Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.909
NA - Nord America 6.732
AS - Asia 2.084
AF - Africa 155
SA - Sud America 7
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
OC - Oceania 4
Totale 15.897
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.717
DK - Danimarca 2.168
GB - Regno Unito 1.876
CN - Cina 1.589
SE - Svezia 969
IT - Italia 595
DE - Germania 346
UA - Ucraina 289
SG - Singapore 272
RU - Federazione Russa 140
FI - Finlandia 120
VN - Vietnam 116
CI - Costa d'Avorio 106
IE - Irlanda 103
AL - Albania 88
TR - Turchia 69
FR - Francia 65
SN - Senegal 44
GR - Grecia 42
NL - Olanda 26
BE - Belgio 17
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 16
AT - Austria 13
ES - Italia 12
KR - Corea 12
CA - Canada 10
IN - India 9
RO - Romania 8
CH - Svizzera 7
ID - Indonesia 5
AU - Australia 4
CL - Cile 4
EU - Europa 4
OM - Oman 4
MX - Messico 3
NG - Nigeria 3
RS - Serbia 3
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 2
CO - Colombia 2
IR - Iran 2
JP - Giappone 2
PL - Polonia 2
BG - Bulgaria 1
BR - Brasile 1
CY - Cipro 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
EE - Estonia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
KE - Kenya 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LV - Lettonia 1
PA - Panama 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PT - Portogallo 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 15.897
Città #
Southend 1.784
Houston 800
Woodbridge 742
Chandler 613
Fairfield 535
Ann Arbor 493
Dearborn 465
Wilmington 434
Nanjing 323
Ashburn 311
Boardman 274
Jacksonville 245
Singapore 212
Beijing 197
Seattle 193
Rome 180
Cambridge 164
Princeton 160
Nanchang 117
Dong Ket 116
Plano 114
Dublin 99
Shenyang 99
Jinan 88
Redwood City 88
Hebei 78
Changsha 69
Izmir 67
Tianjin 59
Jiaxing 54
Dakar 44
Shanghai 43
Hefei 41
Kunming 40
Hangzhou 35
Zhengzhou 35
Bremen 31
San Diego 31
Ningbo 30
Helsinki 28
Munich 28
Guangzhou 26
New York 26
Haikou 21
Moscow 21
Taizhou 21
Orange 20
Lawrence 19
Brussels 17
Taiyuan 17
London 16
Brno 15
Milan 15
Athens 14
Los Angeles 14
Alameda 13
Dallas 12
Santa Clara 12
Florence 11
Altamura 9
Bologna 9
Flushing 9
Fort Worth 9
Lanzhou 9
Norwalk 9
Stevenage 9
Amsterdam 8
Cagliari 8
Fuzhou 8
Auburn Hills 7
Pomezia 7
Pune 7
Rende 7
Washington 7
Falls Church 6
Perugia 6
Thessaloníki 6
Trento 6
Venezia 6
Vigo 6
Bari 5
Buffalo 5
Changchun 5
Chengdu 5
Cosenza 5
Düsseldorf 5
Espoo 5
Mountain View 5
Walnut 5
Atlanta 4
Biancavilla 4
Dongguan 4
Indiana 4
Jakarta 4
Kilburn 4
Palermo 4
Redmond 4
San Paolo di Civitate 4
Sunnyvale 4
Torino 4
Totale 10.116
Nome #
Dissipatori a risalto: confronto tra osservazioni sperimentali e simulazione numerica 293
Raindrop size distribution: Fitting performance of common theoretical models 279
One hundred years of return period: Strengths and limitations 251
Analytical modeling of the hydrologic response under moving rainstorms: Storm-catchment interaction and resonance 241
Gaussian or non-Gaussian logconductivity distribution at the MADE site: What is its impact on the breakthrough curve? 231
Statistical Downscaling of Precipitation and Temperature for the Upper Tiber Basin in Central Italy 230
Design event selection in bivariate hydrological frequency analysis 224
Advective transport in heterogeneous aquifers: Are proxy models predictive? 222
Hydrological effects of within-catchment heterogeneity of drainage density 220
Changing climate both increases and decreases European river floods 218
Distribution of the extreme peak floods of the Tiber River from the XV century 216
Effects of hillslope dynamics and network geometry on the scaling properties of the hydrologic response 212
A theoretically consistent stochastic cascade for temporal disaggregation of intermittent rainfall 211
The Stationarity Paradigm Revisited: Hypothesis Testing Using Diagnostics, Summary Metrics, and DREAM(ABC) 205
Scaling properties of rainfall time-series in the urban area of Rome 201
A simplified framework for assessing the impact of rainfall spatial variability on the hydrologic response 200
Understanding the relative role of dispersion mechanisms across basin scales 198
Analisi statistica di una lunga serie di massimi colmi annuali 197
Comparison of different fittings of drop spectra for rainfall retrievals 193
An analysis of the relative roles of catchment dispersion mechanisms through numerical experiments 192
Downscaling temporale della precipitazione: un modello a cascata stocastica discreta 191
Hydrological analysis of the Upper Tiber River Basin, Central Italy: a watershed modelling approach 188
Rainfall downscaling in time: Theoretical and empirical comparison between multifractal and Hurst-Kolmogorov discrete random cascades 185
Impact of Climate change on the Hydrology of Upper Tiber River Basin Using Bias Corrected Regional Climate Model 184
Analysis of temperature trends, heat and cold waves in Central Italy (1952-2008) 182
A simple lumped rainfall runoff model accounting for the spatial variability of drainage density 181
Hydraulic structures subject to bivariate hydrological loads: Return period, design and risk assessment. 181
Multifractal analysis of radar rainfall fields over the area of Rome 180
Selection of the probabilistic model of extreme floods: the case of the River Tiber in Rome 179
Sworn testimony of the model evidence: Gaussian Mixture Importance (GAME) sampling 177
Just two moments! A cautionary note against use of high-order moments in multifractal models in hydrology 176
Preface—Special issue: Facets of uncertainty 175
Influence of rainstorm movement on basin hydrographs: theoretical analysis of resonance conditions 174
Changing climate shifts timing of European floods 173
Analisi statistica di una lunga serie di massimi colmi annuali 172
On the concept and estimation of return period for time-dependent hydrological events 172
A European Flood Database: Facilitating comprehensive flood research beyond administrative boundaries 172
A statistical approach for rainfall events classification 170
Drop dissipators: a comparison between CFD simulations and experimental observations 168
Dual polarization radar observations of precipitation events in the area of Rome 168
Risanamento idraulico nel contesto urbano alla luce delle Direttiva Alluvioni 163
Preannuncio di piena basato su previsione meteorologica con un modello idrologico a parametri distribuiti 162
Effect of time discretization and finite record length on continuous-time stochastic properties 161
Reply to comment by S. P. Neuman on “Advective transport in heterogeneous aquifers: Are proxy models predictive?” 161
Save hydrological observations! Return period estimation without data decimation 161
Channel drops: A comparison between CFD simulations and experimental observations 161
Return period for time-dependent hydrological events 160
Can we use a single hydrological event for hydraulic structure design? 160
Applicazioni della radarmeteorologia nella gestione dei manufatti di drenaggio urbano: il caso di Roma 159
Exploring the variability of the hydrologic response due to rainfall spatial heterogeneity: Analytical derivations and numerical simulations 158
Study on multifractal modeling of spatial rainfall 156
On return period and probability of failure in hydrology 156
Effetti indiretti della variabilità spaziale della densità di drenaggio 155
Disaggregazione temporale della precipitazione 155
Identification of hydrological events using copulas 154
Theoretical and empirical comparison of stochastic disaggregation and downscaling approaches for rainfall time series 154
The role of time-dependence in return period estimation 153
Investigating the scaling regimes of rainfall time series from a dense rain gauge network 153
Efficiency of model selection criteria in flood frequency analysis 152
The impact of nonGaussian logconductivity distributions on transport, with application to the MADE experiment 152
A new approach to account for the spatial variability of drainage density in rainfall runoff modelling 151
Effetti della variabilità spaziale del campo di precipitazione sulla risposta idrologica: un’indagine attraverso modelli analitici e numerici semplificati 151
Efficacia di un sistema di casse di espansione per la difesa idraulica della città di Roma 151
Scaling properties of rainfall time series 149
Drop dissipators: a comparison between CFD simulations and experimental observations 148
Sample Quantile Criterion (SQC): un criterio per la selezione dei modelli probabilistici 147
Scaling Properties of Rainfall Time Series-Session HW2003: Analysis of Variability in Hydrological Data Series 147
Multifractal downscaling models: A crash test 147
Analisi multifrattale di campi di precipitazione osservati da rete pluviometrica sull'area metropolitana di Roma 146
Reconstruction of the extreme flood series of the Tiber river in Rome from the XV century 146
Distribution of the extreme peak floods of the Tiber River from the XV centuries 146
The extreme peak flow series of the River Tiber in Rome 145
Reliability of a hydrometeorolgical flood forecasting procedure 145
Operational applications of radar rainfall data in urban hydrology 145
Risanamento idraulico nel contesto urbano alla luce della Direttiva Alluvioni 144
How to parsimoniously disaggregate rainfall in time 143
Efficacia di un sistema di casse d’espansione per la difesa idraulica della città di Roma 141
Il progetto delle opere di difesa idraulica nel contesto multivariato 139
Effetto delle dinamiche di versante sulle proprietà di invarianza di scala nei bacini naturali 136
Gestione del rischio inondazione a Roma 134
An extensive analysis of hillslope-to-channel length variability at different scales 133
On space-time rainfall multifractal modeling 133
The Extreme Peak Flow Series of the River Tiber in Rome-Session HW: Analysis of Variabilty in Hydrological Data Series 130
Return period for time dependent processes 130
Space-time rainfall downscaling using a multifractal model: a case study 129
Sono ancora a rischio d’inondazione i beni storico-artistici di Roma? L’informazione fornita dalle piene storiche. Resilienza delle Città d’Arte alle catastrofi Idrogeologiche: Successi e Insuccessi dell’Esperienza Italiana 129
Sull'inferenza delle proprietà multifrattali di campi di precipitazione spazio-temporali da rete pluviometrica 121
Multifractal analisys of radar rainfall fields over the area of Rome 119
Reservoir Effects on Flood Peak Discharge at the Catchment Scale 114
Structural, dynamic and anthropic conditions that trigger the emergence of the levee effect: insight from a simplified risk-based framework 96
Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH)–a community perspective 87
Model averaging versus model selection: estimating design floods with uncertain river flow data 84
Flood modeling and groundwater flooding in urbanized reclamation areas: The case of Rome (Italy) 80
Global-scale massive feature extraction from monthly hydroclimatic time series: Statistical characterizations, spatial patterns and hydrological similarity 79
Quantifying the relative impact of hydrological and hydraulic modelling parameterizations on uncertainty of inundation maps 61
A New Physically Based Index to Quantify the Impact of Multiple Reservoirs on Flood Frequency at the Catchment Scale Based on the Concept of Equivalent Reservoir 54
On the Effectiveness of LID Infrastructures for the Attenuation of Urban Flooding at the Catchment Scale 48
Continuous hydrologic modelling for small and ungauged basins: A comparison of eight rainfall models for sub-daily runoff simulations 46
Totale 16.099
Categoria #
all - tutte 44.084
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 44.084

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.274 0 0 0 0 0 0 451 288 334 68 93 40
2020/20212.006 74 55 252 41 107 146 295 237 171 215 154 259
2021/20221.209 44 109 30 33 208 69 127 40 101 39 271 138
2022/20231.732 179 225 111 208 225 356 9 154 171 14 53 27
2023/2024737 43 75 44 56 48 103 40 140 39 27 12 110
2024/2025706 28 212 295 42 35 94 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 16.400