Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.570
NA - Nord America 5.406
AS - Asia 2.174
AF - Africa 125
SA - Sud America 15
OC - Oceania 13
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 13.308
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.402
CN - Cina 1.657
GB - Regno Unito 1.615
RU - Federazione Russa 1.127
DK - Danimarca 1.020
DE - Germania 398
UA - Ucraina 398
SE - Svezia 339
IT - Italia 203
VN - Vietnam 193
SG - Singapore 183
FI - Finlandia 142
AL - Albania 113
IE - Irlanda 109
CI - Costa d'Avorio 100
TR - Turchia 64
FR - Francia 47
HK - Hong Kong 27
JP - Giappone 26
SN - Senegal 22
NL - Olanda 18
BE - Belgio 14
AU - Australia 13
BR - Brasile 13
RO - Romania 7
KR - Corea 6
ID - Indonesia 4
IN - India 4
AT - Austria 3
CA - Canada 3
CH - Svizzera 3
EU - Europa 3
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
ES - Italia 2
IQ - Iraq 2
MA - Marocco 2
MD - Moldavia 2
PT - Portogallo 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
TH - Thailandia 2
BO - Bolivia 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
GR - Grecia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IL - Israele 1
IR - Iran 1
JO - Giordania 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MX - Messico 1
MY - Malesia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
RS - Serbia 1
UY - Uruguay 1
Totale 13.308
Città #
Southend 1.529
Woodbridge 909
Fairfield 509
Ann Arbor 442
Wilmington 405
Nanjing 373
Houston 343
Dearborn 326
Chandler 305
Jacksonville 302
Ashburn 261
Boardman 216
Princeton 201
Dong Ket 193
Cambridge 180
Seattle 180
Beijing 151
Nanchang 128
Dublin 109
Singapore 107
Shenyang 102
Redwood City 93
Hebei 91
Tianjin 90
Changsha 87
Jinan 73
Moscow 69
Jiaxing 67
Plano 65
Izmir 61
Rome 54
Shanghai 44
Zhengzhou 43
Hangzhou 38
Guangzhou 36
Kunming 36
Eitensheim 34
Ningbo 31
Helsinki 28
San Diego 28
Hong Kong 27
Tokyo 26
Hefei 24
Dakar 22
Orange 22
Lanzhou 18
Milan 15
Brussels 14
Haikou 13
Lawrence 13
Los Angeles 13
Fort Worth 12
New York 12
Alameda 11
Fuzhou 11
London 11
Bari 10
Mountain View 10
Taizhou 10
Flushing 9
Venezia 9
Altamura 8
Stevenage 8
Walnut 8
Renton 7
Yubileyny 7
Auburn Hills 6
Changchun 6
Dallas 6
Milpitas 6
Norwalk 6
San Paolo di Civitate 6
Verona 6
Bremen 5
San Mateo 5
Seoul 5
Taiyuan 5
Xian 5
Munich 4
Napoli 4
Santa Clara 4
Centro 3
Chongqing 3
Eugene 3
Jakarta 3
Modena 3
Nanning 3
Quzhou 3
Redmond 3
Saint Petersburg 3
San Francisco 3
Trento 3
Washington 3
Wuhan 3
Amsterdam 2
Andover 2
Atlanta 2
Baghdad 2
Bologna 2
Castellammare di Stabia 2
Totale 8.819
Nome #
10.Rivestimenti WC-Co nanostrutturati realizzati tramite tecnologia HVOF 264
A novel pillar indentation splitting test for measuring fracture toughness of thin ceramic coatings 227
Production and characterization of duplex coatings (HVOF and PVD) on TI6AL4V substrate 211
Characterisation and wear properties of industrially produced nanoscaled CrN/NbN multilayer coating 208
Wear mechanisms and in-service surface modifications of a Stellite 6B Co-Cr alloy 200
A novel pillar indentation splitting test for measuring fracture toughness of thin ceramic coatings 198
Focused ion beam and transmission electron microscopy as a powerful tool to understand localized corrosion phenomena 197
Elastic anisotropy of coatings by AFM analysis of microindentations 196
High-resolution high-speed nanoindentation mapping of cement pastes: Unravelling the effect of microstructure on the mechanical properties of hydrated phases 196
Multifaceted Approach for Characterization of Solid Residues from Sludge Incineration 188
Flame treatment on plastic: A new surface free energy statistical prediction model and characterization of treated surfaces 181
Multi-step anodizing on Ti6Al4V components to improve tribomechanical performances 180
Focused ion beam four-slot milling for Poisson's ratio and residual stress evaluation at the micron scale 180
Residual stress measurement at the micrometer scale: focused ion beam (FIB) milling and nanoindentation testing 177
An easy way to measure surface free energy by drop shape analysis 177
EB/UV treatment of protective coatings for porous materials 175
Effects of nanosilica addition on workability and compressive strength of Portland cement pastes 172
Production and characterization of duplex coatings (HVOF and PVD) on Ti–6Al–4V substrate 171
On the Influence of Residual Stress on Nano-Mechanical Characterization of Thin Coatings 171
Effects of residual stress on nano-mechanical behavior of thin films 168
Use of nanosilica in cement-based materials. Part I. Water demand and compressive strength of cement pastes 167
Tecniche di microscopia a Fascio Ionico Focalizzato ed Elettronica in Trasmissione come strumenti efficaci per la comprensione dei fenomeni di corrosione localizzata 166
Development of a duplex coating procedure (HVOF and PVD) on Ti-6Al-4V substrate for automotive applications 161
Load bearing capacity and failure modes analysis of PVD/HVOF duplex coatings 159
A New FIB-DIC Material Removal Method for Poisson’s Ratio and Residual Stress Measurement in thin films 155
Production and characterization of duplex coatings (HVOF and PVD) on TI6AL4V substrate. nanoSMat2005, International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials. 154
Characterization and hardness modelling of alternate TIN/TICN multilayer cathodic arc PVD coating on tool steel 153
Ricoprimenti CAE-PVD: Difetti e Corrosione 150
Leaching behaviour of cement pastes containing nanosilica 150
Verification of layered structures in SnO2/metal based gas sensors by x-ray microanalysis 149
Superconducting and microstructural studies on sputtered niobium thin films for accelerating cavity applications 148
Impianti di teleriscaldamento a singolo circuito: problematiche di corrosione connesse all’esercizio e all’ampliamento 145
Advanced applications of plasma and HVOF sprayed coatings for power generation 143
Caratterizzazione morfologica, compositiva e microstrutturale dei residui solidi di incenerimento dei fanghi urbani 141
Hot pressing of plasma sprayed SiC fiber reinforced Ti-6Al-4V alloy 141
Modelling, Production and Characterization of Duplex Coatings (HVOF and PVD) on Ti-6Al-4V substrate for specific mechanical applications 140
Characterization and wear properties of a nanoscaled CrN/NbN multilayer coating obtained by non conventional reactive PVD 138
Multiscale integration in microscopy characterization techniques: a powerful approach to solve thick and thin complex coating systems; some case studies 136
Effects of Residual Stress on Nano-Mechanical Behaviour of Thin Films 136
An innovative non-contact method to evaluate Surface Free Energy on micro-areas 134
Production and characterization of duplex coatings (HVOF and PVD) on TI6AL4V substrate 133
Load bearing capacity and failure modes analysis of PVD/HVOF duplex coatings 132
EB/UV treatment of protective coatings for porous materials 130
Porous silicon obtained by anodization in the transition regime 129
High pressure reactive plasma spray synthesis of titanium nitride based coatings 128
AFM investigation of Vickers/Knoop microindentation marks for the evaluation of thin films mechanical properties 127
Rapid Solidification of Plasma Sprayed Advanced Materials: nanostructure characterization 126
Verification of layered structures in SnO2/metal based gas sensors by x-ray microanalysis 126
Advanced characterization of nanostructured thin and thick protective coatings 126
Evaluation of chloride content in concrete by x-ray fluorescence 123
A spray-drying process for the production of YBCO and Ag doped YBCO superconductive powders 122
Experimental study of water interaction with a steel wall and evaluation of the resulting hydrogen permeation flux 122
Evaluation of abrasive wear resistance of coatings using the crater grinder method 120
Characterization And Hardness Modelling Of Alternate Tin/Ticn Multilayer Cathodic Arc Pdv Coating On Tool Steel 119
An alternative possible way to measure surface free energy on a small area 119
Bias magnetron sputtering for niobium thin films 118
Interfacial reactions in Al/SiC composites produced by low pressure plasma spray 117
A spray drying process for the production of YBCO-type superconductive powders: the case of Ag-doped YBCO 113
Failure mode analysis in the scratch test of hard PVD coatings Part 2: experimental and influence of substrate roughness 113
Residual Stress Measurements at the Micrometric Scale: Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Milling and Nanoindentation Testing for Site-Specific Residual Stress 102
Nano-microstructural and nano-mechanical characterisation of PVD multilayer coatings on HVOF WC-Co substrate 102
Tecniche di nanoindentazione statistica per la caratterizzazione nano-mecanica di materiali cementizi 99
Caratterizzazione morfologica, compositiva e microstrutturale dei residui solidi di incenerimento dei fanghi urbani 98
Advanced Characterization to Parameterize Material Properties for Multiscale Design 98
Focused ion beam and nanomechanical testing for high resolution materials chacarterizzation 96
Presentation of the first italian CAPS and preliminary experiences 95
Impiego di nano particelle nelle tecnologie civili ed industriali 93
Evaluation of abrasive wear resistance of coatings using the crater grinder method 93
strumento per la caratterizzazione chimico-fisica di superfici organiche e inorganiche (misura di bagnabilità ed energia superficiale MAC misuratore angolo di contatto) 90
Evaluation of abrasive wear resistance of coatings using the crater grinder method 88
Characterization and modelling of multilayer Ti-based coating 87
Microstructural characterization of spinel powders 87
“Materiali strutturali per impieghi in settori che richiedono specifiche prestazioni strutturali o termiche, sviluppo di metodologie integrate multiscala di caratterizzazione morfologica e microstrutturale” INSTM (FI) su fondo MIUR l.449 “FIS” del 27 Dicembre 1997, avviato nel dicembre del 2002 (tre anni). 85
Evaluation Of Abrasive Wear Resistance Of Pvd Coatings Using The Crater Grinder Method 84
Characterization and modeling of multilayer Ti-based coatings 82
Processo di sintesi dell'YBCO in atmosfera controllata: risultati preliminari 80
Production of CrN/NbN superlattice coatings by Cathode Switching Reactive Cathodic Arc Evaporation 80
Verification of Layered Structures in SnO2/Metals-based Gas Sensor by X-ray Microanalysis: Comparision with X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy 79
Evaluation Of Abrasive Wear Resistance Of Pvd Coatings Using The Crater Grinder Method 79
Rotating wheel test wear behaviour of structured coatings by means of abraded volume continuous measurement: some examples 78
Novas filosofias projetuais com os materiais cerâmicos para o design 77
P.O.R.E. Progetto Opportunità delle Regioni in Europa - I fondi tematici dell'Unione Europea 77
Characterization and modelling of multilayer Ti-based coating 77
Chemical, morphological and microstructural characterisation of solid residues from sludge incineration by fluidised bed furnace 76
Different Sputtering Configurations For Coating 1,5 Ghz Copper Cavities 75
INSTM (FI) su fondo MIUR legge FISR, avviato nel giugno del 2003 (tre anni). 74
Chemical, morphological and microstructural characterisation of solid residues from sludge incineration by fluidised bed furnace 73
Mechanical and tribological properties of CrN/NbN superlattice coatings obtained by Cathode Switching Reactive Cathodic Arc Evaporation (SCAE) 72
High thickness TiN/Ti multilayer thin coatings for wear resistant applications 72
Rivestimenti nanostrutturati per applicazioni meccaniche 71
Produzione di film di diamante e simili al diamante attraverso processi di deposizione a bassa pressione: stato della ricerca 70
Improving lateral resolution of SEM/EDS observation by the use of advanced TEM sample preparation techniques in the characterisation of nanostructured coatings 69
Il ruolo dei materiali nello sviluppo industriale 68
Corrosion behaviour of Cathodic Arc Evaporation PVD nano-structured multilayered coatings of CrN/NbN on 6062 Aluminum alloy 68
Totale 12.880
Categoria #
all - tutte 37.027
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 37.027

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020798 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 253 332 73 115 25
2020/20211.420 91 39 133 30 148 77 283 178 29 131 46 235
2021/2022868 31 122 8 22 233 22 74 34 95 25 27 175
2022/20231.072 174 164 89 78 87 266 0 58 113 4 24 15
2023/2024668 33 40 29 19 68 72 58 156 3 45 20 125
2024/20251.465 15 41 239 12 47 86 871 154 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.595