Ucraina 902
VN - Vietnam 629
RU - Federazione Russa 560
FR - Francia 547
SG - Singapore 492
TR - Turchia 476
FI - Finlandia 373
IE - Irlanda 314
AL - Albania 280
CI - Costa d'Avorio 230
JP - Giappone 85
NL - Olanda 63
RO - Romania 52
AU - Australia 50
BE - Belgio 41
IN - India 40
CA - Canada 37
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 28
AT - Austria 26
IR - Iran 25
ID - Indonesia 17
CH - Svizzera 15
BD - Bangladesh 13
IQ - Iraq 13
PE - Perù 13
GR - Grecia 12
EC - Ecuador 11
PT - Portogallo 11
ES - Italia 10
HK - Hong Kong 9
MD - Moldavia 9
PL - Polonia 9
KR - Corea 8
BR - Brasile 7
CO - Colombia 7
MY - Malesia 7
BG - Bulgaria 6
CL - Cile 5
PH - Filippine 5
SN - Senegal 5
HU - Ungheria 4
CY - Cipro 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
EU - Europa 3
LT - Lituania 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
MX - Messico 3
NO - Norvegia 3
PR - Porto Rico 3
TW - Taiwan 3
EG - Egitto 2
HR - Croazia 2
IL - Israele 2
KE - Kenya 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MM - Myanmar 2
NG - Nigeria 2
AM - Armenia 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
NP - Nepal 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
OM - Oman 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SM - San Marino 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 42.807
Città #
Southend 5.436
Woodbridge 1.888
Ashburn 1.501
Nanjing 1.202
Dearborn 1.124
Ann Arbor 1.031
Fairfield 1.002
Chandler 923
Wilmington 783
Houston 646
Dong Ket 629
Boardman 626
Jacksonville 563
Princeton 520
Shenyang 496
Jinan 473
Izmir 447
Beijing 439
Nanchang 419
Rome 416
Seattle 396
Singapore 381
Cambridge 352
Hebei 335
Plano 321
Dublin 312
Changsha 303
Tianjin 300
Redwood City 271
Kenmore 265
Nürnberg 234
Washington 210
Jiaxing 189
Bremen 183
San Mateo 181
Zhengzhou 176
Hangzhou 171
Shanghai 140
Helsinki 139
Kunming 133
Fremont 131
Guangzhou 123
Ningbo 115
Taizhou 112
Haikou 111
Venezia 110
Taiyuan 90
Hefei 88
Lanzhou 74
Milan 71
Tokyo 69
San Diego 65
Dallas 63
Moscow 63
Fuzhou 58
Orange 56
Brussels 36
Eitensheim 34
Munich 32
London 25
Napoli 24
Verona 24
Pune 22
Changchun 21
Neef 21
Berkeley 20
Altamura 19
Andover 19
Flushing 19
Istanbul 19
Norwalk 18
Redmond 18
St Petersburg 18
Buffalo 17
Florence 17
Fort Worth 17
Mountain View 17
Naples 17
New York 17
Alameda 16
Baotou 16
Beverly Hills 15
Lawrence 15
Parma 15
Torino 15
Wuhan 14
Chengdu 13
Leawood 13
Pavia 13
Renton 13
Catania 12
Francavilla Al Mare 12
Padova 12
Stevenage 12
Baghdad 11
Basking Ridge 11
Chicago 11
Dongguan 11
Edmonton 11
Lima 11
Totale 27.718
Nome #
Analisi statica non lineare (pushover) 353
105. Influenza del buckling delle armature longitudinali nella modellazione agli elementi finiti di strutture in cemento armato 330
106. Risposta sismica di strutture nonlineari usando il concetto di spettro di risposta a smorzamento variabile. 316
110. Ferrini, M., Nuti, C., Vanzi, I., 1999. “Seismic Risk Assessment and Mitigation of two Existing Hospitals in Italy”. Proc. 11th WCEE, Oakland, NZ, 31.1.2000-4.2.2000 268
Modified Monti-Nuti model for different types of reinforcing bars including inelastic buckling 246
Damage, vulnerability and retrofitting strategies for the Molise hospital system following the 2002 Molise, Italy, earthquake 242
A simplified procedure to assess the seismic response of nonlinear structures 237
Behavior of the leaning Tower of Pisa: insights on seismic input and soil-structure interaction 236
Closed form constitutive relationship for concrete filled FRP tubes under compression 229
Experimental tests and global modeling of masonry infilled frames 220
Displacement based design of BRB for the seismic protection of r.c. frames 220
Damage patterns in the town of Amatrice after August 24th 2016 Central Italy earthquakes 216
Post-seismic assessment of existing constructions: evaluation of the shakemaps for identifying exclusion zones in Emilia 215
Experimental tests on FRP Shear retrofitted RC Beams 215
"Assessment of post - earthquake availability of hospital system and upgrading strategies" 212
A design procedure of dissipative braces for seismic upgrading structures 212
Experimental investigation of the seismic response of repaired r.c. bridges by means of pseudodynamic tests. 211
Cyclic response of existing r.c. columns repaired or retrofitted by mean of steel and FRP jacketing technique 208
A rapid repair technique to improve plastic dissipation of existing Chinese RC bridges. 205
A Simplified Procedure for Base Sliding Evaluation of Concrete Gravity Dams under Seismic Action 203
Studio mediante prove pseudodinamiche del comportamento sismico di pile da ponte riparate e rinforzate con materiali innovativi 203
Comparison of asynchronous signals generated from surface or bedrock natural accelerograms, Second international conference on performance-based design in earthquake geotechnical engineering 198
Design of dissipative braces for an existing strategic building with a pushover based procedure 195
Analisi dinamiche non lineari di dighe in calcestruzzo 195
Experimental tests on FRP Shear retrofitted R.C. beams 195
A simplified procedure to assess the seismic response of nonlinear structures 194
Cyclic Tests of Existing R.C. Columns Repaired or Retrofitted by Mean of Jacketing Technique 193
New Solutions for Rapid Repair and Retrofit of RC Bridge Piers 193
Seismic safety of network structures and infrastructures 193
Experimental tests on FRP shear retrofitted RC beams 193
Pseudodynamic tests on repaired and retrofitted bridge piers 192
Cyclic response of existing r.c. columns repaired or retrofitted by means of steel and FRP jacketing tecnique 192
State of the art of non linear static methods 191
Assessment of the effectiveness of repair and retrofitting techniques using SCC and CFRP on damaged r.c. bridge piers 190
Speedup of post earthquake community recovery. The case of precast industrial buildings after the Emilia 2012 earthquake 189
Comportamento ciclico di colonne in c.a. riparate ed adeguate con fasciature in FRP 188
Adeguamento di telai tamponati con controventi dissipativi 186
In situ Shear-tearing test for the quality control on FRP-to Concrete bonded joints 186
Dynamic Soil Structure interaction of the Leaning Tower of Pisa 181
Indagine sperimentale e numerica sul comportamento ciclico di telai in c.a. tamponati 179
Prove sperimentali monotone e cicliche su barre di acciaio inox 179
Preliminary data and field observations of the 21st August 2017 Ischia earthquake 179
A design procedure for seismic retrofitting of reinforced concrete frame and concentric braced steel buildings with dissipative bracings 178
1987 Analisi di Vulnerabilità di Insiemi Edilizi Urbani: Metodologia e Applicazione agli Edifici in c.a. della città… di Subiaco. 177
Aggiornamento bayesiano delle curve di fragilità degli ospedali italiani 176
Caratterizzazione teorico-sperimentale di tamponature in laterizio per telai in cemento armato 176
Comportamento monotono e ciclico di elementi strutturali in presenza di instabilità delle armature longitudinali 175
Seismic safety evaluation of electric power supply at urban level 175
Design of bridges for non synchronous seismic motion 175
Design procedure for dissipative braced devices to retrofit existing r.c. frames 175
Pseudodynamic tests on repaired and retrofitted bridge piers 174
Comportamento ciclico di colonne in c.a. riparate ed adeguate con fasciature in FRP 174
Analisi di spinta: valutazione dell'accuratezza della risposta sismica attesa di edifici in c.a 174
Performance of Lifelines During the 2002 Molise, Italy, Earthquake 172
Seismic Simulation and Base Sliding of Concrete Gravity Dams 172
Numerical Model for Steel Bars Under Cyclic Loading Including Post Elastic Buckling. 172
Asynchronous earthquake strong motion and RC bridges response 172
Cyclic Tests of Existing R.C. Columns Repaired or Retrofitted by Mean of Jacketing Technique 172
Nonlinear response of bridges under multi-support excitation., 171
Fastening technique in seismic areas: a critical review 171
A Study on economic soundness of seismic retrofitting in Italy 171
Procedure statiche non lineari basate sull’analisi di spinta: rassegna critica 171
Non Linear Static Analysis: Application of Existing Concrete Building 171
Assessment of seismic behavior of R.C. bridges under asynchronous motion and comparison with simplified approaches 170
Influence of earthquake spatial variability on differential soil displacements and SDF system response 170
CYRUS, CYclic Response of Upgraded Sections: a program for the analysis of retrofitted or repaired r.c. sections under biaxial cyclic loading including buckling of rebars, Report DSSAR 1/96 materiali, Dipartimento di Scienze Storia e Restauro, Università degli Studi G. D'Annunzio di Chieti 168
Case Study 3: frames typical of old Italian design 168
Affidabilità sismica degli ospedali 168
A design procedure for the seismic protection of infilled frames by dissipative braces. In: Proceedings of 167
Design procedure for buckling restrained braces to retrofit existing r.c. frames 166
Adeguamento sismico delle strutture: quando conviene farlo? 166
Seismic Simulation and Base Sliding of Concrete Gravity Dams 166
Proposal of a modal pushover based incremental analysis 165
Comparison between monotonic and cyclic behaviour of element with longitudinal bar buckling 165
Protezione sismica di telai in c.a. mediante controventi dissipativi 165
Explicit constitutive relationship for axially loaded concrete confined by FRP 164
Analisi sismica delle dighe a gravità: dal semplice al complesso, se necessario 164
Caratterizzazione teorico-sperimentale di tamponature in laterizio per telai in cemento armato 164
experimental tests on repaired and retrofitted brige piers 164
1981 L'influenza dell'Incertezza dei Parametri Geotecnici sulla Risposta Sismica delle Strutture. 163
Studio mediante prove pseudo dinamiche del comportamento sismico di pile da ponte riparate e rinforzate con materiali innovativi. 163
A new exclusion method for determining the not-to-assess structures based on post-earthquake seismological data. The case of the Emilia earthquake. 163
Un criterio di progetto per il rinforzo di telai in c.a. mediante controventi dissipativi 163
Seismic reliability of the Abruzzo Hospital system and upgrading strategies 163
Seismic risk of italian hospitals 163
Proposal of a Incremental Modal Pushover Analysis (IMPA) 163
Experimental program for pseudodynamic tests on repaired and retrofitted bridge piers 163
Seismic Simulation and Base Sliding of Concrete Gravity Dam 162
Theoretical characterization of infill panels basing on compressive and shear tests 161
The influence of longitudinal reinforcement buckling in structural response 161
Seismic assessment of italian existing hospitals 160
Site specific, spectrum compatible non synchronous motion 160
Analisi di Rischio Sismico dei Ponti della Rete della Società Autostrade 159
A study on economic soundness of seismic retrofitting in Italy 159
Seismic assessment of utility systems: application to water, electric power and transportation networks 159
Totale 18.739
Categoria #
all - tutte 112.982
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 112.982

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20204.263 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.128 616 1.176 958 304 81
2020/20214.731 332 183 210 177 388 270 662 962 171 426 188 762
2021/20223.315 274 284 74 108 692 103 370 125 260 89 178 758
2022/20233.551 575 494 214 437 231 815 15 238 353 25 117 37
2023/20242.629 92 134 278 94 268 795 118 376 30 83 49 312
2024/20251.685 69 342 758 99 146 247 24 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 44.197