Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.353
EU - Europa 4.211
AS - Asia 1.871
AF - Africa 104
OC - Oceania 12
SA - Sud America 6
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 11.561
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.336
DK - Danimarca 1.524
CN - Cina 1.500
GB - Regno Unito 1.152
SE - Svezia 347
DE - Germania 283
IT - Italia 215
UA - Ucraina 205
SG - Singapore 136
FI - Finlandia 130
RU - Federazione Russa 113
CI - Costa d'Avorio 82
IE - Irlanda 77
VN - Vietnam 67
AL - Albania 66
TR - Turchia 51
JP - Giappone 39
IN - India 34
KR - Corea 29
BE - Belgio 26
NL - Olanda 24
CA - Canada 16
SN - Senegal 16
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 15
FR - Francia 13
AU - Australia 10
HK - Hong Kong 9
AT - Austria 6
CH - Svizzera 6
BR - Brasile 4
RO - Romania 4
EU - Europa 3
MA - Marocco 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
MD - Moldavia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
CO - Colombia 1
ID - Indonesia 1
IR - Iran 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
PL - Polonia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 11.561
Città #
Southend 1.070
Woodbridge 770
Fairfield 694
Ann Arbor 383
Ashburn 368
Houston 358
Wilmington 347
Chandler 329
Nanjing 307
Seattle 247
Dearborn 241
Cambridge 239
Boardman 181
Beijing 149
Jacksonville 147
Princeton 122
Nanchang 110
Shenyang 102
Singapore 97
Jinan 95
Plano 82
Dublin 76
Hebei 69
Helsinki 69
Dong Ket 67
Shanghai 67
Redwood City 65
Rome 62
Changsha 61
New York 58
Tianjin 47
Zhengzhou 39
Tokyo 38
Jiaxing 37
San Diego 33
Kunming 30
Bremen 29
Izmir 29
Hangzhou 27
Orange 27
Taizhou 27
Guangzhou 26
Seoul 25
Brussels 24
Moscow 24
Grafing 22
Hefei 22
Dallas 21
Ningbo 21
Haikou 19
Istanbul 19
Fuzhou 17
Lanzhou 17
Taiyuan 17
Dakar 16
Pune 15
Chennai 13
Altamura 12
London 12
Milan 12
Brno 11
Buffalo 11
San Paolo di Civitate 11
Venezia 10
Lawrence 9
Kilburn 7
Augusta 6
Bari 6
Flushing 6
Norwalk 6
San Mateo 6
Santa Clara 6
Toronto 6
Turin 6
Chicago 5
Eitensheim 5
Fort Worth 5
Los Angeles 5
Mountain View 5
North York 5
Shaoxing 5
Acton 4
Düsseldorf 4
Florence 4
Indiana 4
Vienna 4
Acquaviva 3
Alameda 3
Auburn Hills 3
Birmingham 3
Bloomington 3
Changchun 3
Chaoyang 3
Chiswick 3
Edinburgh 3
Edmonton 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Norfolk 3
Redmond 3
San Pablo 3
Totale 7.953
Nome #
Neural networks for muscle forces prediction in cycling 253
Comparing different visual biofeedbacks in static posturography 248
State of alertness during simulated driving tasks 225
Inter-individual variability of forces and modular muscle coordination in cycling: A study on untrained subjects 223
Feedback of mechanical effectiveness induces adaptations in motor modules during cycling 222
Calibration of a measurement system for the evaluation of efficiency indexes in bicycle training 220
A preliminary comparison of two different methods for objective uniformity evaluation in diagnostic ultrasound imaging 219
Measurements of generated energy/electrical quantities from locomotion activities using piezoelectric wearable sensors for body motion energy harvesting 214
How to assess performance in cycling: the multivariate nature of influencing factors and related indicators 211
A novel approach to improve the technical maintenance of biomedical equipment 203
Analysis of different image-based biofeedback models for improving cycling performances 202
How Much Can We Trust the Electromechanical Delay Estimated by Using Electromyography? 201
State of alertness during simulated driving tasks 199
Evaluation of skin and muscular deformations in a non-rigid motion analysis 194
Efficacy of TtB-Based Visual Biofeedback in Upright Stance Trials 190
The Effect of Window Length on the Classification of Dynamic Activities through a Single Accelerometer 188
A reverse engineering schema to monitor 3-D control of upper limbs while playing the Wii 186
Calibration of a measurement system for the evaluation of efficiency indexes in bicycle training 186
Wearable PVDF transducer for biomechanical energy harvesting and gait cycle detection 184
Varying behavior of different window sizes on the classification of static and dynamic physical activities from a single accelerometer 183
Heart rate variability analysis during bicycle ergometer exercise 180
Evaluation of skin and muscular deformations in a non-rigid motion analysis 178
A wireless integrated system to evaluate efficiency indexes in real time during cycling 178
A neural network embedded system for real-time estimation of muscle forces 178
A new microcontroller-based system to optimize the digital conversion of signals originating from load cells built-in into pedals 177
Evaluation of Skin and Muscular Deformations in a non-rigid motion analysis 176
Heart rate variability analysis during bicycle ergometer exercise 173
Respiration and postural sway: detection of phase synchronizations and interactions 172
SVM versus MAP on accelerometer data to distinguish among locomotor activities executed at different speeds 172
Neuromuscular adaptations during submaximal prolonged cycling 171
The Effect of Continuous and Discretized Presentations of Concurrent Augmented Visual Biofeedback on Postural Control in Quiet Stance 170
Validity and reliability of an alternative method for measuring power output during six-second all-out cycling 169
Real time event-based segmentation to classify locomotion activities through a single inertial sensor 168
Pre-Processing Effect on the Accuracy of Event-Based Activity Segmentation and Classification through Inertial Sensors 168
A combination of template matching and Bayesian estimation to detect and classify activities of daily living 161
Muscle Synergies are Consistent when Pedaling under Different Biomechanical Demands 160
Solar energy harvest on bicycle helmet for smart wearable sensors 158
A novel integrated system for patient home monitoring 154
Evaluation of skin and muscular deformations in a non-rigid motion analysis 151
Assessment of muscular status froma surface electromyography during Dynamic protocols 150
Measuring regularity of fine upper limb movements with a haptic platform for motor learning and rehabilitation 149
Evaluation of skin and muscular deformations in a non-rigid motion analysis 148
A Maximum Likelihood approach for the detection of muscular activation timing 144
A wireless instrumented pedal to measure force during cycling 143
A wireless intelligent sensor for real time ADL monitoring 143
Muscular Fatigue from Electromyographic Recordings: Real-Time Monitoring during Exercise Training 142
Thermal energy harvesting on the bodily surfaces of arms and legs through a wearable thermo-electric generator 136
A Sitting Posture Monitoring Instrument to Assess Different Levels of Cognitive Engagement 135
Assessment of muscular status from surface electromyography during dynamic protocols 135
A predictive visual biofeedback to improve balance in upright stance trials 134
Combining Electrical and Mechanical Data to Evaluate Muscular Activities during Cycling 132
Experimental setup for evaluating the accuracy of markerless human motion estimation techniques 132
Combining electrical and mechanical data to evaluate muscular activities during cycling 131
Strain gauges position optimization in designing custom load cells for sport gesture analysis 127
How do muscles contribute to cycling? 126
Using PVDF films as flexible piezoelectric generators for biomechanical energy harvesting 126
Validity and reliability of a novel method for measuring maximal power output during 6-s all-out single legged actions on a frictionally-braked cycle-ergometer 125
Human body energy harvesting solutions for wearable technologies 125
Dynamometry as a Mean to Non-invasively Estimate Cardiac Output 124
Effect of different smartphone uses on posture while seating and standing 123
Calibration of a measurement system for the evaluation of effectiveness index in bicycle training” 122
How do muscles contribute to cycling? 116
A novel method for whole body vibration platform characterization for clinical applications 116
Body for instrumented pedal and production process thereof 116
A non-intrusive system for seated posture identification 112
A Novel Technique to Design and Optimize Performances of Custom Load Cells for Sport Gesture Analysis 111
Electromyographic features for the characterization of task failure during submaximal cycling 108
Elaborazione di un insieme minimo di segnali accelerometrici per il riconoscimento di attività motorie 104
Sistema di valutazione dell'efficienza della pedalata di un ciclista 99
Using IMUs to monitor body kinematicswhile cyclingin different in-field conditions 99
Wearable-based Temporal Parameters of Gait in Circuitous Routes under Dual-Task Conditions 82
A new approach for testing fetal heart rate monitors 74
Progression of muscular co-activation and gait variability in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: A 2-year follow-up study 69
A Physiology-based Driver Readiness Estimation Model for Tuning ISO 26262 Controllability 69
Design and development of a novel invasive blood pressure simulator for patient’s monitor testing 53
The Influence of Different Levels of Cognitive Engagement on the Seated Postural Sway 51
A Novel Physiological-Based System to Assess Drivers’ Stress during Earth Moving Simulated Activities 50
A Data-Based System for the Optimization of Emergency Medical Services Allocation in Rural Countries 39
Detecting low-to-moderate isometric muscle activity through a generalized CWT-based technique 32
Modalities of sequential human robot collaboration trigger different modifications of trunk oscillations 19
Machine learning to detect, stage and classify diseases and their symptoms based on inertial sensor data: a mapping review 16
Analysis of muscular activity of a cashier during different modalities of human robot collaboration 11
Present results and methods of vectorcardiographic diagnostics of ischemic heart disease 10
Totale 11.983
Categoria #
all - tutte 35.609
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 35.609

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.536 0 0 0 0 0 284 376 285 361 101 79 50
2020/20211.285 74 74 83 64 123 68 187 185 149 106 57 115
2021/2022855 49 83 37 23 190 28 105 37 74 30 62 137
2022/20231.098 158 200 76 98 80 240 9 89 93 5 34 16
2023/2024872 40 44 65 30 76 134 99 156 4 51 52 121
2024/2025472 41 53 223 38 13 104 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.983